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Swollen Issues III

Swollen Issues III - Chapter 49

There was a strong tension in the room as the man looked intensely towards Nick's room. Behind that closed door they knew that "their little" brother was once again fighting for his life while the doctors worked on him, trying their hardest to make him survive. None of them had any faith left since Nick had been down this road before and they knew that this was just as much as his heart could take. The outcome didnīt look too good since the last two days he had defibbed at least two times and that was twice too many.

But coming to his advantage they knew that when it came to fighting Nick could be a tough cookie. There had been many times this past year, when they had thought the young man wouldnīt make it, whether it came to coming in for practice to working when he was so sick that he should be hospitalized instead, and all the times Nick had surprised them. He wasnīt a quitter and there hadnīt been a time when he had let them down. But this time it was different...this time it was mother nature that would rule over his life. Not Nick himself.

Deep inside they all wished and hoped that if he survived this battle his chances would improve drastically that he would make it out from this ordeal alive. His odds would be better and maybe..just maybe it wasnīt Nicks turn to go..not yet.

The waiting was terrible on the men's nerves and seconds felt like minutes..minutes seemed like hours.

No one had said anything since they saw the crash cart being wheeled into the room. There were no words left to be said and now it was only in the hands of God if Nick would make it or not. Would this infection that had his lungs in a tight grip be what would take their friend away and would his weakening body be strong enough to fight it all? Only time could tell.

Even though only Brian and Howie were the religious ones in the group they all prayed. Prayed for his life, prayed for his health..

Several thoughts swirled inside their minds. Nick had to make it since neither of them would know what to do if death had its wishes fullfilled. It would be such a great loss to deal with and even if they all knew that this day had to come sooner or later it was still too hard to understand. A day without Nick's laughter and smile or moody temper wouldnīt be a day worth living. They had all grown up together like a family and there was not a chance that they would want that to end. Even though Nick had his own family with him from time to time on the road he often said that the guys were the ones that had been there for him when he had a hard time or just wanted to talk to someone. Heīd told them that he loved them even more than his own flesh and blood and at that time they had all laughed at him, calling him crazy but Nick had over and over again repeated how much they had meant to him and if it wasnīt for them he would have never been here where he was today.

To this they had all laughed, joked around and snickered that this was just the way Nick was, there was not much to it. But sitting here years after in the waiting room not knowing whether or not their friend would make it the words seemed so true. Even tough they had rarely said it, they loved Nick so much like their own brother and the pain that they had to see him suffer through was becoming too much to bare.

Nick had always seemed so happy and carefree and he was never far away from a smile and joke even though he could have a hard time. He was the one that was most huggable of them all and in a weird kind of sense was what was gluing the men together not only as a group but as a family. Ok there had been days when they all had wanted to strangle him and leave him out in the desert to dry up..that they had to admit..but it was also that without him they would be nothing..they wouldnīt be complete.

Bob Carter hadnīt said much since he came into the waiting room and Brian silently asked inside his head what the older man could be feeling. He knew he and Nick hadnīt been that close the past years but it had changed when Bob had decided to be there for him at the hospital. When he had asked Nick what the two of them had been talking about Nick had responded that they just chilled, watched tv and talked about life..there wasnīt much more they could do anyway. If Nick's relation with his dad was turning into something better it was quite the opposite with his mom. Brian had never had much respect for that woman ever since she had set the business infront of her own kids, especially Nick. Mrs. Carter had always been so correct infront of others but when the curtains were closed and they were out of the limelight another person came into view. And it wasnīt a pretty sight either. Even though he knew that Nick had been hurt so many times by this woman he still prayed that they would reconcile again. It would do them no good if neither of them met again now when they all knew that Nick's days were numbered, even more than before.

He hadnīt liked the concerned frown upon Dr Andersen's face the last time they spoke and even if he didnīt have any medical skills he still knew that their friend was really going through the wringer with little chances of making it. What also bugged him deep inside was the desicion he had to make. That he had to leave for Atlanta by lunch time no matter what his friend's condition would be. Mr. Wallace had made it all clear that Brian had a choice to make and that his responsibilities wih his own family had to come in first place..everything else had to wait.

Suddenly the door swung open to Nick's room and they saw their friend getting transported in a rush towards the elevators. An oxygen mask was placed over his face and the hospital personel ran beside his cot like they were in a hurry. It happened in a matter of seconds and before they could react they were all out of view.

