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IGHT .. WELL .. I am currently a student at Cerritos college. just got out of along term relationship. I ride street bmx but I suck at it . im in a band.. that’s why you are here. I run laps and do hurdles.. im crippled in case you haven’t noticed. But I can still get it up... big shot out to adam, german, and the rest for moshing at our shows. Erin for loving me as a friend for 4 years as a friend and still loven me after all we’ve been through I love you! Hi-5 to everyone who has supported us when we started out and as we progress.. if you think we are pussy punk now compared to how we used to be. FUCK YOU. we evolved and we are having fun! A big fuck you to the guys who think being in a pit is a place to fight and see who is tougher.. I hope you die.. no I don’t.. but you guys suck,. You always ruin the shows.... I like all sorts of punk music. From street/oi to fukin skunk and hardcore.. my fave band is PENNYWISE always have been and always will be. Thanx for hooken it up so many times guys..thanx to my mom and dad. Even though they hated the direction I was goin. I wouldn’t be me without the way you raised me. Thanx to the school (jr.high) I went to.. its your fault too for holden me back as an individual all those years.. to all that made fun of me because I was in a wheelchair.. thanks because now im a stronger man. Some of the bands I like are: LINK 80, GOOD RIDDANCE, DEVIATES,98 MUTE, STRIFE, SUICIDE MACHINES, TOTAL CHAOS, SLIGHTLY STUPID, CASUALTIES, THULSA DOOM, AGAINST ALL AUTHORITY, F.Y.P, BACKSIDE, BLOOD FOR BLOOD, HATEBREED, RAISED FIST, TERROR, SICK OF IT ALL, TEH LINE, DEATH THREAT, YOUTH OF TODAY, YOUTH BRIGADE, UNIFORM CHOICE, ETC... I could go on forever.. if you think im cool thanx.. and if you think im a loser. Thanx for tellen the truth. Feel free to hit me up. PDUB989R@HOTMAIL.COM you can hang out with the band. Not like that’s cool cuz we are just another bunch of losers. But hey.. its better than sitting on your fat ass all day and doin shit.. ok im done.. if I left anything out just e-mail me......