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interview with jessika , taken by evil dink and

evil dink and simplestain websites

evil dink

This is not the full interview with jessika from jack off jill, for full interview go here and then click on interviews

Jeff: I basically would describe JOJ's music as...

Jessicka: Culture club meets Kiss? (laughs)

Jeff: I wouldn't argue that, but I was thinking more of the lyrical side as longing for the innocence of childhood while fighting off the scars of being an adult...

Jessicka: Yeah that's very good, that's a very good description.

Jeff: There are certain topics I'm a little wary about asking...

Jessicka: It's OK, you can ask anything.

Jeff: OK, I know there's a lot of demand out on the net and a lot of interest in finding the Mrs. Scabbtree stuff.

Jessicka: OK, well I have a video tape and that's all I have and it's a third generation copy, I don't think even Manson has a copy of it actually, I don't think he does. I mean he bluffs and says that he does but I really don't think he does. I'm like well where is it? He's like (in Manson voice) ‘Well you know it's somewhere ... I can't really find it at the moment.’ I've been trying to get copies off some people in Florida, it exists, but my copy seems like it's fifty yards away there just too rare to find. It does exist, it did happen. The people that were involved in it really don't have any paraphernalia cause it was just two shows. People think it was this long running thing.

Jeff: We have very little information about it.

Jessicka: It was two shows, the first one was the real Scabbtree, the original Scabbtree. It was myself, Manson, Twiggy, Pogo, daisy, our friend Mark Dubin, this guy named Patrick Choice that you'll see in a lot of our home videos, the guy in the cowboy hat. It was one of those things that everyone dressed up as different characters. As far as it really goes, it was our arena to take out aggression on other bands that we hated at the time. It really was. It's funny now, because some of those bands now say ‘oh we were Manson/Jack off Jill fans from day one’. Fuck off, you weren't you gave us a hard time, and to give their name out would ingratiate them even more.

Jeff: Let me just guess, Saigon Kick?

Jessicka: (surprised) No actually there was no Saigon kick around they were actually long gone, wow, you know a lot of Florida history I see...It was this band that doesn't exist anymore and they came to shows and they had a problem with both bands. They would pass out flyers that said 'Come to the JOJ/Marilyn Manson Freak show, pay five bucks to see a bunch of idiots dance around and play terrible music.’

Jeff: I do have to take another guess, because there is another band that I'm not even sure existed, cause I've read a little bit here and there, but nothing that really says anything about them...Who or what or who was involved in Satan on Fire?

Jessicka: Oh Satan on Fire was the same people, it was Gidget Gein (Brad Stewart the old bass player for Manson), Manson, and I think Twiggy did a few things with it. They come from the same family tree...Satan On Fire wasn't a band, Satan on Fire was a recording and this guy, I think his name was Brad Gascill did poetry about vampires and women masturbating. Satan on Fire never even played out, ever. Again those are long lost demo's that don't even exist anymore.

remember jessika knew alot about manson cuz manson and joj were close. so i believe everyword she said was true.

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~POGO GACEY: ok i think that this tells the truth about satan on fire and mrs.scabtree. so thats my opinion

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