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Against All Odds - Chapter 30

Kevin eased the seat back, folding his arms across his chest.

Brian stared at his cousin’s actions angrily. “What the heck are you doing?”

Yawning, the elder Kentuckian shrugged his shoulders. “Getting some rest, I have a feeling we’re going to be waiting on those guys for a long time.”

“Guys….hey, I think they came out,” Howie said quickly.

“Wow they actually didn’t stay for last call,” Brian smirked as he started the car.

Howie tapped Brian on the shoulder. “Don’t get too anxious, you don’t want to tip them off.” Brian nodded his head in agreement, while Kevin shook his head.

“I think both of you have watched far too many cops and robber movies,” he paused for a moment as he watched the vehicle that held the two men in question put their car into reverse. “Don’t turn your headlights on just yet.”

Brian stopped his movements. “Huh?”

“If they see you put your headlights on, they will know you’re waiting for them to follow them. People like that are pretty skittish.”

“Okay, who has watched too many cops and robber movies now?” Howie asked as he watched the car drive slowly past them.

Ignoring the Latino, Kevin directed his attention to Brian. “Turn your headlights on and just ease out of the parking lot. Don’t do anything spectacular to raise suspicions. Don’t follow them too close, but not too far away where you would lose them.”

Biting his bottom lip as he drove, Brian nodded as he did exactly as Kevin instructed.

For fifteen long minutes, they followed the suspect car, no one spoke as they drove. Finally, the car pulled into what looked to be an abandoned warehouse parking lot.

“Don’t pull in here,” Kevin urged, just drive around the block.

“But how are we going to know where they went or what building?”

“I would probably bet on the building that has lights on,” Kevin causally replied.

“Hey take this side street,” Howie suggested. “But turn your headlights off before you turn in.”

Brian did as instructed, then he leaned up by the steering wheel to watch the path. “How do I know where this leads to?”

“We don’t know, just drive slow,” Kevin said.

As luck would have it, the path lead to the back side of the tall building.

“Pull off to the side, don’t get right up by the place,” Howie urged.

Kevin nodded his head in agreement. “Good idea.”


Parking in front of the building, Jack McDonald exited the car.

“So aren’t you worried about leaving that kid where we did?” the burly bodyguard asked the older man.

Jack shrugged his shoulders. “Why do I give a fuck?”

“Because he obviously has head injuries, he might die!”

“Again, Doug, why do I give a fuck?”

“We just dropped him out in the middle of nowhere. Someone is gonna find him eventually, he dies—“

“Carter dies, so what? How would anyone know where he came from? You worry too much.”

“But you have someone that will talk, he saw Carter and he saw you hit him and knock him out.”

“McLean will be the least of our worries soon. Ester is giving him heroin and he’s probably addicted right now since she started as soon as he was put back in his room.”

“And you think that will stop him from talking?”

Jack laughed. “People will think he is hallucinating. No one is going to believe what comes out of McLean’s mouth.”

“Wasn’t the whole idea of kidnapping that Backstreet Boy in the beginning was to show him off to your niece?”

The old man’s expression soured. “Well I guess things change. If that Carter kid hadn’t showed up it would have been different.”

“Nick Carter didn’t have anything to do with you not taking AJ to your niece. If you had done that in the very beginning you wouldn’t be in that mess.”

The older man shook his head. “I’m not worried, Carter is out of our hair and pretty soon McLean won’t remember shit or they’ll just think he’s stoned out of his gourd. Let’s go up to my office for a night cap.”


Kevin turned in his seat to face both Brian and Howie. “Okay, here’s the plan. Follow me quietly and don’t do anything stupid. If I decide we need to leave, we leave. I don’t want to see either one of you try and play hero. We can always call the police—“

Brian rolled his eyes as he interrupted his cousin. “I told you before, the police haven’t been helpful!”

“Yeah, they really haven’t done too much,” Howie agreed.

Kevin stared at the Latino with a shocked expression. “I can’t believe the two of you! The police have done all that they have been able to do with what little they have to go on. AJ’s car was found in the channel and sad to say, it pretty much proved that he drowned.”

“You can’t keep saying that! I know that something else happened and this guy is responsible,” Brian protested.

“How do you know that?” Kevin countered.

“I can feel it here,” Brian said as he gestured to his heart. “And I just know it.”

Kevin shook his head. “Okay, remember, follow me quietly, we go in and get Nick and we leave, got it?”

Howie immediately nodded yes. Kevin narrowed his eyes at his cousin.

”Got it?”

“Yeah, I guess,” Brian mumbled.