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Content- It's all about the fans -

>innocent criminals
>i can't believe it's not rock!
>concert reviews


>your links
>message board
>become a member
>win award
>my awards
>it's all about the fans

>link to my site
>thank you's
>greeting cards
>sign guestbook
>view guestbook

chair links
>silverchair official site
>Llama Appreciation Society
>I Can't Believe it's Not Rock!

It's all about the fans

This section is for all fans to come together and post things. Stuff like pictures they have drawn, pictures they took, and anything chair related. Or maybe you have been looking for something for a long time but didn't want to pay a million dollars for it on ebay and someone has it! You can communicate with people here and make friends and find out things.
Once this page gets going by things.. hopefully submitted i'll make it more nice and appealing but for now since i have like nothing i'll just wait for an email :)

Done by- Kim(webmaster), 1st one in 1999, 2nd one in 2001 (yes i know, i have no artistic ability at all lol)