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Nicky's Bio

Full name: Nicholas Bernard James Adam Byrne

Birthplace: Dublin, Ireland

Birthdate: October 9th, 1978

Starsign: Libra

Eye colour: Blue

Hair colour: Blond

Height: 5' 9 1/2"

Parent's: Nikki and Yvonne

Brothers & Sisters: One brother, Adam, and one sister, Gillian

Favourite colours: Blue & white

Favourite actors & actresses: Brad Pitt, Bruce Willis, and Cameron Diaz

Girlfriend: Georgina Ahern (Irish president's daughter)

He is learning to play the piano

He was trainee goalkeeper at Leeds United

He says that "drinking tea with the spoon still in the cup" is his worst habit

He dislikes "smoking and arrogant people"

His most embarrassing moment was "falling over in front of 30,000 people at Elland Road (Leeds United's stadium)"

He describes himself as "thoughtful, reliable and trustworthy"

He says that the most romantic thing he has done is: "When I was playing soccer in England I went out with a girl, and on Valentines day I would fill her room with balloons and flowers. Another time I had been away for two or three months...I flew home without her knowing it and drove straight to her house. I went and rang the bell, and her mom answered the door. I was like, "Where is she?" She goes, "She's up in the shower." So I went into her bedroom and waited for her. She came in, and she was like drying her and hair and and she was like, "Ahhh!" and she dropped everything. No I'm kidding. No she just came in and she was shocked. I remember she was shaking because she hadn't seen me in so long. I'd obviously changed."

What do the rest of Westlife think of Nicky? "

Shane: Nicky's a great guy. We're always planning stuff together - we'd love to open a restaurant or a club together. I can talk to Nicky about anything - he really listens and gives me proper advice. He's like an older brother and I look up to him an awful lot. He loves to shop as much as I do, and we've the same taste in clothes.

Bryan: Nicky's the friendly lad of the band. He'll talk to anyone. He's very smart and mature, and it takes a lot for Nicky to lose his head, even if everyone else is going mad around him.

Mark: Nicky has become a lot more laid back in recent months. He used to worry about everything, but he's much more chilled now. And he's very stylish. He loves clothes, and, even if the rest of us look like we've been dragged backwards through a hedge, Nicky keeps it together.

Kian: He's a total professional, and always wants things to be right with the band. If he thinks he's right, he can be very stubborn. But he's a totally giving person, and really warm-hearted." This blue-eyed blond often looks as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. And it wouldn't melt - it would sizzle! For Nicky can talk the hind legs off a herd of donkeys! He's also a great hugger, and he loves getting the back of his neck massaged - it makes him purr with delight..."

And they say that the quickest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. This is definetly the true of our Nicky, who loves his food - sorry girls his favourite meal is his mum's fry-up of bacon, sossies, the works! And tons of tea...

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