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Against All Odds - Chapter 16

AJ sprung off the bed to protect the young girl that was ordered to leave. “What the hell is going on?” he growled.

“Nothing for you to be concerned about Mister McLean,” the short woman hissed in reply.


“I would appreciate it if you lowered your voice. There’s nothing to get upset over and if you do not calm down I’ll have to---”

AJ glared at the woman. “What!? Give me more freakin meds to dope me up?” He started towards the woman. “How much longer are you going to pull this shit?”

“Calm down,” Tiffany interrupted.

“I will NOT calm down. I want answers and I want them now!”

“Answers to what? I thought you’ve been aprised of your condition all along,” the woman stated in a soft voice.

“No, the answers you’ve been feeding me are missing some important information! It’s like you’re trying to cover some shit up or something.”

“We’ve been telling you everything, we told you about the plane crash, your accident, your friends dead.”

“Okay okay, you’ve told me all of that shit but why are you keeping me locked up in this room? Why can’t I make any calls on my own? It’s like you’re trying to keep me in the dark about stuff.”

The two women watched as AJ paced the room, waiting for his next eplosive outburst. He picked up his breakfast tray as if he were going to hurl it at them or the wall at any given moment. He held it and then slammed it down on the table over and over and over again before he sank down onto the bed and bowed his head as he started sobbing.

“I... I can’t go on like this anymore. I need answers. Why don’t you tell me anything?” AJ asked as he hung his head.

“I think you need a sedative,” the woman decided outloud.

“You have to stop doing that to him,”Tiffany defended. “Can’t you see it’s messing him up?”

“That will be enough out of you, young lady. You know your place here!”

“I also know what’s right from wrong and this is so wrong, Esther, this is very wrong!”

AJ’s head shot up when Tiffany defended him. He looked at the older woman and then over towards Tiffany, who stood there with her hands folded across her chest, feet planted firmly on the floor, her mouth set in a determined scowl.

“I am going to have to beat that stubbornish ways out of you,” Esther stated as she grabbed Tiffany’s arm and jerked her towards the door. “We will have someone deal with you in a few minutes Mr. McLean. I know you won’t be going anywhere.”

As the door started to close, AJ jumped from the bed and ran towards the door, only to make it to the door as it clicked shut and the lock turning. He pounded his fists against the cold metal and started crying again, feeling lost, alone and trapped.

Chapter 17