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Shane's Bio

Name: Shane Stephen Filan

Birthplace: Sligo, Ireland

Birthdate: July 5th, 1979

Starsign: Cancer

Eye colour: Hazel

Hair colour: Dark brown

Height: 1.75m (5' 9")

Brothers: Finbar, Liam, and Peter

Sisters: Yvonne, Denise, and Mairead

Parents: Peter and Mae

Favourite actors & actresses: Tom Cruise & Catherine Zeta Jones

Girlfriend: None

He plays guitar

One of his first jobs was working in a hardware store

He was in the band I.O.U. with Kian and Mark

Dislikes: "rude people, rain, snakes"

He describes himself as a "level-headed, generous, romantic"

What do the rest of Westlife think of Shane?

"Bryan: Shane is so talented. If I'm having problems getting a song right, I'll go to Shane for help. He can be really lively one minute and then he'll suddenly go really quiet. He loves getting out and meeting the fans.

Kian: Shane and I are very close. We're both very committed to making this band as successful as we can. We spend ages talking about songs, and about how the band is getting on. He's good fun to be with and, when we go home, we always go out together.

Nicky: Shane is sometimes very serious, and sometimes he's off-the-wall mad. He's great to talk to about anything, and he thinks about things very deeply. He's got very strongly held ideals.

Mark: He's very talented and a great crack to be around - he's extremely funny and can have us in stitches in minutes. He's very generous and kind-hearted. Shane has a million-watt mega-smile that can light up the darkest room! He's always quietly bubbling over with ideas and plans for the future, both for himself and the band. And he's the boy who can't say no: when it comes to signing autographs for Westlife fans, Shane is always there to the end, making sure no one goes home empty-handed. And he loves animals, especially dogs and horses, almost as much as people, and he also has a passion for cars - fast cars, naturally. And girls - three things to remember, he's very romantic, he's a bit of a whiz in the kitchen, and he's very ticklish."

Shane is very close to his mother and misses her terribly when he's away,he cries everytime he has to leave. She gave him a silver ring wich he never takes off.

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