All of the contents of this website
are copyrighted by Stone Theory Music, unless otherwise noted. This includes
all artwork, graphics, MP3 and Wav files, and Lyrics. These may not be reproduced,
distributed or sold without prior written consent. All original artwork
includes a digital
signature, for easy identification for theft deterrency. Legal
action will be taken, in the even of theft.
If these terms are unclear to you, then please
e-mail me
and they will be explained to you in greater detail.
All art work and graphics are the original and sole property of Stone Theory Music except for the following: -Guest Book Link Page: The animated .gif files of the page turning book, and the green flickering candles (2) animated .gif files. These files were obtained from the Angelfire web building graphics library, and are royalty-free to the best of my knowledge. -Background of Website- background tile also obtained
from the Angelfire
web building graphics library, and are royalty free to the best of my