1. You must like Abandoned Pools. Duh. If you don't then why are you here?

2. I must like your site. I'm not picky so don't worry. Theres like a 9 out of 10 chance that I'll like it.

3. You don't need a site, just a valid email address.

4. If you have a site, you must keep the code up at all times. I do code checks a lot.

5. Where it says "Why?" on the join form write "I like the colour black." so I know you read the rules. :)

6. If you change where you put the code, your URL, or your email address you must tell me. This is to avoid dead links.
7. No hate (racist, sexist, homophobic, ect.), or porn sites. Racist, sexist, and homophobic people are pathetic. And I don't want to go on your site and see some naked girl. So if it's any of those don't bother.

8. No tYpInG LyKe ThIs or lik3 th15... it's incredibly stupid, makes you look immature, and is fucking annoying.

9. When I see the code up, I'll add you to the list. You have about a week.

Trust me, I'm not as mean as I may seem.