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Why oh Why

“Naima, I`m so nervous!” kim said ecited. Both were in Manchester to see the first cnocert of the World of our own- Tour. Some minutes passed, then the concert started. The girls screamed and were total hysterycally. Except Naima. She was here because kim wanted it and invited her. Naima looked at Kian. His eyes were bright and he smiled his beautiful smile. Don`t you know that you`re my reason For my love, my life, my being So secure and so damn sure my Heart would surely die without you With one look at Kian came the memories back. Before nearly one year the guys gaved a concert in germany and she was there. She was one of the lucky girls who won a backstage-pass. The first time she and kian met was before the concert. He was strongly flirting with her and everybody realized. She remembered one og the girls. “Take care with Kian! He might only play with you!” did the girl said but Naima didn’t listen. The concert has been fantastic and kian was giving her most of anttention. After the concert she met him again. His clothes were wet. She could still smell his smell his sweat and still she saw his smile. They spend the night together. Naima gaved him what she never had given someone before: her heart and her body. I tried to swallow my pride But I felt my heart start to tremble inside Wish I didn`t know `cause I can`t let you go The next morning was sweeter than everything that ever happened in the past Tell me Why Why when I looked in your eyes I felt my heart start to cry “We stay in touch, hun!” did he said. He gaved her his adresse. “Hope you visit me!” He kissed Naima the last time. “I will miss you!” Then he left. Ooh why, Why did you have to lie `Cause I felt the trust to die Why o why When I still love you It`s so hard to say goodbye She missed him like hell and so she decied to go to sligo. She didn’t let him knew, it should have been a surprise. And he was surprised but it looked more like a shock. “Are you not happy to see me?” Naima asked shy. The shock was gone and anger filled him “What are you doing here?” “Kian, I though we are together?!” she said now even weak. “Naima it was a one-night-stand!” How can you tell me it was nothing `Cause you took away everything I dreamed in Just a night and i held you tight When you know you were sleeping in my bed She turned around and left. It was too late to fly home so she rent a romm in Sligo Park Hotel. Should I quietly leave trough the door Or maybe pretend the way things were once before When I met you I`ll never forget you On the evening she went to the park to think a little . there she met him again. He was alone and passed her by with a friendly “Hello”. She looed after him. He stopped and turned around. “I`m sorry to have hurt you!” he started. “It`s ok, it`s just hard to say goodbye!” “It was a wonderful day with you, so keep that in your heart!” with that he left. After a hour she saw him once again and it made her die Why Why when I looked in your eyes I felt my heart start to cry When I saw you with the other girl Why o why When I still love you It`s so hard to say goodbye By nicky
