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Against All Odds - Chapter 13

“Well, Mr. McLean, I see that you were wishing to leave our facilities already,” the man holding a clipboard in his hands delcared.

AJ, still dressed in his street clothes, stared at him while folding his arms across his chest. “Yeah, I want to leave.”

“I can’t allow that, I’m sorry Mr. McLean.”

“You can’t keep me prisioner here, I’m an adult and I can make my own damn decisions and my choice is to get the hell out of here and try to salvage what’s left of my life!” AJ replied through gritted teeth.

The man took a few hesitant steps towards AJ. “Tsk.. tsk, you do have an attitude about you, I see. Almost a cockiness.”

“Yeah, well wouldn’t you have one too? My god, I need to get out of here! What purpose does this serve with me being here and why do you have my room locked?”

“Please calm down Mr. McLean. You are here until I see that your transition into the present is secure. There have been far too many things that have happened since your accident and you have to address them on an idividual basis. Your room is locked for security reasons, nothing for you to be concerned over.”

AJ’s eyes followed the short, stocky man as he walked over to a cupboard and produced a new hospital gown and several clean, white towels. After he set them on the nightstand, he stopped to write something down on the sheet of paper attached to the clipboard. “Okay, you need to change your clothes and get the gown back on and then after that we will start a therapy sesson for you to help you get back in touch with the present and talk about the events that led up to where you are now.”

Letting out a sarcastic laugh, AJ got off the bed. “You don’t get it, do you? I said I was leaving with or without your permission. Fuck this bullshit! I don’t need your help or anyone else’s!”

“You’re making a big mistake here Mr. McLean. We could be doing this more civil. I’m sorry I have to do this.”

AJ narrowed his eyes at the doctor when he heard a distinct buzzing noise followed by a click and several body-guard built men quickly entere the room, grabbing AJ by the arms and pinning him face down onto the bed.

“What the fuck are you doing?” AJ yelled as he struggled to free himself of the men.

“This is for your own good,” the doctor stated.

“What the hell is for my own... get off of me...ouch you sonofabitch!” AJ took a sharp breath in when he felt something stick him in his arm. Immediately he felt the warming effects of a medication he had been injected with. He started to feel groggy almost instantly and faught to stay awake.

“Get him dressed and back in bed,” the doctor ordered the men that were in the room. AJ wanted to yell, but his body was paralyzed with the med and he lost his battle and allowed the sleep to wash over him.

Chapter 14