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Welcome to the Official Tone Fetish website.  That's right official.  That means you're going to find stuff about Tone Fetish here before you find it at other places. 
Use the navigation bar on the left to surf your way around the site.  The Stuff link dosn't work yet, but will one day lead to the Tone Fetish store! 
 • The News
 • The Shows
 • The Band
 • The Staff
 • The Tunes
 • The Stuff
 • The Downloads
 • The Thanks
 • The Guestbook
 • Contact
 • Links
Well, at least I'm only a week or so late with this post.  Let's see YOU manage a website.  Hmmmm?
Anyway, the point of the post is this:
The turnout at the Nov. 30th show was great!  It took us a few minutes of mad thinking skill, but the way we figure, there was something like 127 people at the show.  S'a pretty good turnout of you as me.
No news as to when the next show is, rumoured to be early January, I'll keep you posted.

Another update!  Band type stuff this time around though.  There's been a few changes to the band.  I've been informed that the msytical Grillo shall be comming back to Tone Fetish sometime in December I think.  I addition, Rachel (that manager girl) has joined the ranks of Tone Fetish to provide backup and harmony vocals, as well as shaky plastic fruit sounds.
With these changes to the band, there are most obviously changes to the site.  The Band section has changed, you should check it out.  The gear page has also changed to reflect this.  Though she's still managing the band, Rachel has moved over to the Band section, and been taken out of the Staff section.  This leaves me all alone in said staff section.  I am sad.
Still no pictures from the last show.  I know, I suck.

Talked to Tony the other day, he informed me that Late-Nite Airwave Invaders will be playing at the Nov. 30th show!

Alright all you rabid TF fans, the next show is tenativly set for November 30th at the Knights of Columbus Hall at 12 and Groesbeck again.  We're not sure who else will be playing there, but we'll let you know when we do know.
About those pictures... see, I haven't gotten around to putting them up yet.  It's actually a lot more work then I thought it was gonna be, and I haven't had many chances to work on the site over the past few weeks.  I will get them up though, I promise.

To those of you that were at the K of C hall Friday, thanks! 
To those of you that missed the show, you missed a great one. 
We brought in something like $320 towards the New York releif effort. 
Things got underway a little late, about a half an hour or so, but everyone sounded great. 
Once Tone Fetish got set up those who did come got treated to a few songs by the famous Late-Nite Airwave Invaders!  As it trns out they plan on making a comeback sometime around November or so.  You can find their webiste on the Links page, or here.
We'll be putting up some new pictures as soon as I can get them to scan them.  Keep an eye out, I'll let you know when they're up.  Until then, check out the MP3's if you haven't already, sign the guestbook, etc. 
We're working on some merchandise, hopefully we'll have some stuff to sell you by the time the next show rolls around.

Well, it's Sunday, the 5th of October, and I'm happy to say that the new version of the Official Tone Fetish website is up and running! 
I think the new format is easier to read, easier to navigate, etc.  I'm quite proud of it really.
And who am I?  I'm Jason, the new webmaster (and guitar tech) for Tone Fetish. 
See, (I guess), it was decided that the guys had enough stuff to do, between writing and playing.  Thus, I took over as webmaster, and I took a job as a guitar tech to help out at shows and stuff.
I'm not the only one though.  Some of you may already know Rachel, and those of you that don't, will soon, as she's taken a position as the band's manger.
Between us and the band, Tone Fetish is gonna turn into a local monster.  We've all got little things in the works, including various merchandise and recording possibilities.  We'll keep you posted.
And don't forget to check out Tone Fetish with the Polyphonics, Caulfield, and Average Zero on the 19th!

Work is currently underway for two live albums, "Live At da Frog" (from, you guessed it, The Wired Frog), and "We Are Too Cheap and Too Busy To Record", recorded at the August 16th show.
The Wired Frog MP3s are up on the page, you should check them out.  They're live, so it's almost like being there!  Only not.  You should really check the band out live for the real deal.  Though that goes without saying.
Keep in mind that there's gonna be a show on October 19th at the Knights of Columbus hall in Roseville. We'll try to get some directions up shortly.  On the list: Tone Fetish, Caulfield, Average Zero, and The Polyphonics.  Tickets are $5, and proceeds go to the New York relief effort.