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Concert Reviews

Kim's experience at the 9:30 club in Washington DC-
It started when i was one of the 1st 20 in line waiting to get in (as it got later we kept moving back because the people cutting in line) that was ok though because we got back in the front. We got stuck behind these guys that were saying they knew silverchair and stuff so it was fun to listen to them because they were telling us stuff. (probably was all fake but they were nice.) We got to see Lit pull up, that was cool. After hours of waiting to get in, they let us in and the first 100 people got free "Anthem" singles (this was before Neon ballroom came out) it was neat, we also got little 1999 Calanders for free! We got and ran to the front and we were in 1st, 2nd and 3rd row(we had lots of friends, luckly i got in 2nd row) Lit came on (yeah it was fun..) i couldent breathe because it was really packed and the Bouncer guy was going to let me over the bar but i dident know where i was going to go so i said no, i liked where i was. HA. after Lit was off i went to the back for water and all and lost my spot and the other people wouldent let me back up with my friends! But anyway i just stood there in the middle of a huge crowd! Silverchair came on and it rocked! (my bro and 1 of his friends-Billy (who is now famous in Good Charlotte) came over to where i was, in front of Daniel) It was fun because we knew the lyrics to Neon Ballroom but no one else did so we were singing real loud! For a sec Daniel looked strait at us because we were singing along to the new songs! (i had a Animal Liberation Shirt on that i made because some girl told me to and blah blah blah.. so my brother tried holding me up so Daniel could see it but it didnt work after he got me up Dan closed his eyes) anyway at the end of the concert the Bouncer guys were throwing Silverchairs stuff (drum sticks, guitar picks, sweat towels (egh..), and any other little useless things) i was close to getting a drum stick but i guess im a little too small, some big guys got it, oh well :) But i did get the guitarist's autograph from Lit and he asked about my shirt and i felt dumb.

Photo's from the 9:30 Club (taken by me and Jenny)

Kims experience at the 1999 HFStival
Blink 182 came on before Silverchair so i missed most of Blink trying to get to the other side of the statium (thats ok though) When we got to the other side Blink was almost finished so we made our way to the front. It was so hot and we had this squirt bottle with a fan on it and we were like if u let us to the front we will make u wet! lol and it worked! we got up there and every1 was happy they were cooling off haha. So Silverchair came on and me and my friend Kristi were infront of Chris. It was awesome! I dont remember what songs they played but i remember they played "Anthem For The Year 2000" last.