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Against All Odds - Chapter Six

Once again as AJ woke up, he was hoping that this had been a dream - more likely a nightmare. He was again disappointed to see the same four walls and himself in a hospital gown. His eyes focused on the untouched breakfast tray that sat on a table at the end of his bed. He wasn’t hungry and dismissed that from his being in an eighteen month coma.

There was a feeble knock on the door and a young nurse cautiously entered the room.

“Hi, I have to do your morning vitals,” she stated in an apologetic voice.

AJ shurgged his shoulders as he settled back into the bed. She wordlessly set about her task of taking his blood pressure and pulse.

“Relax, it’s okay,” the girl said soothingly.

“Huh?” AJ questioned.

“It’s your pulse, it’s really fast so I’m assuming that you were thinking about something that was agitating you.”

“Oh, well I was wondering when someone was going to get a hold of my mom or one of my friends so I could at least let them know I was okay.”

The nurse quickly wrote down AJ’s vitals. “You’ll have to talk to the doctor when he makes his rounds.”

“Could you call someone for me? I don’t have a phone in here and they seem to be set on not letting me get out of bed.”

The young woman pushed the breakfast tray towards AJ. “I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to talk to the doctor when he comes in. I’m not allowed to call relatives for the patients. Now, why don’t you eat your breakfast and I bet as soon as you’ve finished, the doctor will be coming in.”

AJ watched as the woman turned and quickly left the room. He cast a glance at the newspapaer that was laying beside the tray, the date in bold letters nearly shouting at him: November 13, 2002.

Chapter Seven