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You're best friend walked into the guest room you were laying in. You still couldn't belive your best friend and you were in Ireland. You were visiting her grandparents for the summer. "Hey, Guess what!" sald your best-friend. "What?" you asked. "I just heard about this concert in a few days."she replies. "Yeah?" you answer uninterestedly. "So, Grams got us tickets." she said annoyed at you. "Who is it?" you say distractedly, you were staring at your pic of Bryan from westlife. "Some guys called.... WESTLIFE!" she screamed. Your absolute favorite band! You stand there speechless, slack jawed staring at her. Finally, you manage to utter, " You have got to be kidding!" "Yes, i get my jollies out of lying to you to make you look like an idiot... well actually i do but that's not the point," she laughs,"They're signing autographs tommorow at the Music store." "Stop talking" You command. "Why?" She asked. "Too much. So little time. What do I wear?!"You yell. "Calm down girl." she reponds. She reaches into your closet and pulls out an outfit you've never seen before."What the--" you start. " I bought it when i went out."she says. You look at the outfit in her hands. "There is no way i am wearing that "you say like she's insane. "You don't like" she asks eyeing it. "Does that skirt even constitute as an article of clothing? It looks more like a head band." "That's the shirt silly, The skirt is here she says pulling out a wicked looking skirt, though it was a little short for your liking. She also pulled out a vest to go over the shirt."Oh my god" you say"I'm not wearing it" Ten minutes later you were deciding what accessories would go with it. Then you both crawled into bed and fell asleep. The next day, you waited in line at the signing. You looked at all the girls screaming. That part you didn't get. You were excited but you saw no need to implode the eardrums of others, especially THEM. As you got closer to the table you noticed Bryan looking at you. Suddenly you were concious of the scrap of clothing your friend had the nerve to call a skirt. As you got closer you noticed him looking your way more and more. Now he was motioning to the others. What was going on? Did you look that trampy? Maybe they thought you were there for "buisness". But you looked up from your skirt just as Shane glanced at you. His inquiring look turned into a smile as you stepped to the table. "Hi I'm Bryan" He said. "I-um-I'm" you tell him your name and this is--" Your friend interrupts you saying her own name. After that you lost track of her. Because Bryan MacFadden just asked for your phone number. You smiled and gave him your friends grandmothers phone number. Later that night you sat in the guest room looking at the phone 'Ring' you willed it. Suddenly the phone rang. You grabbed the reciever. "Hello?" you said as casually as you could manage. "Hi is uh--[your name here] there?" a husky irish voice said into the phone. You could have swore he was nervous. "I'm here. Who's this?" you asked. Knowing full well who it was."Uh. Bryan, Bryan MacFaden." "Oh yeah. You're from westlife." You say caually. "I was wondering if you'd like to go out sometime?" Now it's up to you what hapens next, e-mail your ideas or endings Top 3 get an award the rest will be honourably mentioned and I'll put them all up.