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Ways to Tell You Have Been In Color Guard Too Long...

When you hear music and you start marking time
When you walk behind someone and you're in step with them
When you try to guess the tempo of your favorite song
When all your friends are in band or guard
When you don't mind changing clothes on a bus
When every guy you're interested in is in the band
When you like wearing your uniform
When people worry when they see you without your equipment
When band camp is FUN
When your equipment has a name
When making a line is your biggest accomplishment of the day
When your uniform fits
When you see the guard more than you see your family
When you think eveninig practices should last a half-hour longer
When you accidentally call your band director Dad
When you can put on your uniform in less than 10 minutes
When you have tan lines from your gloves
When you subconsciously start spinning a pencil
When fast food seems good to you
When your fav restaurants are Dennys and IHOPs
When your favorite mode of transportation is yellow and seats 45
When the Denny's waiters and waitresses know you by name and you can say that you have almost sat in every seat in Denny's
When you hear a song ont he radio and you begin to envision a show to it
When you are playing pool or baseball and you start doing spins
When you can get a good night's sleep on a bus
When you go out in your back yard and practice for fun
When you graduate, you miss it
When you're excited for band camp
When you walk onto a bus and say "Wow!! This one is bigger!!" or "Wasn't this the same bus/bus driver we had last time??"
When your closet is packed with uniforms from previous years
When you can do make-up anywhere
When you are used to changing your clothes on the bus while all the band members are there
You love to teach other people how to spin.


As I feel the bass rumble through my feet
I wait as I sense the silence and the tension, and hear my heart beat
I then begin to hear some very familiar sounds,
which brings back memories and friendships that were found.
The feeling of deep concentration then runs through every life on the floor,
mental connection is all we have, nothing more.
Silk brushing across your face,
bodies gliding from place to place.
Interuptions of applause are really no interuptions at all.
As sweat begins to pour as if your under the gleaming sun,
you soon begin to realize that you are nearly now done,
You can't wait for that final beat of music to be sent through the room,
but you will come to regret that, because it will all end too soon.
Once you feel no more bass, and you stand still as sweat drips down your face,
You've found yourself in your glory...
you've TRULY found your place.

"We Are The Show"

The time between seasons drags
And the days click by like dominoes
One by one they tumble over
Countdown to begin the show.

Then finally the season starts
The date is set, the time, the place
We organize another year
The calendars fill with practice dates.

Tosses, spins, amazing grace
The music haunts us day and night
Foot here, hand there, the flag in place
Practice, practice to make it right.

Performance faces, focused eyes
The music fills our hearts once more
Just like in practice all those times
We dance across the wooden floor.

A show well done fills up our hearts
The end result of hours strained
We burst with pride when we know it's good
And when it's not, we burn with shame.

All our shows improve by bounds
The season moves on faithfully
And all too soon it has to end
When it's all over, where will we be?

A little wiser, a little sad
To see another season go
But knowing we'll always treasure the time
When together, we were the show.

...Taken from the Glastonbury HS Color Guard's Webpage...

If It Wasn't For Guard, I...

1. Wouldn't have so many black and blue marks
2. Wouldn't have so many good memories
3. Would have done more homework
4. Would have had less pride
5. Wouldn't be so flexible
6. Would have gotten more sleep
7. Would have had less fun
8. Would have had a weaker mind and body
9. Would never had met my best friends
10. Would never had had the courage to dream of doing things I now do every day of my life

The pros outweigh the cons!
Just SPIN!!

ColorGuard means...

Having red hands, and sore wrists. It means hours of work with no stopping. It means practicing outdoors in every weather condition. It means spending all your free time with a flag, gun or blade and loving it. It means working harder than you ever have before. It means forming a bond with people that will never end. It means thinking about nothing else but colorguard for months. It means that unimaginable feeling that surges through you when you win.
