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All Or Nothing

Latoya was looking to Mark, they both were getting on very well at the meet& greet. She got sad. Just in some minutes the guys would leave, and she would loose Mark. Then the moment came. They said all goodbye. Mark was the last one who said goodbye to her. "Could you give me your number ?" did he asked suddenly. "Yeah!" she wrote it down. He continuid telling: "You are really a nice girl, and it would be a shame to loose you ! Maybe we could get friends?". Latoya smiled " For sure!" Just in this moment Lauren arrived, Marks girlfriend. Lauren kissed Mark "Hey, honey! You know I have missed you!" she said, and gave Latoya a selfish look. Mark didn`t looked happy at all. "Ok Mark see you!" latoya said and left! two month later "Mark are you still thinking of Lauren" Latoya asked. Both were sitting on a bank near hazel wood. " How could she just?" Mark broke down in tears" I loved her! And she cheated me!" Latoya put him into a warm embrace. After minutes she let go of him and both were sitting there in slience. I know when she`s been on your mind that distant look is in your eyes I thought with time you`d realise it`s over, over Latoya was coming from school when her mobile phone rang. "Hello?"she asked "Hi Latoya! It`s me Mark!" "Hey what`s the craig? You sound so happy." " I`m in love!" Latoya felt like her heart broke in thousand pieces, but she didn`t said a word."Who is the lucky girl?" "Lauren!" Latoyas pain changed into anger "Lauren?" "Yeah,I realised thats for real with us! She told me how silly she was,andn that she love me!" "Mark make up your mind, she don`t! " "I know she do! So can`t you not be happy for me?" " Ok I`m happy for you!" she lied. " Ok talk to you later!" "Bye." it`s not the way I choose to live and something, somewhere`s got to give as sharing this relationship gets older, older you know I`d fight for you but how can I fight for someone who isn`t even there? I`ve had the rest of you, now I want the best of you I don`t care if that`s not fair cos I want it all or nothing at all there`s nowhere left to fall when you reach the bottom it`s now or never is it all, or are we just friends? is this it how it ends with a simble telephone call? you leave me here with nothing at all Latoya was sad. She loved Mark that she realised but he loves someone other. The wrong person. She thought often why Mark loved her, but she didn`t found an answer. Lauren gaved him nothing, no trust , no love. Latoya gaved him everything. She didn`t knew how long she will stand tough with this situation, but she loved him so she would have to. there are times it seems to me I`m sharing you im memories iI feel it in my heart but I dont show it, show it and then there`s time you look at me as though I`m all that you can see those times I don`t believe it`s right I know it, know it It was 2o`clock in the morning when Latoya`s phone rang "Hello?" she asked "Latoya. it`s me!" Mark said "Honey what is? You are crying?" "Lauren!" Mark said. His voice was shaking and he fighted against the tears. "She had cheated you again!" "Yes." "I knew it would happen, I have told you that she is not the right for you. When you have been upset, she wasn`t there for you! When you need someone to talk to, she wasn`t the one!" "I know! It was always you Latoya. I`m happy to have you as a friend" Latoya didn`t said a thing. She wanted to say that she is also happy to have him as a friend but that was a lie. She wanted him to be more than a friend. "Latoya? Still there?" "Sure Mark!" "So what is?" "Nothing!" "Don`t lie to me! There is something!" "Mark, I love you." "You do what?" " I love you!" "Sorry, but I don`t!" Again silence. "Latoya but you are one of my best friends. I will always love you as a friend, and help you, you know?" "Ok Mark, then try to get some sleep now, ok?" "Ok hun, and you too!" When Latoya layed again down she started crying. Mark don`t loves her. She should have knew . But he was cool about it. But would he really always be there for her? don`t make me promise baby, you never did know how to keep them well I`ve had the rest of you now I want the best of you It`s time to show and tell cos I want it all or nothing at all there`s nowhere left to fall when you reach the bottom its now or never is it all, or are we just friends? is this it how it ends with a simble telephone call? you leave me here with nothing at all Mark tried to sleep after he called Latoya, but he couldn`t. Her words were still raising in his mind "I love you" He told her that he don`t, but now he wasn`t that sure. He closed his eyes and looked into his heart. All he could see there was Latoya. He opened his eyes again. Now he was sure. He do love Latoya. He dressed himself and left a notice for the guys. He didn`t care what peole might think now. He must see her. On the way to his car he wrote quick a message to her. cos you and I could lose it all if you got no more room no room inside for me in your life Latoya woked up early in the morning. Her pillow was wet from the tears she cried. She looked at her moblie phone to find a message left from Mark: I´m sorry to have hurt you. I realised that I do love you! and I will come now to sligo. I must see you! in love Mark She looked when he send this message, it was before 2 hours. So Mark must be here in some minutes. She smiled and quick made herself ready. But just five minutes later called Mrs. Feehily. "Latoya, is that you?" she asked , her voice shaky. "Yeah it``s me! What is with you?" "It`s mark!" Mrs. Feehily paused. Latoya felt it was nothing good, so she sat down on the bed. "What it with Mark?" "He wanted to come to sligo to see you ....and he had a car accident!" Tears were running down Latoya`s cheek."Is he fine?" she asked weak. "No. He`s death! I end now, ok?! I ca`t anymore!" Mrs Feehily said under tears and pick down the phone. Latoya couldn`t belive it. Mark was death and all because he wanted to comes and see her. She broke down crying. cos I want it all or nothing at all there`s nowhere left to fall when you reach the bottom its now or never is it all, or are we just friends? is this it how it ends with a simble telephone call? youl leave me here with nothing at all She wanted all, now she had nothing at all. by nicky
