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Content- Your links-

>innocent criminals
>i can't believe it's not rock!
>concert reviews


>your links
>message board
>become a member
>win award
>my awards
>it's all about the fans

>link to my site
>thank you's
>greeting cards
>sign guestbook
>view guestbook

chair links
>silverchair official site
>Llama Appreciation Society
>I Can't Believe it's Not Rock!

Your Links

"the chair" is a reallly cool chair site, i recommend checking it out if you haven't already, there is a lot there.

"suicidal dream" is one of the first chair fans i ever started talking too.. hes cool and gave me lots of webpage tips, check it out.

"hiding in the shade" is one of the nicest chair fans in the world :) she shows lots of work in her site and she even took the time to make me banners when i first started out!

"" is a really great page! She has like every chair link and lots of great info. I found her link on the LAS message board, and I love the page now, it shows a lot of effort :)

People Who Have Won My Award..


Liquid Stars


the froggies

chair fan

Black Tangled Heart

silverchair kicks ass

Welcome to Melissa's silverchair page and homepage! Dee Silverchair Page


If you won an award in my past website, i'll put your link here but if your not here and would like to be, email me! it's rockin