Music is my life, i don't know where I'd be without it!! I don't want to end up in a boring office job that requires no creativity, that would be my hell. Andi and Kasey are my bestest friends in the world, with all of their amazing oddities they are my soul mates, and we all want the same thing which is so great. As for Ron he has issues and he just slots in cause we need a guitarist other than that he's okay. Lastly I love meeting other bands, we have made quite a few friends along the way and it's excellent to correspond with people who are on the same wavelength as you.
This may sound soppy, actually I know it will, but I have the greatest group of friends in the world. they all have these contradicting personalities, which is rare, so absolutely none of us are the same which makes for excellent conversation and outings!! It;s amazing sometimes that we all manage to stay together,well I just don't know what I'd do without them. I hope we all keep in contact after school but you can't always tell. Of course there's the bitchiness but we seem to get past it a lot! Also I can't forget to mention those long-term friends who I don't get to see very much but are still more important to me than ever! You know who you are!
It may sound weird but this is what I am like! I love to come up with theories adn stories about the significance of irrelevant things, it's actually quite interesting. It's even better when people play along with me. It's great when people rave on to me about the weird, wonderful and not so wonderful things they have encircling their mind, I love listening. So if you like to philosophise about the little eccentricities in life, you should e-mail me because people like that are becoming a dying breed which is really disappointing because its those people who usually have the most creativity and most interesting conversation!!