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Against All Odds - Chapter Twenty-Three

Nick blinked his eyes several times trying to clear up his blurred vision. He found himself laying on a mattress in the middle of someone’s office. His mind tried to recall how he got to this place as much as where this place was. He drew a complete blank.

He slowly sat up, his head spinning. “Where the hell am I and what the hell did I drink?”

With no one to help Nick answer his questions, he slowly stood up, using the desk as leverage. There weren’t any clues on the clean desk, only a telephone and when Nick picked up the receiver, he discovered that it wasn’t connected. Trying the door, he found that he was locked in.

“What the shit is this?”

Spying a window, Nick decided he could just open it up and jump out to freedom. His plans were foiled when he noted that he was too high up to jump. Just as he was about to give up all hope, his cell phone made a buzzing noise, indicating that he had voice mail.

”Nick...where the hell are you?!?”

“Great,” Nick sighed. “I have Brian pissed off at me.”

He quickly punched in the speed dial numbers to Brian’s cell phone. The phone only rang once when Brian anxiously answered it.

“Nick! Are you okay?”

“I think so.”

“Where are you? Why did you leave like that?” Brian demanded.

Nick looked around at the office he was being held prisoner in. “I have no idea where I am or how I got here. It’s all fuzzy.”

“Then get the hell out of there and get back here!”

“I wish I could Bri, I’m locked in here,” Nick replied with a sigh as he tried the locked door again.

“Where’s here?”

“If I knew I would tell you,” Nick hissed through gritted teeth.

“Calm down--”

”Calm down?!? I am fuckin’ calm dammit!”

“Yeah and I’m President Bush. Nick is there a window you can look out?”

“Yeah, but I’m too high up to jump,” Nick replied as he walked towards the window.

“Yeah, but I’m too high up to jump,” Nick replied as he walked towards the window.

“No, I wasn’t thinking about you jumping, I was thinking maybe you could see some kind of a landmark, something that I could look up in a phone book to figure out where you were,” Brian explained.

“Hey, good idea!”

Looking out the window, Nick’s heart sank when he realized all that was across from where he was stood a tall brick building with no names on it and it appeared to be vacant. “Shit Bri, it’s just an old abandoned building.”

“What about down the street, are you on a street?”

Nick pressed his face against the glass, trying to see if he could look down for a street sign. “Hold on, I gotta open the window.”

Setting the phone on the ledge, Nick tried to pry the window open. “Dammit,” he grunted as he pushed up on the frame, “it’s painted shut!”

“Try harder!” Brian yelled into his receiver.

“I am,” Nick yelled back. “Hey... it’s starting to’s gonna open! I got it!” Nick yelped victoriously, but his victory was short lived when his leg accidently bumped the cell phone off the ledge and out the now opened window. Nick leaned out the window and watched helplessly as the phone fell onto the ledge below. Miraculously it didn’t shatter.


Hearing a loud noise, Brian was afraid he lost connection. “Nick?....Nick?” He waited for a reply but only heard faint sea gulls squawking.

"I can't believe he lost the phone," Brian sighed as he disconnected the call.

Chapter 24