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sept 19th 03: yo guys. as you can tell we've been real fucking busy. steve, wheels, and paw have school to attend to, wheels recently started booking shows for the allen thetare.(not to mention he handles all TFD affairs) so check out his next one on oct 9th: its a hardcore night... anyway the band is still alive and well, practicing when we have spare moment. and chilling and getting fucked up. but thats besides the point. were broke as usual. so we have no more shirts. but we have pins for $1 that you can get at any of our shows. or if you see us. hit us up. we have 2 new shows in oct. so check out the shows section!.. and thats it for now! remember to join the crew @ you will get to interact with various tfd fans. make new friends. and hear of other shows that go on in the hardcore/punk scene. . thats if for now fuckers!!! stay up and stay strong!!! TFD

july 3rd: hey guys as you knwo we have a show with epitaph recording artist 1208.. other bands playing are my good friends from 909 millicent, sticky bandits, left out.. in other news, tfd fans have put together a tfd crew website.. this for anyone who likes our music/message/ or just likes to party with us!.. so head on over to and post your profile and pictures! join the crew to help spread the word on tfd!

may 16: hey guys.. one shot night went well. we got interviewed by " the hoolagans manafesto" a local zine that is out today.. i beleive you can get a copy at the allen theatre.. ill be putting the link up asap!.. as for news.. the new 50 cent cd is the shit! our freinds millicent form the 909 is playing the allen on the 17th i believe.. its SAT. go check um out!.. thats it for now.. thanks

april 28th: well as you can see there has been a bunch of shit goin around. but hopefully this shit gets cleared up. we are almost out of shirts but dont worry we will be making more. we also have our shirts in uptown 2000 (nextto pennylane) so go bug um as usual.. anyway we have afree show on friday . look in shows section. thats it for now. stay frustrated and drink more beer!!!

april 7th: anyway the youth brigade show went well. sold out night, with kick ass bands. clit 45 , dms and youth brigade all put on an awsome show.. and thanks for everyone who came out to support even though some of you didnt get in till we were done playing due to the long ass lines. but we are very thankfull that you guys come out to support.. as for news. we have soem shirts on sale for all you locals in uptown 2000 (next to pennylane) in uptown whittier. ask um fo rum. and tell those fuckers not to lie that they dont have um. cuz i took um in with one shot records.. last time i saw them on floor racks.. anyway bug um for your size so they order more.. as you all know we have shows all this month so go check um out niggah!

Friday April 4th: The Frustrated-Destruction Made Simple-Clit45-Youth Brigade-plus special guest.8$ show @ The Allen Theatre. 3809 TWEETY BLVD. SouthGate,CA. Go to for more info!

march 3rd: last min show added .. check shows section. and we will be selling shirts for $8

feb. 10th : anyway teh show at teh allen theatre was a good one. for those who missed it... your stupid. it was a sold out night (because of the obvious: kfm, schizm and backside)and the crowd was energetic. we finally have shirts that are on sale for $8 + a donation if you want to give us more. if you want it shipped to your house. shipping and handleing costs apply. just e-mail us at thats all the news for now peace---------------tfd

january 17th: so you guys might be wondering what the fuck is going on with tfd's lazy asses. well wheels started school again, livin the single life, and trying to find a job, while greg and steve smoke out, and while paw does bottom line.. we havent been doing a god damm thing.. but dont worry boys and girls we will be back in action soon. i wanna throw another show but i havent found a location yet.. so if you guys have any ideas let me know.. and also i am starting fresh with the whole new "frustrated radio" thing so please tune in on thursdays at 7:30. and last but not least if you have pics or vids from any of our shows can you please contact the band peace out, stay frustrated!! TxFxDx

december 9th: well as you can see we have a show in chino. check shows section for that. and tfd has finally finished the logos for a shirt. so we will have them on sale in a bit. and 3rd.. we are putting together "FRUSTRATED RADIO" where i (wheels) will host a radio show one night a week. im still trying to figure it out but as soon as i get the hang of it. its on!. im doing this so maybe everyone can come together listen to punk rock and chat in our chatroom. so be on the look out for that! till nexttime. stay frustrated!

dec.1st: well the show last night went very well. a good turn out even though i was expecting more. but that didnt take away from the fun. all the bands were great even though there was hardly anyone there for dicfor and ninefold witch i was very pissed about.. but the show was good for us. we like to thank everyone who came out and got drunk and enjoyed themselves.. ha ha ha.. and who supported us.. it was great. i would also like to thank all the bands who drove out a good distance. we will have some pics up of the show soon. as soon as we get them developed. p.s. if you have any pics or video of the show and you woudl like to send us copies e-mail us at ----------TxFxDx

oct 18th: we have a show commen up in the future. so check the gigs section! our shirts are almost done because greg has finally taken the time to draw something! lets give him a hand. that little lazy fuck

aug 30th: well we have a gig commin up so check the shows page. we are in the process of making shirts we just need to come up with a picture. any ideas?? send um to otherwise greg will take forever to draw one.. one more thing we might MIGHT be recording a split sometime soon with some secret band(s) so look out for that!

Aug 14th: so i finally put all the pics up. ahhh. yea greg fucked up a couple of them but thats okay!. anyway. my goal these next couple of months is to 1. get more shows and 2. make this shit more fun for yall motha fukas. so i propose. every thursday night starting at 10pm. i invite you all to go into our chat room. get to know eachother from the scene and make new friends. well till next time. piss off!

aug 1st: as you can see, we are updating this shit slowly. i (wheels) got the pics from greg so as soon as i get back from vacation and set up my scanner, those shits will be up. also we are in the process of makin new shirts, and we are for real this time! so hold on to your panties. also we have our whole demo out on our music page. so yea hit that shit up foo!untill next time......... stay frustrated....

JUNE 20th: @ The Showcase Theatre with NARCOLEPTIC YOUTH-[BACKSIDE-SWINDLE-and The FrustrateD...Keep checking in for more updates!!!-Skunk >

These are the bands that inspire uss...millencolin, voodoo glow skulls, thulsa doom, guttermouth, nofx, afi, 7 seconds, the casualties, a globel threat, against all authority, agnostic front, the trouble, union 13, pennywise, backside, rancid, operation ivy, screeching weazle, the buisness, anti heros, sick of it all, circle jerks, anti flag, black flag, descendants, naked aggression, f.y.p., bovver 96, 98 mute, bigwig, link 80, propagandhi, lagwagon, swingin utters, total chaos, bad religion, less than jake, dropkick murphys, no use for a name, satanic surfers, h20, t.s.o.l., straight faced, 59 times the pain, the varukers, the exploited, d.r.i., g.b.h., infa riot, the suicide machines, the vandals,minor threat, strung out.etc... props to the local bands the nipples, beware, crevis injection, p-47, misled conception, ssdd, lds, hate mail, explicit noize, estrogen(metal but r cool), reload(im a rude boy), youth rebellion, twitch, renagade youth, suburban chaos. "wheels" would like to thank his and our close friends pennywise for putting him on the live album.