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Against All Odds - Chapter Nine


Nick woke up when a guest at the hotel room next to his slammed the door and started shouting at someone in the hall. He gingerly placed a hand to his head, trying to calm down the headache. As he rolled over to sit up, a wave of dizziness and nausea came on quickly.

“Great, Kevin had me sedated,” he mumbled as he slowly sat up. “That asshole.”

Brian entered the room, drying his hands off with the small, white towel. “Oh you’re up, how are you feeling?”

As Nick leaned forward, he cradled his head in his hands. “How the hell do you think I feel?”

“What? What did you say?” Brian asked as he went back into the bathroom to hang the towel up.

“I feel like shit,” Nick replied, looking at Brian for a moment before putting his head back down.

“Want some Tylenol?”

“No I don’t want any fricken tylenol,” Nick snapped.

“Nick, I’m sorry you feel like crap, but you sort of brought this on by yourself. Kevin was worried about how you were freaking out on us and we really didn’t have any other choice. I think they got a little heavy on the Ativan dose, but you wouldn’t hold still.” Brian stopped talking as he watched Nick slowly get up and walk towards the bathroom. “Are you okay?”

“Yep, just fine. Lemme go throw up, brush my teeth and wash my face and then we’ll go to the water and start looking,” Nick replied and then quickly slammed the door shut behind him.

Brian shrugged his shoulders in reply as he walked towards the courtesy coffee pot and grabbed a styrofoam cup and poured the dark contents into the cup. He winced when he heard Nick getting sick, swallowing hard, trying to keep his own stomach from betraying him. He had always been a “sympathetic vomiter.”

“Uh, Nick, I’m gonna go get a paper, be back in a minute,” Brian called out an excuse as he set the cup down and scooped up the room card.

Nick’s only reply was a muffled ‘yeah’ followed by coughing.

Chapter Ten