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'Why the hell did I decide to go shopping?’ Kyra wondered. She had just managed to buy her ticket and she was running past hoards of people trying to make it on to the train before it pulled away from Sligo station, to make its way to Dublin. She just managed to get on the train before the doors closed, although she wished she hadn’t. The train was packed full of people trying to get to work in Dublin, it was to be expected she thought, after all, it was a busy Thursday morning. She saw all the seats were already taken as she fought he way through the crowd on the train, trying to grab hold of something that would keep her balanced as the train pulled out of the station. It was my her own fault she thought, as she was moving down the train, she had left it a bit late. ‘Why didn’t Mia wake me up?’ She thought, suddenly the train started to move, she didn’t have time to grab hold of anything and losing her balance she stumbled, but someone caught her. ‘God, I'm so sor...’ She looked up. She was suddenly lost for words and that was not like Kyra, she always spoke her mind, which wasn’t always the best thing to do! He was the most gorgeous guy she’d ever seen in her entire life. ‘Hey, no worries! You OK though?’ He said noticing Kyra was still having trouble standing. ‘Yeah, I'm fine thanks’ she said, regaining her concentration. She looked at him again. He was so gorgeous. He had dark hair, and the most amazing deep brown hazel eyes, she could feel herself falling into them just looking at him. ‘Here’s you bag’ ‘Oh yeah, thanks’ she managed to say. ‘I hate it when that happens’ he said and showed her an amazing smile. Kyra couldn’t take her eyes off him. ‘Yeah, erm... Me too..’ She just agreed, she didn’t really hear what he said. They stood there in an awkward silence for a few minutes. ‘Well, thank you for catching me then’ Kyra said, laughing nervously. She could feel herself going red and her cheeks began to burn. ‘That's OK, anytime’ She found the stranger saying, she noticed he was turning a slight shade of red too. ‘Shane’ he said extending out a hand ‘Kyra’ she said accepting the gesture. ‘Well....I..erm...’ Kyra said trying to make her way past him, down the train. The stranger moved out of the way ‘Yeah.. Sure..’ He let her past and she started to make her way down to the next carriage which wasn’t as full. Shane watched as she moved further down the carriage, he thought she was amazingly beautiful, with her blonde hair and her deep blue eyes that he had just been staring into. He couldn’t take his eyes off her as she pushed her way past people. She had a pair of tight black jeans on, a black jumper and a red leather jacket. He took in every detail of her, then she suddenly turned round and smiled at him. He smiled back at her. The train pulled into the station in Dublin. Through the whole journey, Kyra couldn’t stop thinking about Shane. He was the most gorgeous guy she had ever seen and she walked away from him!! ‘Why didn't I just stay down there? There was just as much space...’ She got off the train, only to see Shane get off too. She watched him walk down the platform. He had a pair of black jeans on and a tight black T-shirt, and a black leather jacket. She watched him as he walked over to a tall, blonde guy. The two of them gave each other a hug and started to chat away as they walked out of the station. ‘Move along please’ Kyra realised she’d been standing still for the past few minutes and was in the way. ‘S.s...sorry’ she managed to mumour, her eyes still fixed on Shane. She watched him till he was out of view and then snapped back into reality ‘Shopping’ she thought to herself walking out of the station. ‘You should have seen her Bryan!! She was so amazing!!!’ ‘Shane, that's the tenth time you’ve mentioned her since you got into Dublin and you’ve been here..’ Bryan looked at his watch, ‘15 minutes!’ 'But Bry she.....’ Bryan glared at him. ‘OK, sorry’ Shane said. He hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Kyra since the incident on the train. He had come to Dublin from his home in Sligo to meet up with 2 of his best friends for the day. From the second he’d stepped on to the platform at the station and met Bryan, he hadn't stopped going on about Kyra and Bryan was getting tired of it. ‘Look Shay, you’re probably never gonna see the girl again so just quit it eh? There's plenty of good looking women here in Dublin...’ His voice trailed off as he started to eye up a girl who walked passed him. ‘See?!’ ‘OK, I'm sorry Bry, I'll try to give it a rest.’ He said unconvincingly. He glanced at his watch. ‘Bry, come on, we better get a move on, we’re gonna be late to meet Nicky!’ He slapped Bryan on the back playfully and the two of them ran off in the direction of O’Connell Street. Kyra sighed as she sat down at the table at the cafe. She’d decided to take a break to rest her tired feet. She’d been shopping for 3 hours now. She looked at all the bags around her feet and sighed again. She ordered a large cappuccino and pulled a magazine out from one of the bags. She started to flick through the pages, she couldn’t concentrate. ‘Why is this guy still on my mind?!’ She thought to herself. She looked up and started to stare into space.... ‘Kyra...Kyra?!! Hello!!’ She broke from her daydream and turned round to see who was shouting her ‘Jess!!!’ She stood up and greeted her friend with a hug. Jess was one of the three friends with which Kyra shared a flat with in Sligo. She and her boyfriend who was from Dublin had been having a few problems so she had gone to Dublin to spend a few days with him to try to sort it out. ‘How are you hun?’ Kyra asked her friend looking worried. ‘Oh Kyra, its over between me and Keiran, I just cant cope anymore,’ Kyra hugged her friend and made her sit down, she ordered another drink. ‘I know you loved him hun, but maybe its better this way, he was playing you for a fool, going off with all those girls! He made me so angry!!’ Kyra said, she could feel herself getting all worked up at the thought of this guy hurting one of her best friends so much. ‘Well’, said Jess, wiping away a tear that had escaped from her eye, ‘its over and I'm out to find me a new man!’ ‘That's the Jess I know and love!!’ Exclaimed Kyra. She gave her friend a big hug. Their drinks arrived and Jess looked at her friend as she thanked the waiter. She knew something was on her mind. ‘So come on then’ she challenged her friend, ‘enough about my sorry love life, why were you looking so dreamy when I came over?’ ‘I wasn’t!!’ Kyra exclaimed. She was trying to hide the huge grin that was spreading across her face, she wasn’t succeeding! ‘Oh come on Kyra! I've known you forever, tell me!! Its gotta be a guy!’ ‘Well...’ Kyra’s grin was spreading. ‘I knew it!!’ Her friend cried. ‘Oh God Jess, I met this great guy on the train! He was the most amazing guy I've ever met in my life, he had the most amazing smile and his eyes, god his eyes Jess.........’ ‘Where the hell have you two been??!!’ ‘We’re so sorry Nicky!!’ Cried Bryan, ‘His train got in late’ he pointed to over to Shane, who still had a thoughtful look on his face. ‘SHANE!!!’ Nicky shouted for the third time. ‘Wha..what, oh, sorry Nix, I was miles away!’ Shane said, coming back to reality. ‘He’s thinking bout her ain’t ya Shane?!’ ‘What? will someone please explain to me what's going on here?!’ Nicky begged Shane took great pleasure in being able to talk about Kyra again and he began to explain what happened on the train as they sat down at a table in the cafe where they always met. Bryan ordered the drinks and then sat and listened to the story for what he thought felt like the millionth time! Bryan let his eyes wonder round the cafe, and he noticed two girls about 19 chatting away over their drinks. ‘Mmmmmm’ he thought to himself. ‘Hey guys’ he said interrupting Shane’s story. ‘Look at those two girls over on the table by the window,’ They looked up and glanced over. ‘Yeah lovely, but I'm taken remember’ said Nicky. Shane looked over and had to take a double take. ‘See Shane, I told you there were good looking women in Dublin!’ Said Bryan triumphantly. ‘Oh my god, that's her guys!! That's her, That's Kyra!!’ Shane cried. ‘What?’ Said Bryan, ‘Well go over then, you let her pass you by on the train and you haven't shut up about her since!’ ‘What am I going to say?!’ ‘You’ll think of something’ cried Nicky, shoving Shane in the direction of the girls table. Shane felt himself go tense, he didn't know what he was going to say, but he knew he couldn't let her pass him. His stomach turned and he felt the butterflies floating round. He walked over bravely.... ‘Errmmm....hi...erm Kyra isn’t it?’ Kyra looked up, not knowing what to expect. ‘Yeah, I'm Kyra, who’s aski....’ She couldn’t finish her sentence. She looked up and found herself gazing into those amazing deep brown eyes again. One look at her and Jess knew this was the guy she’d been going on about for the past hour. ‘Hi, I'm Shane....erm.. From the train?’ He could feel himself going a deep shade of red, he could almost see his face matching the colour of her jacket. ‘Yeah, I remember’ Kyra managed to say. Jess was looking on in amusement, she’d never seen her friend look so stunned and speechless. ‘I was erm, just wondering, erm,’ Shane started looking round for something to say, he looked over and Nicky and Bryan patted the chairs by their table, ‘if you and your friend would like to come over and join me and my friends at our table?’ Shane felt slightly relieved he’d found an excuse and held his breathe while he waited for a reply. ‘Yeah, sure we would, thanks for the invite’ Jess replied for Kyra who couldn’t take her eyes off Shane. She started going red, and felt her cheeks burning. ‘Where you seated?’ Jess asked Shane. ‘Over there’ Shane pointed over to Bryan and Nicky and they waved. ‘Oh right, OK thanks.’ She picked up her drink and walked over to where the guys were sitting and sat herself down next to Bryan, there was no way he was goin to complain!! Kyra and Shane were still locked in their gaze, suddenly Shane coughed and they both gave a little laugh. ‘Right,’ he said. They suddenly both bent down to pick up the Kyra’s bags and knocked heads. ‘Oh I'm really sorr...’ She found her self gazing into his eyes again, there was something about them, something about him.... ‘No, that's fine, don’t worry’ Shane smiled that smile again. ‘Come on guys, over here’ Shane looked up and Bryan was waving them to join them. ‘Yeah, right. Here you take you drink and I'll take your bags for you.’ He said handing Kyra her drink. ‘Thanks’ was all she could bring herself to say. They had been laughing and joking for a few hours now and were getting stares from the waiter. Kyra was sitting across from Shane and she kept catching his eye and smiling shyly, he wasn’t much better. She noticed that Bryan and Jess were getting on like a house on fire, Kyra was happy that her friend was enjoying herself and was trying to move on. She smiled to herself and looked up, only to see Shane looking at her, he looked away quickly when he saw her look up. ‘So, how’s the flat coming along Shay?’ Bryan asked ‘Shay?’ He was looking at Kyra, she was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. ‘What? Oh, yeah, the flat, yeah’ said Shane snapping back to the conversation. He looked over at Bryan. ‘Yeah its coming along great, should all be sorted soon.’ ‘How’s Kian and Mark?’ Asked Nicky. ‘They’re fine, they were gonna come down with me today but wanted to finish sorting their stuff out.’ ‘Who’s Kian and Mark?’ Asked Jess bravely ‘Oh they’re two of our friends and Shane’s flatmates, we’re hoping to move up to Sligo to join them once the flat is sorted.’ Nicky replied. Shane looked at Kyra, ‘So Kyra, do you live in Sligo?’ ‘Yeah, I share a flat with Jess here and two of my other friends.’ Kyra answered. She was feeling much more comfortable now and she could see that Shane had relaxed too. ‘Oh right, cool’ Shane replied flashing her that winning smile again, she could feel herself melting.... 'I'm gonna have to go!’ Said Jess looking at her watch, ‘I’ve got to meet my mam, an hour ago!!’ She cried. ‘Oh right,’ said Bryan, he looked disappointed. ‘Well it was nice to meet you Jess’ ‘Yeah you too’ she said ‘and you were right Kyra, he is cute!’ She added looking at Shane. Kyra could feel herself burning ‘JESS! Shut up and just go will you!!’ She looked at Shane who was smiling. Suddenly Kyra stood up, she had 10minutes before the last train left for Sligo. ‘Oh my god! I’ve got to go!!!’ ‘Why?’ Asked Shane standing up also ‘The last train leaves in 10 mintues!!’ She cried. ‘Oh right! Then I’ll have to go too!’ Kyra looked at him ‘I have to get back to Sligo before the guys burn down the flat or evict me or something!’ Shane laughed. ‘Oh right, yeah.’ Kyra said. ‘Can I give you a hand with those?’ He asked pointing to her bags. ‘Erm...yeah sure, thank you.’ Shane gathered up the bags. ‘Well, we’ll see you in a few days Shane, yeah?’ Bryan said ‘Yeah sure, ill call you when I get home OK?' ‘Yeah, see you later mate’ ‘See you guys.’ Shane said trying to wave to his friends, but he was having trouble cos he had hold of so many bags, Kyra just laughed. ‘He’s got it bad ain’t he?’ Nicky said to Bryan looking at Shane trying to open the door for Kyra, while carrying about 20 bags! ‘Yeah, I believe he has’ Laughed Bryan. ‘Thank god, we just made it!’ Cried Kyra ‘And you managed to get a seat before the train moved this time’ Shane laughed Kyra went red and hit him, ‘I’m really sorry bout that Shane’ she said. ‘Hey don't worry, I'm just teasing’ he said. Kyra couldn’t believe how amazing this guy was. She was normally a really confident person, but she found herself feeling shy around Shane, that just added to the butterflies she felt in her stomach every time he looked at her. ‘Well, this is the end of the line’ Shane said. Kyra snapped back to reality. ‘Yeah,’ she was standing on the platform in Sligo station, with Shane. There was that silence again. ‘So erm, you need a lift anywhere’ Shane asked her ‘That would be great if you don't mind’ she answered, a smile crossing her face. ‘This way, that’s my car there,’ he said walking over to a silver BMW. He put all the bags in the boot and opened the car door for Kyra. She stepped in thanking him, he shut the door and walked round the other side of the car. Kyra couldn’t believe it, he was gorgeous!! She knew straight away that she had feelings for this guy. About 15 minutes later she was home, Shane had insisted on bringing the bags up to the door for her. She got in the door after waving goodbye to him and flopped on the sofa. ‘Oh, wow, he was amazing’ she thought, ‘but I dint get a number or anything!’ She jumped up and ran to the door but it was too late, he’d disappeared. ‘Another one bites the dust’ she thought. ‘He probably wasn’t interested anyway’ she thought, ‘I saw the way he was looking at Jess’. ‘What’s up with you hun?’ Asked Lisa, one of Kyra’s friends and flat mates, ‘Good days shopping?’ She said looking at the bags around Kyra’s feet. ‘Oh yeah’ she said dreamily. ‘God, I'm so sorry I didn't wake you up this morning Ky’ Came a voice running down the stairs, ‘I forgot you asked me, where the hell is my other shoe?!!’ The voice cried. ‘Its OK Mia, I'm glad you didn't or id never have met him’ The two girls stopped what they were doing and looked over at Kyra. ‘You OK?’ Lisa asked ‘He’s amazing lis’ she said. Mia and Lisa a came running over, ‘Do tell!!’ Mia cried ‘I wanna know before my date!’ ‘Well, I was on the train.........’ ‘It looks like a bomb’s hit this place!!! What the hell have you to been doin?!’ Shane cried, he looked over to the TV to see his two friends playing on the Play Station. He threw his hands on to his head. ‘GUYS!!!’ ‘Wha, what, hold on, I'm gonna beat him here!’ Cried Kian pushing Mark out of the way. ‘HEY!’ Mark cried. Shane walked over and switched the TV off. ‘Shay!’ ‘Look at the state of this place!’ 'What's up with you Shane? Its never bothered you before, you OK mate?’ ‘Yeah, just tidy this place up’ He said and walked off towards his room. He went inside and slammed the door. He was so annoyed with himself, he didn't even get her number! He’d just lost her. He went outside to the kitchen to get a can of coke to see the guys sorting the flat out. ‘Sorry guys, didn’t mean to snap’ ‘It a girl isn’t it?’ Said Kian ‘Yeah’ ‘Come on then tell us’ said Mark ‘She was amazing guys, and she had a gorgeous friend too’ ‘Tell us what happened Shay,’ said Mark ‘OK, I got on the train to go to Dublin this morning.........’ Kyra lay there staring up at the ceiling. She turned round and looked at the clock on her bedside table 7 am. She could hear Lisa up and about. Mia would still be in bed no doubt, she never rose before the hour of 9 am for anyone. Kyra glanced back at the ceiling. She couldn’t get back to sleep. He was still on her mind, he had been all night, and when she did eventually manage to drift off to sleep in the early hours of the morning she dreamt about him. She had never felt like this about anyone before. She got up and put her dressing gown on and went down stairs. ‘Hey Ky, you’re up early today’ Lisa greeted her. ‘Yeah, couldn’t sleep’ ‘You OK hun?’ Lisa asked, concerned. ‘Yeah I'm fine thanks. I'm gonna get a shower and go down the stables for a ride OK?’ ‘Yeah, OK hun. Jess got home late last night from Dublin, its a shame about her and Keiran isn't it?’ Lisa said as she reached for her coat, she was off to work. ‘Probably for the best though eh?’ ‘Yeah, I guess’ kyra managed to say as she made her way to the bathroom. She locked the door behind her and put the shower on. She dropped her robe, got undressed and stepped into the shower and let the hot steam engulf her. She just heard Lisa shouting bye to her. She found herself wondering what Shane was doing. When she was ready she left a note for Jess and Mia on the coffee table and grabbed her riding hat, and keys and left the flat. 'I'm goin out guys OK?’ ‘Where you goin Shay?’ Kian shouted from the kitchen. 'I'm goin down the stables, wont be too long’ He couldn't get her off his mind. He needed to do something to keep himself busy. He was so angry with himself for letting her slip past him. ‘OK Shay, see you later.’ Called Mark from his room. ‘Bye’ He grabbed his keys and walked out shutting the door behind him. He decided he was going to try to forget Kyra, he couldn’t keep thinking, ‘what if’ all the time, he was probably never gonna see her again anyway. He jumped in his car and drove off towards the stables. ‘Hello baby’ kyra was talking to her horse at the stables in Sligo. The animal was glad to see her and nuzzled her as she got him ready for a ride. ‘Come on then,’ she said leading the horse out of its stable. The yard was quite busy for this hour of the morning. Suddenly someone dropped a bucket and startled Kyra’s horse. The horse panicked and reared up knocking Kyra down. Shane was just on his way into the yard when he heard a lot of commotion. He saw a horse rearing up and a girl trying her best to calm it down, it wasn’t working and with one strong rear the horse knocked the girl over. Shane ran over and managed to catch the girl just in time before she hit the floor. ‘Someone grab that horse!’ He shouted ‘Hurry up!!’ He looked down at the girl he had in his arms. ‘You OK, you’re not hurt are y...’ He realised who it was. It was Kyra. Kyra couldn’t believe he had just caught her and she was so happy he had hold of her cos she felt like she was going to faint. ‘Yeah, yeah, I'm fine thanks’ She managed to whisper, looking into those deep brown eyes. Shane stood her up and she brushed herself off. ‘Hi again’ he laughed She gave a little laugh, ‘Yeah, hi and thanks for that.’ ‘Hey no problem, anytime’ ‘You seem to catch me a lot’ Kyra laughed. ‘Yeah, well, I don’t mind’ he smiled. Did he like her she wondered. Shane invited her to join him on a ride and Kyra accepted. She was so happy she had managed to bump or fall into him again, she felt all the feelings return again. Shane felt a bit uneasy at first, but he soon settled into the ride and began to enjoy Kyra’s company. He couldn’t believe he’d managed to meet her again. They had a great time and when they arrived back, she felt herself hurting at the thought of having to leave. They walked out of the yard together laughing and joking, knowing the day had to end. ‘So, you want a life back home?’ Shane offered. ‘Are you sure you don’t mind, its not out of your way or anything...’ ‘Hey, its fine, don’t worry, I wouldn’t have offered otherwise would I?' She loved it when he smiled. ‘Yeah OK, that’d be great, thanks.’ They were sitting outside Kyra’s flat, in the car. ‘I had a great time today’ Shane said turning to face her in his seat. ‘Me too’ Kyra said smiling back at him. ‘You got time to come in for a drink’ she asked Shane, hesitantly. ‘Erm....’ Shane glanced at his watch, then he looked at her, she had the most amazing face. She smiled at him, ‘Yeah, sure, id love to.’ ‘OK then!’ Kyra said excitedly. They got out of the car and walked over to the door of the flat. She walked in, followed by Shane, close behind. ‘Nice place you got here’ He said ‘Thanks,’ she said. ‘You want a drink?’ ‘Yeah I'll have a coke please’ Kyra brought over the two glasses and they sat down and started chatting. Then suddenly the door opened and three girls walked in all chatting away. ‘I know can you believe it?’ Cried one of them. Shane and Kyra turned round and looked. ‘Oh, erm...we’re sorry’ one of the girls said giving Kyra a wink. ‘You should have said you were bringing company home Ky, we’d have stayed out a bit longer.’ Shane and Kyra stood up. ‘Shane, these are my flat mates, Mia, Lisa and of course you met Jess yesterday.’ ‘Oh yeah hi girls, hi Jess’ Shane said ‘Well hello there,’ Mia said smiling at him ‘Yeah, hi’ Shane said Kyra saw the way he was looking at her, she felt herself burn up with jealousy. Mia was a huge flirt. Shane was smiling his amazing smile at her. Shane looked at Kyra ‘Well I think its about time I got goin Kyra.’ ‘Yeah sure’ she said and walked over to the door with him. ‘Well it was nice meeting all you girls and nice to see you again Jess,’ He said ‘Likewise’ Jess replied, ‘Oh, and will you tell Bryan I said hi?’ She added quickly. ‘Yeah, sure’ Shane replied. Kyra glared at the girls and they all went about their own business. She stepped outside the door with Shane. ‘Thanks again, for catching me, again!’ Kyra said. ‘Its OK, I had a really great time today’ Shane said. ‘Me too’ She replied, she had a weird feeling of de-jar-vu, they’d said all this in his car. ‘I was wondering...’ Shane began ‘Yeah?’ Kyra said, interrupting him He laughed a little, ‘I was wondering if I might have your number?’ Shane said nervously. Kyra felt herself light up. ‘Yeah sure!’ She said, ‘Hold on. I’ll get a piece of paper.’ She said disappearing into the flat. Shane felt a smile crossing his face. She came back out and handed him a piece of paper with her number on it. ‘So, I guess I'll see you,’ he said and bent down and gave her a kiss on the cheek. ‘Yeah, bye’ she said dreamily as he was walking of towards his car. She finally turned around and walked back into the flat to find all three of her friends staring at her ‘THAT was Shane?!!’ Mia cried ‘Oh my god he was gorgeous!!’ ‘Yeah, I know’ Kyra said giving her friend a warning glance. ‘Sorry, I'm just saying.....’ Her friend started. ‘He asked for my number!’ Kyra said excitedly. ‘I cant believe he asked for my number!’ ‘He likes you, and you like him! It is soooo obvious!!’ Lisa cried. ‘Thought you weren’t gonna be long Shane?!!' Kian said sarcastically. ‘I wasn’t!’ Shane replied ‘God he really believes that doesn’t he?!’ Kian was looking at Mark in disbelief. ‘Why do you look so pleased with yourself Mr Filan?!’ Mark asked his friend suspiciously ‘I saw Kyra again’ ‘What?’ 'She was there, she was at the stables! She’s got a horse there!!’ ‘Yeah, that's cool and everything but we’ve got some visitors Shay,’ Said Mark pointing over to the sofa. There sitting on the sofa watching TV was Nicky and Bryan. ‘You saw Kyra?!’ Said Nicky turning round ‘Yeah, I sure did.’ Said a very dreamy eyed Shane Suddenly Bryan was interested. He jumped up and walked over to Shane. ‘Oh, cool. So, erm, was.. Erm, what's her name with her?’ Asked Bryan. The lads all looked at each other and started smirking. ‘What?!!’ Said Bryan, noticing them looking at him. ‘I was just wondering....’ ‘No she wasn’t Bryan. But I did manage to get Kyra’s number!’ ‘Like that's gonna do me any good!’ Bryan mumbled under his breath. ‘What was that Bryan?’ Asked Kian, ‘Didn’t think you were interested!’ ‘I’m not!’ He replied, almost trying to convince himself. ‘Well they all live together idiot!’ Shane said to Bryan. ‘Oh, yeah, cool....’ ‘So, anyway,’ Nicky said squeezing his girlfriend, Georgina, ‘When do we have this party...?’ ‘Will, someone PLEASE get the phone!!’ Kyra cried. There was no answer. ‘Why am I always the one....’ ‘Hello?’ ‘Hi, erm, is erm.. Kyra there please?’ ‘Speaking’ ‘Hi, its erm, Shane.’ Kyra’s heart started pounding, she could feel herself going red. It had been 3 days and she really didn't think that he was going to call her, she had almost given up on him. ‘Oh, hi Shane.’ She said trying to hide how happy she was he’d called. ‘Hi, how are you?’ He asked, ‘you know after your fall at the stables..’ ‘Oh that, yeah I'm fine, just lucky that you were there to catch me!’ She bit her lip and felt herself going red again. Shane did a little laugh, ‘yeah, I guess.’ ‘Kyra why are you going so red? Who's... Oh I get it, its Shane on the phone isn’t it?!!’ Cried Mia. Shane could hear Mia in the back ground and he started to feel a little nervous. ‘Its none of your business who’s on the phone, unless its for you, which it isn't so go back to whatever you were doing!’ Kyra told her friend. ‘Ooooooohhhh....!!! Sor-ry!’ Mia said playfully as she went back into her room. ‘Sorry about that,’ she said to Shane, who stifled a little laugh. ‘Its fine, don't worry.’ He said. ‘Well, I was really calling to see if you and your friends fancied coming out for a meal with me and the rest of the guys.’ He said hopefully. Kyra’s heart started pounding even faster. ‘Yeah sure, we’d love to!’ She cried. ‘When?’ ‘I know its a bit short notice but how about tonight?’ Shane asked, he went tense waiting for the answer. ‘Yeah, sure, that’d be great, when and where?’ ‘We’ll come and pick you up, ill bring my car and Bryan and Nicky are down from Dublin so Nicky will bring his car too. We’ll pick you up at about 8?’ ‘Yeah that would be great. We’ll look forward to it!’ ‘Yeah I....I mean, we will too.’ Shane said. ‘OK, I’ll see you then. Bye.’ Kyra said smiling. ‘Yeah, bye.’ Shane said. He turned round to see Mark standing by the sofa, smiling. ‘So we out tonight then?’ He asked ‘We sure are!’ Shane said with a huge grin on his face. ‘Kyra, come on, the guys will be here any minute!' 'I'm coming!!’ She cried, as she was fixing her straight hair in the mirror. Mia, Lisa and Jess were all downstairs waiting for her, she had never been this nervous in her whole life!! She could feel the butterflies in her stomach going round and round. She looked at herself in the mirror and smiled. She thought she looked good. She had a short, fitted black dress on. She loved it to bits, the best thing she had ever bought, she thought, well it should be, she paid £80 for it! She had her black strappy shoes on too. At least she could walk in them! Her hair was perfectly straight and her make up was done to perfection, not that she had much on, she preferred the natural look. She had spent over 4 hours getting ready, but this did include trying on several outfits and FINALLY deciding on the dress. She was listening to her favourite album, by Westlife, while she was getting ready. ‘Puzzle Of My Heart’ came on. She loved this song..... ‘It’s the perfume that she wears, feel I'm losing my defences to the colour of her hair...’ She sang along while she looked for her bag. There was a knock on the door. She smiled to herself remembering the words she had just being singing and picked up her favourite perfume and sprayed it. ‘KYRA!!! The guys are here!’ Lisa shouted. ‘OK, I'm coming now, be right there.’ ‘Hi,’ said Shane walking into the flat ‘Hi Shane’ said Mia smiling. ‘Yeah, hi,’ he said again. Shane did the introductions, and looked round the flat. ‘So where’s Kyra?’ He asked 'Don't worry,’ Jess said coming out from the Kitchen ‘She’s on her way down now.' ‘Jess isn’t it?’ Asked Bryan pushing past Shane and Kian who was staring at Lisa. ‘Yeah, that's right, Bryan?’ ‘Yeah, how are you?’ Asked Bryan, and they started talking away. Shane turned around and looked at Nicky, they both smiled at each other and gave a little laugh. ‘Sorry I took so long, I couldn’t find my bag’ came a voice from the stairs. Everyone turned and Jess stood up from the sofa. ‘Finally!’ She teased. Shane looked at Kyra, he couldn’t take his eyes off her. Bryan Stood up and walked past him ‘Shut your mouth Shay, it’ll stop you drooling.’ He whispered. Shane snapped back to reality, ‘You, you look great,’ he stuttered. ‘Thanks.’ She said smiling as she came down the last few stairs. She stood in front of Shane who was waiting for her at the foot of the stairs. She smiled at him. ‘You don't look too bad yourself.’ she said smiling. He was wearing black trousers and a tight black T-shirt. ‘Thanks’ He said shyly, staring into her eyes' ‘Hate to interrupt,' came a voice, ‘But, hi, I'm Mark.’ He extended a hand. Kyra broke the stare, going red and turned to Mark and accepted his gesture. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and introduced her to the rest of the guys and Georgina. Once everyone had been accustomed, they left the flat and went out into the lovely summer evening. Nicky walked over to his car and leant on the bonnet. ‘So, who goes with who?’ He asked ‘Erm, I don't mind’ Shane said stealing a quick glance at Kyra. ‘Well, I'll go with Shane’ said Mia. ‘If that's OK?’ She said looking at Shane. ‘Erm..yeah, that's OK, I guess.’ ‘Right,’ Nicky taking control, as he could see that nobody else was going to, least of all. Shane. ‘Kyra, Mia, Bryan and Ki, go with Shane. The rest come with me, Yeah?’ He said. ‘Yeah that’s fine’ said Shane. Opening the car door. Mia, Bryan and Kian got into the back of the car and Kyra stepped into the front, next to Shane. He got in and looked at her and smiled that smile. She smiled back. ‘Right!’ He suddenly said, ‘We all ready?’ He started the car and switched the radio on. ‘Puzzle of My Heart’ came on. ‘Oh, I love this song!’ She cried. ‘Can I turn the volume up?’ She asked looking at Shane. ‘Yeah, sure.’ He said. Kyra started singing along to the words. Within about 20mins they were at the restaurant. They stepped out of the car and walked over to meet the rest of the guys. They went and sat at their table and looked at the menus. Later on in the evening, Shane looked around to find that everyone seemed happy enough. Nix was with Gina, Mark was trying to chat up Mia and looked like he was succeeding! Bryan was getting on well with Jess, considering that he wasn’t interested in her!! And Kian seemed really into Lisa. He’d been getting on really well with Kyra, talking about their horses and music and various other things. He looked up to see Kyra looking round. He caught her eye and she smiled bashfully at him. ‘We’ve known each other for years haven't we Shane?’ Bryan was saying. ‘Shane?’ Shane broke the stare and looked over to Bryan. ‘Oh yeah,’ He answered, ‘Years...’ It was soon time to go. The guys picked up the bill and everyone walked out to the cars. Lisa walked over to Kyra. ‘Hey, you OK?’ She asked her friend. ‘Yeah, I'm fine, what about you eh?!!’ She teased her friend ‘You’ve had hold of Kian’s hand for most of the night!’ ‘Yeah, he's great!’ Lisa said. Just then Kian walked over. ‘Hey, Ky, how you doin’? Enjoy the meal?’ ‘Yeah, it was lovely, thanks.’ ‘Hey, don't thank me, it was all Shay’s idea to come out tonight.’ Kian said. ‘SHUT UP KI!!’ Bryan hissed ‘Oh, sorry!’ He said walking away. Kyra smiled ‘what a sweet thought’ she thought to herself. ‘Everyone OK?’ Shane asked as he appeared from the restaurant. ‘Yeah’ came the reply. ‘Lets get going then.’ Everyone piled back into the cars and within minutes they were all back outside the flat. ‘Thanks for a great night guys’ Kyra said, looking at Shane, ‘We really had a great time’ ‘Hey! Who said it has to end here?!’ Bryan cried, running up to the door of the flat dragging Jess with him. ‘We took you out for a meal, so the least you can do is offer us a drink!’ He said winking. ‘BRYAN!’ Mark cried. ‘Hey, no its OK,’ said Kyra laughing. ‘It’d be nice, if you want to,’ she said. ‘Yeah, sure we would,’ Said Kian. ‘OK then, follow us.’ Kyra said getting her keys out. They walked in and Jess and Bryan went straight over to the couch and sat down. ‘OK, I'll get the drinks.’ Kyra said walking off into the kitchen. ‘I’ll be with you guys in a minute’ called Mia, 'I'm just getting changed.’ ‘OK hun’ Lisa called back. ‘So shall we sort the music Kian?’ Lisa asked walking over to the CD player. ‘Sure’ he said following. Kyra was pottering round the kitchen putting bags of crisps and little biscuit snacks into bowls. ‘Need any help?’ Kyra jumped and turned round. ‘Shane! You scared me!’ ‘Sorry,’ he said ‘I didn’t mean..’ ‘No, its OK’ she said laughing. Suddenly she felt really nervous. She reached up to get some glasses from the cupboard, but she couldn’t quite reach. ‘I don't know why the hell we put them up there!’ She laughed straining. ‘Here, let me,’ Shane walked over. He leant over her, got out the glasses and put them on the counter. Kyra turned round to face him and realised how close she actually was to him. ‘Thank you’ she said nervously. She found herself gazing into his beautiful brown eyes. ‘Anytime’ he replied, staring at her. ‘You look amazing tonight Kyra.’ Kyra found herself going red. She tried to move away from him but she couldn’t, and she didn’t want to. ‘Thank you, again’ she laughed. She felt her heart pounding out of her chest. Suddenly there was a loud blare of music. They both jumped. ‘What the....’ Kyra said walking into the lounge with Shane close behind her. ‘Sorry!’ Kian said, ‘I pressed the wrong button!’ Lisa was laughing hard. Kyra just laughed and turned round to go back into the kitchen. ‘We best take these through’ She said handing the bowls to Shane. ‘Sure’ he said. He could feel his heart thumping. He couldn’t believe he felt this way about someone. He had never felt like this before. Never, not about anyone. He walked into the lounge and over to Mark. They started talking. Kyra went back into the Kitchen and leant on the counter. She walked over to the sink and put the tap on. She splashed cold water over her face and looked up at her reflection in the window. She went back into the lounge and sat on the sofa. The night was going really well, everyone was getting on great. ‘I need another drink!’ Cried Bryan. ‘OK, OK, I’ll get it, but only if your nice to me!’ Kyra said walking over to get his glass from him. ‘OK then’ Bryan said, grabbing her hand and pulling her down. He kissed her on the cheek. ‘That good enough for you?’ He asked laughing. ‘Yeah, that’ll do!’ She replied. Nicky looked over at Shane who was glaring at Bryan. He walked over to him. ‘What’s up, man?’ He asked ‘Nothing’ Shane answered bluntly and walked over to the CD player. Krya walked out into the kitchen, thinking. She hadn’t been able to stop thinking about Shane all night and she couldn’t stop looking at him. She walked into the kitchen with Bryan’s glass. ‘Oh,god, I'm sorry, I didn't....' She walked back out and into the lounge. ‘Hey where’s my drink bar maid?’ Bryan shouted. ‘You’ll have to wait, I kinda interrupted something...’ Just then Kian and Lisa came walking out of the kitchen, holding hands. 'I'm really sorry about that! I didn’t ......’ Kyra began. ‘Its OK Ky, don't worry,’ Lisa said. ‘Oh, I get it!’ Bryan said, ‘you two an item?!!’ Lisa looked at Kian. ‘Yeah we are.’ She said and turned round and gave Kian a hug. ‘Awww.. I'm so pleased for you Lisa!’ Kyra said giving her friend a hug, she knew Lisa had liked Kian. ‘Anyway, best get Bry’s drink!’ Kyra said disappearing into the kitchen. Shane picked up an empty bowl and followed her. ‘Its turned out to be a good night hasn’t it?’ ‘Oh, hi Shane! Yeah I’ve had a great time and thanks for the meal.’ Kyra could feel herself going red again. She knew she was alone with him. She felt her pulse quicken. Suddenly, the music stopped and ‘Puzzle of My Heart’ came on. Shane walked over to Kyra. ‘May I have this dance?’ He asked smiling. ‘Kyra laughed, ‘yeah’ she smiled ‘id like that.’ He held her close to him as they danced. She could smell his after shave. He wrapped his arms around her. She felt so safe, there in his arms. Kyra put her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes. She had never felt closer to someone. 'Every time we meet, the picture is complete, every time we touch, the feeling is too much. She’s all I ever need to fall in love again, I knew it from the very start, she's the puzzle of my heart.’ Shane could smell her hair, her perfume. He could feel her warmth. He was so close he could hear her breathing. He held her closer. She rested her head on his shoulder. He gently danced with her to the music. She lifted her head, and he looked up and gazed at her. He moved that piece of hair again and looked at her. She was so beautiful, he thought. He moved his head towards her and gently kissed her lips. He pulled away and looked at her to see what her reaction would be. She smiled, putting her arms around his neck, welcoming the next kiss. ‘She’s all I ever need to fall in love again, I knew it from the very start, she's the puzzle of my heart.’ The music stopped. Shane looked at Kyra, his arms still round her, holding her close. She smiled. ‘Best get Bryan, his drink.’ She said smiling at him. ‘Yeah’ Shane said, smiling back, ‘Guess so.’ She walked over and picked up the glass with the drink in it, leaving Shane standing there in the middle of the kitchen watching her. She walked over to him with the glass in one hand and she took his hand, smiling and they walked into the lounge. She walked over to Bryan, still holding Shane’s hand, Nicky and Mark were looking at Shane who was smiling, and holding tightly on to Kyra’s hand. ‘There you go, Bry, enjoy’ She said. ‘Thanks’ he replied. Shane went and sat on the sofa and Kyra sat down next to him. About an hour later, it was time for the guys to go. Lisa took about an hour trying to say goodbye to Kian. The girls walked them out to the cars, and thanked them for the meal. Mark, Nicky and Georgina got into the car. Bryan stumbled in after giving Jess his number, which he was sure nobody saw, but Shane was leaning on the roof of his car and saw it. ‘Kyra’, Shane called. ‘Yeah?’ She said walking round the front of the car towards him. ‘Erm.., I thought seen as I have your number, you might like mine.’ He said handing her a piece of paper. ‘Yeah, thank you,’ she said smiling. She looked at him and saw those eyes again. ‘Well I guess ill see you soon?’ He asked her. ‘I hope so’ she replied. He bent down and kissed her. She put her arms around his neck, not wanting him to go. She wanted to take him back inside with her and for him never to go home. He pulled away and she hugged him, holding him as close as she could. ‘I’ll call you tomorrow?’ ‘Yeah, that would be great.’ She said, ‘And Shane,’ she said as he was getting in the car, ‘Yeah?’ ‘I had a great time tonight, thanks.’ ‘Me too,’ he said smiling. He got in the car and they drove off with their horns blaring. Kyra watched until Shane's car was out of sight, then she turned to see her three friends standing there, ‘And just WHAT was that?!!’ They all cried excitedly. Kyra ran over and hugged them all, ‘Come inside and ill tell you everything!!’ ‘YOU KISSED HER SHANE!’ ‘Yeah, I know!’ Shane laughed ‘ how many more times do you need to tell me?!’ ‘So....’ Bryan hinted. ‘So what?’ Asked Shane. They were sitting on the sofa in their flat and they had quizzed Kian about him and Lisa. Shane knew he was going to be up next, so he had tried to get away, and when he did, Bryan and Mark had jumped on him to make sure he’d stay put, so he couldn’t get out of it. ‘Is she a good kisser?!’ ‘That’s none of your business!’ Cried Shane, but the grin on his face gave away his thoughts. ‘HA! Might have to try her out!’ Bryan said. ‘Will you hell, McFadden!' Said Shane jumping on him. After they had finished their play fighting, Shane stood up and stretched. 'I'm of to bed Bry, ill see you tomorrow.’ He walked into his room and started to get ready for bed. He switched the light of and climbed into his bed. He put his hands behind his head and lay there thinking about Kyra, staring at the ceiling, wondering what she was doing... She had never paid so much attention to her ceiling in her life, since she met Shane, she had spent a lot of time studying it, lying on her bed looking up at it. She couldn’t stop thinking about him. That was the best kiss she’d ever had in her life! She rolled over and picked up the piece of paper Shane had given her from her bedside table. She looked at it and at her phone. ‘No, its too late! I cant call now!’ She thought to herself. She picked up her remote for her CD player and pressed play. ‘Puzzle of my Heart’ came on. She lay back, smiling and closed her eyes. She could picture the scene in the kitchen again, slowly but surely, she drifted of to sleep.. ‘KYRA PHONE!!!’ Kyra jumped up with a start. ‘Kyra!!! Phone call!!!’ ‘OK, I'm coming, I'm coming!!’ She shot up and threw her dressing gown on. She glanced at her clock. ‘Oh my god!’ It was 12.30pm She ran down the stairs and over to the phone. ‘Hello?’ ‘Hiya Kyra, its Shane’ She felt her heart skip a beat and she smiled at Lisa. ‘Hi Shane. I'm sorry about that! I was still asleep.’ She said feeling a little shy again. ‘Hey, don't worry about it! I only got up half an hour ago!’ He said laughing. Kyra laughed. ‘So what you doin’ today?’ She asked him. ‘Well me and the guys are getting the flat sorted for a bit of a party tonight.’ He answered. ‘Oh right, cool’ ‘Well, that's the reason I was calling.’ Shane said. ‘I wanted to ask you if you and the girls would like to come over tonight?’ ‘Yeah, we’d love to, hold on just let me check though,’ ‘OK’ Shane laughed. ‘Hey girls, you want to go over to Shane’s flat tonight for a party?’ ‘Yeah, sure’ came the reply. ‘We’ll be there. What time?’ ‘Say about 8.30pm?’ ‘See you then’ Kyra replied. ‘I’ll look forward to it’ Shane said. Kyra felt her cheeks burning. ‘Yeah, me too. Bye’ ‘Bye’ he said. Kyra turned to her friends and smiled. Then her smile turned to a look of horror. ‘Kyra, what’s up?’ Asked Lisa. ‘Oh my god!! What am I going to wear?!’ She cried. Lisa laughed. ‘Go get a quick shower and we’ll go shopping!’ ‘Right!’ She said jumping up and running for the bathroom. After hours of shopping, Kyra finally decided on something to buy, and the girls took a break at a cafe before they went home to get ready for the party. ‘Are you sure you think Shane will like this?’ Kyra asked pulling out her purchases. She had decided on a pair of black pants that showed her figure off according to Lisa, and a beautiful black boned bodice. She had also HAD to buy a pair of black shoes just to make the outfit complete of course! ‘He’ll love it Kyra, you’ll look amazing, you always do!’ Lisa told her friend. ‘Thank you,’ said Kyra hugging Lisa. ‘I just hope Kian doesn’t go off me and after you!’ 'Don't be silly, he only had eyes for you last night! I could have stripped in front of him and he wouldn’t have noticed!!’ Kyra said Both girls burst out laughing. ‘Right, are we ready?’ Mia asked. They were all dressed up and ready to go to the party. ‘Hold on,’ Jess said, ‘we’re missing someone.’ They looked around and all shouted her. ‘KYRA!!!!!!!!!!!’ ‘OK,OK, I'm coming!!’ Kyra was almost ready, just giving herself one last check in the mirror. She had her perfectly straight hair down again. She remembered Shane saying that she had beautiful hair and that he thought it looked lovely down. She grabbed her jacket and ran down to join the others. She was a bit nervous about seeing Shane again, and she could feel the butterflies in her stomach go fluttering around again. ‘Right,’ Mia said again ‘Are we ready?’ ‘YES!’ They all cried going out the door and shutting it behind them. ‘Shay, look I'm not being funny, but you’ve been in that bathroom for over two hours now. There are other people in this flat!!’ Said Bryan. Suddenly the door opened. ‘OK, I'm done now, you can go in.’ Shane said. ‘Bout bloody time Filan!’ There were a few people who had arrived but hardly anyone showed. A few of Bryan’s friends were there and Mark’s and one or two of Kian’s but that was it. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. Shane looked over at Mark. ‘OK, Ill get it then!’ Said Mark, reading his friends mind. ‘Well, hello there girls, don't you all look wonderful tonight!’ Mark said as he opened the door. ‘Would you expect anything else from us?!’ Asked Mia as she strolled in. Kyra was the last one to walk through the door and as she did, every guy looked at her. She strolled in with a bottle of wine and gave Mark a kiss on the cheek. Shane stumbled back on to Nicky. ‘You OK Shay?’ He asked. He followed his eyes to Kyra and realised he was looking at her. ‘God, she does look good tonight doesn’t she?’ He whispered to Shane. ‘Yeah...yeah, she sure does.’ Shane stuttered. Kyra spotted Shane and smiled. She walked over to him and Shane stood himself up straight. ‘Hey Shane!’ She said ‘Hey Ky, you look.....’ He looked her up and down taking it all in, ‘ you look amazing.’ He managed to finish. ‘Thanks’ she said, ‘You look really good too.’ ‘Yeah, thanks’ he said still gazing at her. Kian went passed and smacked Shane on the back, which brought him back to reality. ‘Hey, can I get you a drink?’ He asked. ‘Take your coat?’ ‘Yeah, thanks,’ she said handing him her coat. He walked into the empty kitchen followed by Kyra, and got her a drink. He turned around and handed her the drink. ‘Thanks’ she said. She found her pulse racing remembering what happened the last time they were alone in a kitchen. Shane turned to her. ‘So, what have you been up to today?’ He asked her. ‘Nothing much, you?’ ‘Just sorting this place out really,’ he replied. ‘Yeah, its a nice flat Shay, lovely view,’ she said walking over to the window. ‘And a balcony!' She turned to face him. ‘Well, come on and I'll introduce you to some people.’ He said holding out his hand. Kyra walked over to him, smiling, and took it. They walked into the lounge and started to talk to people. A few hours later, most people had gone and it was only Kyra, Mia, Lisa, Jess, Shane, Mark, Kian and Bryan left, as well as Nicky and Georgina. Kian got up and walked over to the CD player and looked at all the girls. 'Don't worry, I know how to work this one!’ He said Nicky was cleaning up some empty bowls and cans. Mia was talking with Mark. Jess and Bryan were in the corner kissing, convinced no one could see them. Lisa was sitting on the sofa where she had been most of the night with Kian. Shane was in the kitchen putting the bowls that Nicky was bringing out into the sink, he’d been getting on great with Kyra and he really cared about her, more than anyone before. Kyra was standing out on the balcony looking out at the views. The view from their balcony stretched for miles, miles of beautiful countryside. It was early morning and the sun was starting to rise over the hills. Kyra took a deep breath in and sighed deeply. It was a beautiful sight. ‘If you don't do it now, you never will shay!’ Nicky was in the kitchen talking to Shane. ‘Mmmmmm...’ Shane was saying looking out the window. ‘Go talk to her.’ ‘Yeah, OK. Thanks mate.’ Shane said as he walked out of the kitchen. He saw Kyra out on the balcony and Kian still fidgeting with the CD player. He laughed to himself and walked over to the balcony doors. ‘Beautiful isn’t it?’ He said Kyra turned round. ‘Oh, Shane, yeah, its amazing.’ She replied. He walked out on to the balcony and stood next to Kyra. She shivered. ‘You cold?’ ‘A little’ ‘Hold on,’ he went inside and came out with a blanket. ‘Here you go’ he said placing it round her shoulders. ‘Thank you’ She said. He put his arm round her and she rested her head on his shoulder. They stood there for a few minutes. ‘SORTED!’ Kian shouted from inside and Kyra jumped. Shane turned round ‘Shut it Ki!’ ‘Sorry!’ Came Kian’s reply. The CD player was on and it was playing ‘Miss You’ By Westlife. Shane closed the balcony doors over, so they could just hear the music playing softly in the background. Kyra snuggled into him some more and Shane smiled. ‘I love this song too’ She said. ‘Yeah’ agreed Shane but he was too busy looking at her. ‘Kyra, there's something I want to ask you.’ Shane said. She looked up at him, ‘What?’ She asked. He stood her in front of him and smiled at her. She looked beautiful in the early morning Sun. ‘Kyra, will you.....’ He stuttered ‘Will you be my girlfriend?’ She looked at him. His beautiful brown eyes, there was something in them. She thought how gorgeous he was and that she had never felt like this about anyone before. She looked at him. ‘Shane, I’d love to.’ He smiled at her and held her close. She didn't want him to let go. She looked at him and he bent down and kissed her. ‘You got to do anything right now?’ She asked him. ‘No, why?’ ‘Just wanted to know if you wanted to sit here and watch the sun rise with me?’ She asked ‘I’d love that Kyra.’ He said pulling the blanket round them both and pulling her into him. ‘Hurry up and leave will you?!’ Kyra was running round the flat like a mad woman. She had been going out with Shane for about three months and they were having a romantic meal in Kyra’s flat to celebrate. All the girls were going over to Shane’s flat. Mia was kinda seeing Mark, Kian had been with Lisa, just over 3 months and they were never apart. Jess and Bryan weren’t going out YET! ‘OK, OK we’re going!!’ Mia was at the door waiting for Jess, Lisa was already over at the flat, she was with Kian. ‘Look girls,’ she grabbed Jess and Mia before they went out the door. ‘I really appreciate you doing this for me, you know how much it means to me.’ ‘Yeah, we know hun.’ Mia said smiling. ‘We hope you have a great night, we’ll see you tomorrow OK?’ Jess said hugging her friend. ‘Yeah, thanks, and you have a good night too!’ She called after them. She shut the door and looked round the flat. She had the table set, complete with candles. She was really proud of herself, she had even cooked! She looked at her watch to check the time. It was 6pm, Shane was due to arrive at 8pm! She ran upstairs, she only had two hours to get ready! ‘I have to tell her tonight. I WILL tell her tonight’ Shane was standing outside the door to Kyra’s flat. ‘OK’ He knocked. Kyra opened the door, in the black dress that he loved. The one she wore when they first went out. ‘Hiya gorgeous, you look stunning as always.’ He said smiling as he walked into the flat, handing her the bottle he had brought. She took it through to the kitchen and unwrapped it, while Shane took his jacket off. He was wearing a black shirt and trousers. He hung his jacket up on the back of the door and followed Kyra into the kitchen. ‘Wow, you really have put the effort in haven't you Ky?!’ Said Shane when he walked into the kitchen. ‘Yeah, well, I wanted it to be special.’ She said smiling. He walked up behind her and put his arms round her waist and his head on her shoulder as she unwrapped the bottle. ‘Shane! Champagne!!’ She cried. ‘Only the best for you Kyra’ he said as he turned her round and kissed her gently. She gave him a hug and told him to go and put some music on. The whole flat was lit with candles. There wasn’t a light on. Shane walked over and put Kyra’s Westlife CD on and sat at the table. He had realised he loved her along time ago but had never been able to tell her. He decided tonight was the night. ‘Mmmm..smells nice,’ He said as she placed the food on the table. They sat and talked and had a wonderful meal. ‘Puzzle of My Heart’ came on. ‘May I have this dance?’ Shane asked. Kyra laughed out loud. ‘Certainly,’ They stood in the middle of the lounge dancing. Once again she felt safe, wanted. She had never cared this much for someone and she never wanted to let him go. Shane held her so close, she knew he’d never let anything happen to her. She looked up at him and stroked his face. He kissed her. She got butterflies again, her heart skipped a beat, she was sure. She still felt the same way about Shane as she did the first day she saw him on the train to Dublin, she was pretty sure he still felt it too. They were never apart. Shane started singing the words into her ear. ‘Its the way she fills my senses, its the perfume that she wears, I feel I'm losing my defences to the colour of her hair.....’ She smiled and held him tight. Everything was perfect. She realised she loved him. The song finished and they sat on the sofa, talking. Shane poured another glass of champagne. Kyra snuggled into Shane, wrapping her arms around his waist and putting her head on his chest. ‘Kyra, I’ve got something I need to tell you.’ He said Kyra sat up and looked at him, she was worried, was he going to finish it? ‘What?’ She asked, trying to hide the worried tone in her voice. ‘No, Ky, its nothing bad,’ he said hugging her, ‘At least I don't think it is.’ ‘Shane!’ ‘Sorry’ he said. ‘Well here goes.... I need to tell you something that I felt since the day I met you’ ‘Shane?’ Asked Kyra confused ‘I want to tell you that I love you Kyra.’ He said. Kyra looked at him. ‘Kyra? Talk to me!’ He said feeling a little worried by her silent reaction. ‘You, love me?’ Kyra asked ‘Yes,’ he replied, ‘I love you, and I would do anything for you.’ Kyra started to cry ‘No, no, no, Ky, don't cry!’ He said wiping away the tears from her face. She took his hand and looked deep into his worried eyes. ‘Shane, you really do don't you?’ She asked. ‘Yes, more than anyone in this world,’ ‘Shane,’ she said moving into him, so she was as close as she could get, ‘I feel exactly the same.’ He smiled and held her close to him. She lay her head on his chest, ‘I've never been in love Shane, but I know I love you.’ He lifted her head and kissed her. ‘I love you Kyra’ ‘I love you too Shane’ she replied. She kissed him again, more passionately. Kyra stood up. ‘What are....’ Kyra put a finger on his lips and shushed him. She took his hand and led him upstairs to her bedroom. Kyra woke up the next morning to find Shane stroking her face. ‘Morning gorgeous.’ He said smiling. ‘Good morning.’ She smiled and snuggled into him. He kissed the top of her head. ‘You want some breakfast?’ He asked her. ‘In a minute’ she said her eyes closed and her head resting on his chest. ‘We’re gonna have to get up soon Ky,’ Shane said. ‘The rest of the guys will be here soon. Don't forget, we’re goin to Dublin today.’ ‘Oh, yeah!’ She said suddenly lifting her head up. ‘OK, I'll tidy up the lounge and you do the breakfast yeah?’ She asked him. ‘Sure Ky, anything for you.’ He smiled and kissed her. They both got up and got changed and began to sort the flat out. They had breakfast and then sat on the sofa together waiting for the others to arrive. ‘Hey guys!! Have a good night?’ Bryan said winking at them. ‘We sure did,’ Kyra said hugging Shane as if someone was going to take him away from her. He smiled at her and kissed her head. ‘OK, then,’ Kyra said getting up, even though she still had hold of Shane's hand. ‘Who wants a drink?’ ‘I’ll have a glass of orange, please,’ said Kian. ‘Sure.’ Said Kyra going over to the kitchen. ‘Ky,’ Shane shouted after her, ‘Yeah?’ She said coming out of the kitchen. 'I'm gonna have to go back the flat to get changed,’ he said walking over to her. ‘Oh... OK then. Ill see you later yeah?’ She asked ‘Yeah, I'll meet you at the train station OK?’ ‘Yeah OK then. Ki, can you get your orange while I see Shay out?’ Kyra asked. ‘Yeah, sure.’ Kian walked into the kitchen Kyra walked to Shane’s car with him, holding his hand. ‘Kyra, I had a wonderful night last night.’ He said smiling ‘I did too,’ she said smiling. ‘I look forward to more of them.’ Shane said ‘Me too’ Kyra said. ‘I’ll see you at the Station at 12pm?’ He asked hugging her. ‘Yeah, we’ll see you there.’ ‘OK, I love you,’ He said smiling. ‘I love you too Shane.’ Kyra said. He kissed her then got into his car and drove off. A few months later..... ‘So, where do you think he’s taking you?!’ Mia was sitting on Marks knee, they were finally an item after an on off thing. Mia was trying to find out what was going on. Shane had called Kyra the night before and told her to be ready for 10am the following morning. He’d told her that they were going for a drive somewhere. ‘I don't know!’ Kyra cried. ‘Look, its nearly 10, where's my jacket??!!’ There was a knock on the door. ‘Ill go!’ Lisa shouted, Kian was still in bed, but Lisa was the early bird. ‘Hey Shay! Yeah I think she’s ready, come in. Ky? Shay’s here for you!’ Kyra turned around to see the one sight she loved in the world: Shane Filan, walking towards her, with his winning smile and shining eyes... ‘Hey, Ky, missed me?’ He said taking her in his arms. ‘You bet!’ She said hugging him. ‘Come on then! Lets get going!!’ ‘Where are we going Shay? You can tell me now cant you?!’ Kyra pleaded. ‘Sorry gorgeous, its a secret.’ He winked at Nicky. They all walked down to the car with them. Shane stopped in front of Kyra. ‘Kyra, close your eyes.’ ‘Why?!’ She asked ‘You trust me don't you?’ He asked her ‘Of course I do Shane.’ She said closing her eyes. Shane nodded at Nicky and he came up behind her and place a blindfold over Kyra’s eyes. ‘What the....!’ She began. Shane kissed her. He whispered in her ear, ‘Leave it on, it’ll ruin the surprise if you don't. I wont let anything happen to you.’ Then he kissed her cheek and helped her into the car. They said goodbye to everyone and Shane drove off. ‘Where are we going Shane?!’ Kyra begged. ‘Ky, it’ll ruin the surprise! We’ll be there soon, promise.’ He took hold of her hand as he drove and she relaxed. About few hours later, they arrived. ‘Now can I...’ She began. ‘Hold on, let me get you out of the car first!’ Shane exclaimed. He got out and walked round to the passenger side. He opened the door and helped Kyra out. It was a beautiful day and Kyra could feel the warmth of the sun on her face. She could hear the soft lapping of water and the seagulls. There was a wind that whipped past her, picking up her soft, blonde hair with it as it went. Then she heard the soft, Irish voice of Shane. He was stood right behind her. She could feel him breathing. ‘Well, here we are Kyra...’ Guiding her, step by step. Then he took the blindfold off her eyes. It took a minute for her eyes to adjust, then she realised where she was. She looked and she could see ocean for miles. She was standing there on the Cliffs Of Moher in Ireland looking out at miles of ocean. She turned around to see Shane standing there looking at her. She had always wanted to go to the cliffs. Always. She and Shane had talked about it and that they would go there one day. It would be their special place. He had driven her all this way from Sligo. She turned to him and hugged him. ‘I love you Kyra.’ He said. Kyra couldn’t reply, she couldn’t hold the tears in, she stood there crying on his shoulder. ‘I love you too Shane, I love you so much.’ He had laid a picnic out on the tops of the cliffs for them to enjoy. They even stopped someone and got a photo together there. ‘That's going on my bedside table!’ Kyra said The day was coming to a close and the wind picked up bringing with it a bit of a chill from the sea. But Kyra didn't mind she was with Shane watching the sun set over the sea. Suddenly Shane stood up and walked over to his car. He pulled out a CD player from the boot. ‘What the...?’ Kyra was laughing. He pressed play. ‘Puzzle of My heart’ Shane walked over to Kyra and without saying a word he started to dance with her. He held her close and whispered the words to her. They were the only ones on the cliff now. After a few minutes Shane stood in front of her. ‘I love you Ky. And I want to ask you something,’ He said looking at her. He went into the pocket of his jacket and pulled out a black velvet box. Kyra gasped. ‘Kyra, will you marry me?’ Shane asked her. He opened the box to show a beautiful diamond ring, it was silver with one stone in the centre and on either side it had a Celtic knot. ‘Yes Shane!! Yes, I’ll marry you!!’ She cried and threw her arms around his neck. He placed the ring on her finger and looked at it sparkle in the disappearing light of the sunset. He looked up at her and put his hand on her face. He kissed her, kissed her in a way she’d never been kissed before. Then he held her, held her close. ‘I love you Shane’ ‘I love you too Kyra.’