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When it counts



I sat at my desk looking down at the album I held in my hand. It was hard to believe all that had hapened and even harder still to believe the way it turned out. I watched the cover closely and ran my hand over the cover, the letters 'Westlife'. What was so special about that name? My hand dipped lower, to the picture of me. What's so special about me? So I can sing great. I am ok looking i guess but i don't think I'm that special. Why do hundreds and maybe even thousands of girls squeal at the mention of my name? Why do they want me so much? And why, of all things couldn't I have found just 1 girl, 1 to fall in love with, someone to call when I'm lonely, to talk to when i have a problem. That's all I was looking for but I got more....... so much more.......

It all started on a monday. I was up at the crack of dawn as usual for yet another rehearsal. I was at the theater and dancing when all of a suden the most beautiful girl I had ever seen came walking in to the room. She had golden brown shoulder length hair and big beautiful brown/green hazel eyes. Her lips had just the right amount of shine and looked soooo kissable! And her body.... let's just say, god made her perfect. I could barely remember my lines when she looked up at me, but when she smiled I was lost here's how it went:

"I found out what I dreamt of and i looked it up and at his very moment.... I'm flyin' without wings."

Now if that wasn't bad enough we were in the middle of a dance which i had stopped doing causing Mark and Nicky to fall on Bryan. I jumped off the stage and walked over to her.

"Hi," I said "I'm Shane Filan, and you are"

She laughed this beautiful throaty laugh and said

"I know who you are Mr. Filan, I'm your new handy girl."

Now that could Not have meant what i thought it did!

"My, uh, what?"

"I'm supposed to follow you guys around on tour and do stuff for you, like change tires on buses when they pop, or clean the bus when it's messy, do your laundry and make sure you guys are on time."

Ok first off, thank you fairy god mother fer that one! who could've guessed.

"Really? This should be interestin'" I said
