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Lost Chance

on the evening "Try to be quiet!" kian said to himself as he stepped into the dark house. But this wasn`t easy to manage when you think how many drinks he had this evening. There were for sure too many. Blanche couldn`t sleep. That wasn`t a wonder, in fact bryan was snoring so loud as possible. Her room mates could sleep.She doesn`t knew how, but they did. She thought back: It had be a hard but also really funny week. The 4 girls who are also dancing for weslife were really nice and so the guys themself. Everyone of the girls had a crush on one of the guys - except she. They had been all really nice but she couldn`t think of having more feelings for them then friendship. If maybe one of the guys could have more feelings for her? she asked herself. Proplaby not, or? Even is kian home , yet? she thought. He was going out on the evening. When she heard a noise from the door, she knew that this was kian. She decided to go down and bringing him into his room, if he is so drunken like bryan promised it her. She went down and couldn`t help but smile. Kian was lying on the floor, looking up to her. "Since when are here so many stairs? Haven`t there been less?" kian asked innocent. " Huh, you have had too many drinks ki, haven`t you?" blanche asked with a grin. " Comon kian, I bring you now to your room, the guest room!" Kian looked at her. " Bryan knew you will be drunken and prepated the room" "But......" kian started. "No But kian! Comon now" blanche finished his sentences while she was leading him up and brought him to the room. in the room "Now kian you will sleep, ok?" Blanche turned around and wanted to leave when kian suddenly pulled her back, locking his lips onto hers. At first she was confused, but finally kissed him back. "You still want to leave?" kian asked with a cheeky smile. She closed the door , short before kian took her hand leading her to the bed where he started to kiss her passionality. " Kian..............I didn`t knew..............that you..........had a" she said between his kisses. He stopped, looked deep into her eyes. Then he made his way down leaving a wet line from her neck to her slip. "Yo u know, I always wanted you! I want you really bad!" kian said in a hoarse voice, while he started to unbotton her slip." Kian what are you doing there?" blanche asked nervous. The alcohol made him talking rude: " I want to fuck you!" and went on. " Kian please stop that!" Blanche pushed him away and redressed herself. "What the hell you think you are doing there, blanche?" Kian stepped nearer to her. "Don`t you want me?" "Kian please!" she siad and turning to the door. " Tell me why?" " Kian I`m still virgin!" "That`s no reason!" Kian pulled her back to the bed, throwing her on it. "Comon you little slut! I know you want to be fucked!" He set down on her hips and pressed his lips hard on hers. With the one hand he managed to held her arms down, while the other one was making her way down to the slip. "Kian please! I don`t want to !" she mumbled under his kisses. Suddeny she lifted up her hips against kian, who was so surprised that he got weak for a second. She used her chance, pushed him away and ran out. "You are a bitch! You will pay for it!" was the last she heard before she closed the door to the bathroom. the next morning After she dushed a hour she felt better, but not really at all. She was still shocked about his behaviour. When she went down in the kitchen she saw lisa, sarah, nathalie , alexandria and the westlife guys, except kian. She was happy about that fact, but she knew that she would have to face him again. "Nah, blanche, you brought ki to his room, haven`t you?" bryan said joking. " Even what have the 2 of you done? It was so loud!" bryan teased her. "Nothing bry! He was just drunken! Even you must say that.You snored so loud that I hardly couldn`t sleep the half night, bry!" blanche said. ".............and if u hadn`t snored so loud, I would have slept when kian arrived, and this hadn`t have happened!" she added in her mind. "Ok we go!" lisa said. They wanted to go home for two days which they had free. Blanche didn`t `cos her mother was in holidays. After some hugges and kisses the girls left. "And what are you guys now doing?" blanche turned to the westlife guys. "Shopping!" nix said, smiling at shane. "So we leave you now alone with ki! Be nice to him!" shane joked. She wanted to react cool but all she did was looking shoked " Hey, he won`t eat you!" mark said grining. They hugges, and after five minutes she was alone - with kian! She thought of knocking herself in the bathroom, but she couldn`t spend the whole day there in, so she seat down in the arm chair in the living room. She was looking out of the window when kian came out of his room. "Morning" he said sitting down in the armchair, which stood in the oppissite to her. He looked her directly in the eyes, but she was not looking at him. She didn`t wanted to. "How many have you really drunken yesterday evening?" blanche asked, still looking out of the window. " Not many! Why?" he said innocent. "Not many?" she replied. He stood up and gave her kiss on the cheek. " If you wonder if I regret the things we did...." he took her chinn and turned it around to him. "Don`t touch me egan!" He let go of her. "What do you remember, kian?" " Well, you brought me to my room and then we snogged!" Blanche looked at him. "And?" "What and?" "Kian you tried to rape me!" " No. Did I really?" kian asked scared. "Yes you did!" The anger grows up in her. Kian realised and kneed down to her, looking deep into her eyes. "I`m sorry. I`m really. I never wanted to! I promise it won`t happen again!" Blanche nodded. A tear ran down her cheek. "It hurts me kian. And I never was so scared before in my life!" she paused "I don`t know if I can ever trust you again!" " Blanche , I love you!" "Sorry, kian! I haven`t and I don`t!" "Tell me, did I had a chance?" he asked. " Yeah I think you had have a chance but you waist your chance!" She stood up and left. Leaving kian with a broken heart. the end