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The One For Him

The one for him by Nicky “Why I? why I?” Antje woked up, her body still shaking . It was now the second time she that dream but this time it was worse. She looked around. She was still in her room, the room that she is sharing with 2 girls since 1 day. Both were still aslept. It was a big house she was living in, for ten person, and they were ten! The five guys of westlife and the five dancers. The were preparing the dances for the following tour. And antje was one of the lucky girl who had the change to dance with westlife. She stood up and made her way down in the kitchen, were kian, shane and nicky were sitting. “Morning” shane said. Nicky nodded and smiled “ Morning” Kian was lost in his day dreams, so she said” Morning ki!” who woke up from his dream “ Hi!. he said, then hugged her and disappear in the bathroom. “”What the hell is with him?” antje asked. “His girlfriend is coming today morning” shane explained . “ You haven`t slept well, have you?” shane asked while she was taking a seat.” I had a bad dream” she said simple. The both guys looked at her ,expecting more. “Yo u want to know the dream , don’t you?” she asked . Both nodded. “ Ok I will tell. I had this dream once before but not in that way. I don’t know really where to start! I know just I was in the kitchen, and there was a girl with a blue jeans overall. I could only see her back, and that she had black hair. Behind her I could see kian dressed in a blue jean which were really tidy and a tidy white shirt. I heard how she said its over and then she disapear. Kian was now lying in the living room and the ground and his heart was bleeding!” she stopped and looked and shane and nicky. “ Go on ! “ nicky said. “ Ok! You tried to stop it and held your hand on it, like u could stop it in this way. But it didn’t worked! He was bleeding stronger and sronger! His shirt was red, and all of u guys had red hands and arms. I watched it and said suddenly ” He has something in his heart!” and stepped nearer. You made some place for me and I kneed down to his left side. Then I put my hands into his chest, and tooked out a stone.You took it away from me to take a look at it. When I looked again to kian, his chest had stop bleeding! There was no blood anymore. His shirt was still white like nothing had happened. And you also had no blood at your body anymore. Then kian opened his eyes, looked at me and I could see how the tears were runing down his face. I tooked him into my arms and said “It`s ok!” That was it. What do you think about it?” antje asked. Silence. Nicky was the first who said something “ Wow!” Shane nodded in agrement.Shane wanted to say something more but in this moment kian came runing down this stairs, dressed in a tidy blue jeans and a tidy white shirt. Everybody looked shocked. " What is with me?" kian asked. " Don’t I look good?". "You look good kian, too good!" antje said sad, but kian doesn`t realised it , only shane and nicky. Kian hugged her "Thanxs". But then he relised her sadness. "What`s the matter with you, hun?" She looked at shane, not sure if she should tell him, but shane nodded. "Ok, kian......" The doorbell rang. " Antje tell me later ,ok? That`s rachel!" kian said and ran quick to the door. "rachel!" Kian hugged her but she pushed him away."What is darling?" kian asked " Kian we must talk! Now! It`s over!" Kian looked at her , not really believing. "What? rachel, comon tell me you are only kidding!" " No kian I don`t love you! That`s it!" She turned around to leave but kian pulled her back " Look at me! Why?" kian said anger. " Rachel, tell him the REAL reason!" antje said. " What?" kian looked at antje, not believing what happens. " What have you to do with it?" racheal asked antje. " I didn`t knew you rachel and that you are kian`s girlfriend! But I know that I saw you yesterday snogging with patrick in a club!" antje said. " Patrick? Rachel, who is he?" kian looked now again to racheal " Hes` a guy from sligo! We are together since a half year! I really love him!" she said. " Leave!" kian yelled " What?" "You heard me racheal! Leave me! I can`t believe that you cheated me, and that over a half year! Go!" So she turned around and stepped out the door, closing it behind. " And you!" Kian turned around pointing at antje" Why haven`t you told me? You knew it! Or why have you been so upset? Because you knew!" " Kian, please give her a chnage to explain!" " Ok ! Go on , tell me!" " Kian I had a dream, and that`s how I knew that she would break it up with you! But it was a little bit differnet from what happened here....." antje said. She wanted to go on but kian yelled" A dream! Are you kidding or what? A dream! No thats too much for me.I go! and I think you should go in a psychiatry!" With that he left. Antje broke down in tears" I should go in a psychiatry? How can he say something like that!" She looked at the guys " Tell me, you think so too, don`t you!" Shane and nicky stood up walking over to her. " No, we DON`T think u need one!" Nicky put her into a warm embrace. Shane added "Believe me, he doesn`t meant it!" " But why I? Why should I see this in my dream? If kian only knew how much it hurts me!" She started sobbing agian. " Antje I thought about your dream!" both, nicky and antje looked at shane. " In the world is for everybody the right person. Nicky found in Georgina, Bryan in Kerry, and when Kian opens one day his eyes he will realise that you are the one, and so you will!" Nicky nodded. " Yeah, shane is right.The reason for your dream is that you are the one for him, and only you!" the end
