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You stand in line at your fave Music T.V station Girls all around you are screaming and jumping like there's no tomorow. Suddenly you realize you too are screaming. Calm Down you tell yourself. You stop screaming and look to your best friend who is just as excited about seeing westlife as you are. Plus the fact that you both regitered to win tickets to see westlife live in 2 weeks. You prayed every few minutes, Silently making plans for you and ________(fave Westlifer). You were absolutely sure when he saw you he'd know it was meant to be. You were wearing a his favorite type of clothes and your hair was at it's best. You were also wearing his favorite perfume. You hoped he would notice at the signing. You watched as The v.J and westlife came out. You and your best friend were standing up against the gate. Suddenly someone shoved you forward and the next thing you knew your head connected with pavement. Your vision swam as you heard your best friend scream and jump the fence, She knelt beside you and hysterically asked you if you were okay. You looked around you... and let out a squeal of pain. Okay, Don't move head, you thought. What's going on? How did i get here. You closed your eyes and you heard voices around you. You touched your head and opened your eyes, you could see clearer now. You tried to sit up. You heard a mumbling as something pushed you down. "What's going on?" you ask dazed. Something cold is touching your forehead. Your friend leaned over you and told you some 5 lettered b word pushed you clear over the fence and you hit your head. "Do you remember name?" she asks. "_______ (your name) I'm _______ (your age) and i live in________ (your town)." you say " This is gonna hurt tommorow" you mumble. You sucessfully stand up and look around. Westlife has gone back in and Your friend takes the ice in her hand and gave it you. " Courtesy of Westlife" She says. "Really?"you ask "Yup" she said "And they invited us in. Cool or what?" "I guess" You mumble your head kills. You guys head inside and the V.J tell you where to stand. You guys stand there and wait. An hour later they are about to announce the winners. The V.J says " Not only will the winners receive tickets but a backstage pass and a day out with westlife!" You smile and think you probably won't win your not that lucky. You are so absorbed in your thoughts you almost didn't hear as the V.J called your name. Me, you thought. You walked over to where the V.J was and he introduced you to the guys. ________(your fave) says" We've already met" with a smile.You stare into his eyes for a minute before smiling back. Then you listen as the V.J calls out the name of none other than your best friend. She looks at you and you can tell she's barely containg laughter. You look at each other and say "Coincidence, I think not" simultaniously. Everyone bursts out laughing and the V.J smiles and says "looks like these two are very lucky friends." "Best" you interupt. The headache you had forgotten suddenly returns with a vengence and you double over in pain you feel yourself fainting and your last thought is you're gonna hit your head again, then you feel something soft against your cheek and open your eyes. Where the hell is this you think this isn't your room."Mom?" you ask"______(your best friend)?" You sit up and realize this is your best friends room. You look at the door as she comes in. "Finally!"she says" We've been waiting for you to wake up" "We?" you ask confused. "Do we have to do this again?" she asked "name" " i know who i am i wanna know who your talking about" you reply. "Westlife" she answers "And i thought i was the one who hit my head." you say "Verry Funny She answers throwing you a brush and lip gloss as she checked her own. You brushed your hair and went downstairs. "How are you feeling" They asked "Alot better." You say "What happened after i passed out." They look at you and then your friend. "She never asked" She said to them "Well," _______(fave) said " I caught you and then the V.J looked flustered and he said okay let's go to a... umm... video i guess. Then a doctor checked you out and we drove you home." You spent the next few hours talking to them and flirting with your fave. Then they left saying they couldn't wait to see you in a few weeks. 1 week later you were walking down the street when you saw ______ (your fave) looking at you from accross the street. He yells something you can't hear and you yeall back he starts accross the street. You realize not only did he not look before crossing but a large truck is bareling towards him. You shout out but he doesn't hear. You look around frantically, but there is no way he'll make it accross in time. You rush towards the line the truck is a foot away you jump through the air and land on him, just missing the truck. He looks up at you questioningly, "There was this... ummm.... truck" you mumble "Yeah" he said back quietly. You stare into his eyes and his head moves slowly towards you. You close your eyes as you feel his lips gently touch yours, you feel so perfect you think it must be a dream. The kiss gets more passionate. Until you hear someone coughing and you realize where you are. You both pull away and stand up. You look to see who coughed and standing there is Your best-friend. "Someone was awfully busy" she smirked. " Yeah" you reply "Judging by your lip gloss" you answer as her favorite walks up behind her. "Laugh all you want Miss Hero I saw what you did" she answers. "What?" you reply inocently "Saved his life?" You all laugh and You head towards a little cafe. And suddenly know whatever happens you'll always have this moment. The End. Due to a lack of intrest in sending the ends i have decided to finish the fanfics this one was first coments will be apreciated.