Rodney Tasm



When Rodney started drumming at the age of 6 months, already he had the ability to match up Neil Pert (Rush) in every aspect. Then his life started going down-hill. Now he's as good as Ringo.... But Rodney still persists at his art by being one of the co-founder, producer, song writter, art director, webmaster and drummer for TASM.

Also, Rodney likes cheese.

Rodney hit commercial success with his previous band called "Monkey Feces". Their single "My Monkey Eats His Feces" hit number 50 at the local radio station in Gatineau, Quebec (WESK).

After a messy break-up (yogourt was spilled in the process), Rodney picked himself up and, with his brother Johnny, created what would be the greatest band that ever existed: TASM.

Even though TASM was founded after legendary groups such as the Beatles, Led Zeppelin and the Who, Rodney still insists that TASM influenced all these bands.

Rodney plans on drumming for the rest of his life, or at least until his parents sell their house, then he wouldn't know where to store his drums... if someone is willing to provide some room for his drums, please e-mail him ASAP.

Thank you and keep on rockin'!