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The One & Only A1 :: An "A1" Fansite BEN'S PROFILE....:

Ben Adams Name: Benjamin Stevens Adams
Nickname: Soul a1
Born: 22/11/81
Place of Birth: Middlesex
Distinguishing marks: Scar on right eyebrow
Family details: Mum, Dad, 1 brother, Rupert and 1 sister, Lucy, both under the age of 8!
Pets: None
Education: Left school at 16 with 7 A's and 3 B's at GCSE Level
Fav Colour: Marine
Height: 5'10'
Weight: 10 1/2 stone
Hair colour: Dark brown
Eye colour: Blue
Personality: Fun, happy & very confident!
Plays Instrument(s): Piano, violin, oboe
Favourite Music: R'n'B/Soul. Tracey Chapman, Michael Jackson
Hobbies: Song writing, singing, dancing & performing (especially with "a1")
I always got an A1 on my school report for: Music and pulling girls!
My fave thing beginning with A is: A good laugh
The 1 thing I always carry with me is: A smile
I've got a real Appetite for: Success
The 1 thing I'd change about my appearance is: Nothing - me is me!
My fave Actor/Actress is: Demi Moore - for obvious reasons
Fav Film: 4 weddings and a funeral
The 1 record I'd take on a desert island is: By Tracy Chapman
The Answer to everything is: 10!
The 1 word I'd use to describe myself is: Fun
My motto is: Be the best you can be!
Facts: Ben has sung for all the royalties (royal weddings ++) and for pope, at many TV-shows like Barrymore. He's already recorded 2 classical CD's when he was head chorister of St.Margarets Westminster Abbey.

Ben In His Own Words..

I'm Ben and I'm the baby of the band. Not only do I bring my music to the group, but I bring a bit of cheek too! And some naughtiness! I'm happy most of the time and I don't think you'd ever see me not smiling 'cause I love what I'm doing!
I've always wanted to do this career ever since I can remember. I grew up on my mum's Tracy Chapman records, but whatever singers I heard I'd try to imitate.
I became head chorister of St Margaret's Westminster Abbey which meant I got a lot of attention. I loved it! I sang for the Pope, the Queen and for royal weddings and charities. I've also been on radio, television shows like Barrymore and documentaries too - but I'd only ever listen to my bit then switch off! I recorded two classical CDs which are my pride and joy - until the a1 CD comes out!
Because I went to an arty school, I did a lot of acting both in plays and musicals as well - my best performance was as the MC in a musical called Cabaret and I spent a week in character!
I was still at school when I joined a1. Mark introduced me to our manager, I sang a cappella - a Tracy Chapman song, of course - and was asked to join up there and then!
Being in a1 is excellent, everything I've ever dreamed of!