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Against All Odds - Chapter Twenty-One

AJ was happy to see Tiffany enter his room with a breakfast tray in her hands.

"Hi, they said you were hungry this morning. I hope you like what I brought, I made it myself this morning," she smiled.

"They let you make it yourself?" AJ questioned. "I thought a big hospital has a big cafeteria and stuff."

", yeah they do," Tiffany stammered, setting the tray onthe stand at the foot of the bed.

AJ looked at the tray and then at Tiffany. "Okay darlin, spill it, I know something is definately not right here."

Tiffany clasped her hands. "I don't know what you mean, is something wrong with the tray?"

"You know exactly what I mean!"

"I.. I can't, I need to go, I will get into trouble," Tiffany cried as she turned to run out of the room. AJ jumped up and grabbed her arm, jerking her back towards him.

"No, not this time, I want you to sit right here and talk to me, dammit, I deserve answers, I think something's going on here and you know what I'm talking about."

Tiffany started to cry, AJ could tell she was visibly shaken.

"Sh-h-h-h," he soothed as he held the young girl by her shoulders. "Take a deep breath and calm down, I won't get you in trouble." To solidify his sincerity, he gently placed his index finger under her chin, tilting her face up to look into his eyes. "I promise you, I won't get you in trouble, okay?"

The young girl nodded, taking gasps of air as she whimpered and wiped her tears from her cheeks.

"Now, take a deep breath and start when you're ready, okay?"

Licking her lips, Tiffany nodded quickly. "I don't know how or where to begin."

"Just take your time sweetie, maybe you can start from the beginning?"

"Alright, you're not in a hospital, this is an old office building and the floor was renovated to look like a hospital interior," Tiffany blurted.

"Whoa, wait, are you serious?" AJ paled.

"You were never in an accident, your friends and your mother are still alive, this was all set up."

AJ slowly backed away from Tiffany, his legs felt as if they couldn't support him any longer.

"Are you alright?"

AJ sank down on the edge of his bed, still trying to grasp what Tiffany had said to him.


He didn't answer the girl at first, only shook his head slowly, back and forth. "But why?"

"They didn't say why they were doing this, I was told only to keep my mouth shut and do what I've been told."

"But the papers,"

"Everything was set up from the very beginning. There are stacks of magazines with fake dates on the covers and stuff, they went through everything including television shows to make you believe that you've been in a coma."

"So they are alive?" AJ barely spoke, still in shock.

Tiffany acknowledged with a slight nod.

"I need to get out of here right now," AJ stated as he stood up, walking towards the closet that held his clothing.

"Wait! You promised me you wouldn't get me in trouble!"

AJ stopped as he heard the girl starting to sob. He turned and saw her pained face and realized that he had made a promise to her. His shoulders sank as he headed back towards the bed.

"Okay, you have to help me figure out a plan on how to get out of here without you getting in trouble. Do you think you can do that?"

"Yes, I think I can."

"Good, let's get started with planning then."

Chapter 22