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Another Night Alone

Songs We Play
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Kids don't have their independence
We are all slaves to our parents
They are never satisfied
No mater how hard you try

Kids are treated like the minority
We must deal with their authority
We might have respect one day
By then it will be too late

We'd speak out if we could
Just to be understood
And just maybe we can
Try to make them understand
We kept all this built up inside
We went along for your ride
It's Time to set the record straight
Look what you've done with the world
So much hate

Kids are always put down by adults
All these wars, they are not our fault
But yet we're always to blame
When will things ever change?

We'd speak out if we could
Just to be understood
And just maybe we can
Try to make them understand
We kept all this built up inside
We went along for your ride
It's Time to set the record straight
Look what you've done with the world
So much hate

This is our song
Proving you wrong
We never really listened to you anyway
This our song
So get the fuck lost
We never will give a fuck what you say