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the unofficial AP2 web site
:: v_1.3

last updated:: 02.06.11

Site Created by:: BlackBird aka Benjamin Hardy

section:biography| history | ap2 profile | artist profiles |


:From the Ashes of Argyle Park...

In 1994, musicians Buka and Klayton (aka Scott Albert, Deathwish, Dred, Celldweller) of Circle of Dust embarked on a project called Argyle Park. After releasing two songs in 1994 within a compilation disc and a tribute to Steve Taylor , they finally realised their debut (and subsequantly last) album entitled Misguided. It was very ambitious, an album blending almost any kind of music from techno to speed meta with many guest appearances, but it was also very contreversial attracting many judgementalists in the Christian music industry. Another nail was driven into AP when it's label Rex kicked the bucket. Very discouraged, Buka and Klayton packed their bags and parted their ways so to speak.

For more info go to:

Ashes to Ashes...

"New start, new sound, new ideas, new name... This album is like a mixture of Argyle Park and Level... The two of us have different influences and the task was to bring them together... [there was also] a lot of time spent working on what we were going to say, which is really the most important thing."

AP2 is essentially a second incarnation of the Argyle Park that released the infamous industrial techno-metal epic Misguided back in 1994/1995. However, AP2 and thier debut (and subsequantly their last...again) album Suspension of Disbelief is not a Misguided part 2. AP founder Buka teamed up fellow NY artist Level (aka Dan Leveler) instead of Klayton (aka Scott Albert, Celldweller, Deathwish, Dred), giving AP2 a more different sound. Suspension of Disbelief was realeased in 2000 with Tooth and Nail Records, and like it's counterpart, it had many guest appearances such as Daren Diolosa aka Klank, Mark Salomon of Stavesacre, Klayton of Celldweller/ Criss Angel , Joel Timothy Bell of Ghoti Hook, Sage, John Zalatel of Klank. Unfortunately, lightning can strike twice. Not enough cds were sold, and Tooth and Nails had to close the park.

For fans of KMFDM, Nine Inch Nails, Circle of Dust, older Stavesacre, Klank, and other industrial rock and EBM acts.

last updated: March 31, 2002



:The Band...

name: AP2
inception: 2000
closure: 2001
releases: Supension of Disbeleif
genre: electronic rock
style(s): cybercore, EBM, industrial, electronica, techno
similar artists: Level, Celldweller, Klank, Argyle Park
members: Buka, Level
instruments: oh I don't know.... lots

last updated: April 2, 2002



:The Artists...

: Buka
location: NY
expertise: writes, keys, vox
current status: missing in action
past work: AP2, Backwoods,
Argyle Park

: Level aka Dan Leveler
location: NY
expetise: writes, vox, keys, guitar
current status: heard collabarating
with Criss Angel on a new cd;
working on a 2nd album for Level
past work: AP2, Level, Less than
Zero, Backwoods, Circle of Dust
remixes, Celldweller remixes

The Guests:
Daren "Klank" Diolosa and John Zaletel courtesy of Klank / SmokeDogg Productions
Mark Salomon Courtesy of Stavesacre
Klayton courtesy of Celldweller productions
Joel Timothy Bell Courtesy of Ghoti Hook

last updated: April 2, 2002

section:biography| history | ap2 profile | artist profiles |