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Content- Welcome... Updates-

>innocent criminals
>i can't believe it's not rock!
>concert reviews


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>my awards
>it's all about the fans

>link to my site
>thank you's
>greeting cards
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chair links
>silverchair official site
>Llama Appreciation Society
>I Can't Believe it's Not Rock!


Hey! Welcome back to my website if you are returning or welcome to my website if you've never been here before! I've been working hard on this website to make it more enjoyable for you, the viewers, so if there is something you want to see featured on this site don't hesitate to write it in the guestbook, message board, or email!! So.. enjoy the site and vote for me if you like what you see :)

What everyone wants to know!! "Whats up with the recording process, and when am i going to get my new cd!!" Well calm down because put up some more news! Here it is- During the past Four weeks Daniel, Ben, Chris, and David Bottrill (producer) have been in Newcastle getting everything together. About a dozen songs have been written already and the guys are going to start recording Monday August 20th, 2001!! (In NSW) Stay Tuned for more info and go to because Rocert Hambling is filming the making of the album! This means behind-the-scenes footage ;) and there is also a diary of this recording process on as well! so check it out!
Gizmos Studio Diary!

Of corse everyone should know who Paul Mac is by now ('chair remixs, i can't believe its not rock..) Well hes back in the Chair news. Paul Mac has a new album coming out {3000 Feet High} and Ben and Chris do a guest apperence on the song "Everywhere I Go" For a sample of that song, click on the banner above or click here Paul Mac - Music


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Check out Gizmos Studio Diary at also all you LAS members go to the Members Only page (You have to know the password!) to get all the news before non LAS members!!