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9/16/02 - Messageboard

Well the site is very up. Duh. And now we have a message board. Check it out! Also the show is definitely in the process of going down. Keep visiting for more info.

9/12/02 - New Look, New Stuff

I finally worked on a new look for the site, and HEY! It's not so bad. I'm doing one at a time, so if a page still looks old, calm your ass down. Two more big subjects of news: First, pictures have been posted of the band members in their bio, and there are new pictures in the "Pics" section. Also huge news: Action Slackers WILL be playing a show with Skizmatic, Empire America, Curbside Assistance, and Soon to Fall. The details on the show aren't established, such as date, place, etc. Take a look at the new "Shows" page to find out more. That's all the news for now folks. Enjoy the new site.   <3 Chris