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Content- About Me-

>innocent criminals
>i can't believe it's not rock!
>concert reviews


>your links
>message board
>become a member
>win award
>my awards
>it's all about the fans

>link to my site
>thank you's
>greeting cards
>sign guestbook
>view guestbook

chair links
>silverchair official site
>Llama Appreciation Society
>I Can't Believe it's Not Rock!

About Me

That would be the most recent picture of me. It's my brother, Keith, and me at a school dance. I'll try to get a more newer pic but thats it for now :) I always hate putting up these 'about me' pages.. because when you go to them and see the people that make them its like egghh they like silverchair? you know.. haha oh well :)
Anyway.. a little about me. My name is Kim, im 14 years old (shut up lol) and I live in la Plata, Maryland. I'm in my 9th year of school at La Plata High School. I'm a member of the Llama Appreciation Society and if you are too, i'm on the LAS message board sometimes. My name is RainingFire01 :)
Hmm what else.. I've been a chair fan since back in 97. My brother (whos in the pic) was a huge fan and he got me into that stuff and i thank him all the time because i'm not into that pop stuff :) He influenced me to learn how to play guitar and i've been playing for 9 months! My favorite song to play is "Ana's Song (Open Fire)" It's fun doing the slide part lol.
um i dont know what else to say