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It's a crisp spring night and you're standing on your back veranda. You look up at the first star you see and silently say to yourself "Starlight Starbright first star i see tonight I wish I may I wish I might Get the wish I wish tonight I wish that I could meet ________(your fave) from Westlife" Just like every other night you turn to go back inside, but for some reason you have a sudden urge to turn around. You slowly turn and look at the sky. You see something hoovering. What the heck is that thing? Oh No there is no way that is what you think it is. But for some unknown reason you find yourself on your bike pedaling like there's no tomorow." You don't even really know where you're going, you find yourself making unexpected turns you hadn't planned. You look around and realise you don't know this part of town. Suddenly you hear someone shouting. It's like a magnet pulling you towards the source. As you round the last corner your jaw drops in shock. It's... WESTLIFE!! Oh, and some sort of glowing green thingy in the sky. But that's not important, Westlife is less than 10ft. in front of you and your only goal is to get there...Now! You pedal the last few feet and you're so caught up your pant leg tangles in the bike chain, Not only are you sent flying but Flared pant leg just turned into a capri. You land with a thud right on ______ (your fave), he looks at you and smiles, your eyes are glued to each other. you stare a few more minutes then realise his incredibly cute lips are moving... he's talking, must concentrate. Then you hear it : "Are you alright?" he asks. "You manage a feeble yes as you get off him and help him up. "Sorry" you say as you snap yourself out of the weird funk you were just in. "Anytime." he replies still looking into your eyes. "_____ stop starin' and look up" says _____ (another westlifer) _____ and you manage to tear your eyes away from each other and look up. "Is that a--" you begin "Flying saucer" he finishes. "please be a movie prop, please be a movie prop" Chants _______ ( a not yet mentioned member) Everyone looks at him "What it could happen." he replies. You all look back just as _______ (yet another member) let's out a holler. ______(last member) runs towards him justa as a blue beam focuses on ________. You stare in horror as _______ is towed into the ship, and it takes off. ________ (your fave) looks at you pleading with those fine eyes of his. "We have to get him backwill you help us?" now what happens next is up to you guys. E-mail me what you think should happen and I'll pick the Best One and E-mail you one of my Fanfic awards and publish it on the site along with 2 runner ups. the rest will recieve honorable mention. please make your own copies of the stories as i will not send them back. Oh and P.S Have FUN with it!