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Against All Odds - Chapter Eighteen

Laying on the bed, AJ flipped through a magazine that had been supplied to him by the hospital staff. It was what had appeared to be an old, outdated People magazine, the date on the issue was June 22, 2001. Thinking to himself, he realized that this would have been shortly after his mom’s and the guy’s plane crash.

When the realization of that event crossed his mind, AJ started thumbing through all the issues of the magazines that had been provided from the date of the accident, May 12, 2001 through the last date they had given him, from that year. Something in the stacks came across him as increasingly odd, and his breath caught as he saw a picture of Brian and Leighanne with the caption: Vacation in the Bahamas. The little snip of an article below the photo mentioned that Brian and Leighanne were vacationing before they were going to be heading out to New York for the brain injury awareness charity event. The strangeness of the article was the date that had been provided for the event. It was for February 2, 2002.

Tossing the magazine aside, AJ stood up and walked over to the closet to pull out that painful newspaper that told of the horrific plane crash that killed his mother and his friends. The date was what he was interested in: May 8, 2002. AJ did a double take on the date of the paper and the date on the picture of Brian and Leighanne. Another thing that wasn’t jelling with the plane crash and the picture was the cut that was across Brian’s forearm in that photo. He got that cut last spring working on his house.

The same exact cut!

AJ pressed his call button. He wasn’t sure what was going on, but he was growing suspicious and was hoping that Tiffany would be the one that would answer the call light. He was disappointed when it was Esther that appeared when the door was opened.

“Did today’s newspaper come in yet?” AJ calmly asked.

“My, you sure are quite the reader, aren’t you?” Esther smiled.

“Can never get enough of it,” AJ stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

“I’ll see if I can fetch one for you, is there anything else you need?”

AJ tried to think of something that would be sending Tiffany to his room. “Breakfast maybe? I’m actually feeling hungry this morning.”

“Sounds good, I’ll get a tray sent in for you too.”

As the door clicked closed, AJ laid back on his bed, a smug smile on his face. He knew something was up and it was just a matter of time before he caught them in their lies. He just wanted to make sure he had enough evidence before he called them on it.

Chapter 19