Bob's face paled and for a minute it looked like he was going to pass out. "Are you alright?" whispered Brian as he swallowed hard himself. Bob made no signs that he had ever heard the question and in a faint distance Brian noticed his cousin talking to Nick's father in a comforting tone. " No Bob donīt go after them. Just let them pass and Iīm sure that someone will come and inform us about Nick's condition." The tall dark man had a rare gift of making people listen to him and his calm posture served to make people relax even in the most tense situations.

Bob nodded shortly and Brian thought it looked like he had snapped back to reality again. None of them felt very talkative and AJ who often came up with all sorts of clever ideas in stressful situations just sat there, fidgeting with his package of cigarettes like they were his lifeline. His _expression was set in stone and not an emotion was revealed, but Brian guessed that behind those dark sunglasses were eyes just threatening to spill over with tears. AJ had a habit of trying to hide his true feelings and it was this that had set him into big trouble when he had hid that he had been using drugs and drinking excessive amounts of alcohol for a longer period of time in the past.

Behind him sat Howie. The otherwise so perfect in style Latino looked both rumpled and disheleved and a three day beard revealed that it had been a while since he had time to shower and shave.

"Fuck I canīt do this any longer!" AJ burst out with full force. He appeared very aggitated and Kevin was about to calm him down when another voice interrupted them.

"I take it that youīre the friends and relatives to Mr. Nickolas Carter?"


All of their heads were turned towards the door opening and none of them dared to breath as they waited for the news to be told. The young blonde nurse had a tired _expression on her face and she looked like she wanted to be somewhere else than in this waiting room.

"Were did you take my son?" Bob asked and when she didnīt respond immediately he added, "I wanna see him...I wanna see Nick."

"Unfortunately there were complications with the infection that he contracted in his lungs and he experienced difficulty in breathing. Due to the lack of oxygen there was also heart failure and the doctor felt it best to take him down to ICU to prevent further complications."

There was a loud gasp in the room. AJ grabbed Howie's arm for support. "Oh My God," he whispered and sat down hard on the chair again. It was like all the air had gone out of him like a balloon. Howie said nothing but looked at the younger man with tears in his eyes.Brian and Kevin remained motionless and Bob had looked like he was stealing himself from either fainting or giving up a scream in despair.

"Can we go and see him?" Brian heard his cousin asking.

"For the time being no one is allowed into his room and I would recommend that you wait up here for more information. Dr. Andersen has been called in and she will come and inform you about Nick's condition as soon as she can."

"But we can wait down there canīt we?"

"Yes you can..but I must warn you that the waiting room is full with people and you are much safer up here." Noticing that the dark man didnīt listen to what she said she added, "But if you are going down to ICU you can talk to Doctor Pendrell who is in charge of Mr. Carter right now. He can give you further information."

Nick's father who had said nothing at all while the woman had been talking looked suddenly up, grabbing her arm. "I have to ask you something...There is just one thing I want to know..."

The young nurse looked very uncomfortable, "Yes?"

"Tell me." Bob looked up with tears in his eyes, "Please tell me will my son make it? Will Nick survive?"

There was so much tension in the room that you could cut it with a knife. Waiting for an answer the nurse shrugged her arm away, "Iīm sorry but I have to go."

"Please.." This time it was AJīs turn to beg. And Brian felt bad for the nurse that was getting even more tense than before.

This was getting too much for her, "Iīm so..sorry. Tha..that is all that I kno..know. I..I have other pa..patients waiting fo..for" She stuttered. With that she briskly walked away mumbling something unheard.

The moment she was out of view AJ called out, "We have to get down to Intensive Care." He stood up to go to the elevator but his legs were shaking and he seemed very dizzy. It was clear that the past days tension had shaken up their friend very much and Kevin was the first one to butt into the situation.

"Jay youīre in no condition to go anywhere. You wait here with D and Bob while me and Bri go down to hear what is going on with Nicky." His southern drawl filled up the otherwise silent room and something in his posture must have seemed confident since none of the others objected. Not even AJ who often had something different to say. The fact that it was in the middle of the night and they were all very exhausted added to the situation too.

There was nothing for Brian to say against this descision since he wanted to find out how Nick was doing and also preferred to talk to the doctor straight up. There was a deafning silence inside the elevator and both Brian and Kevin were thinking about what information that would await them once they arrived down at ICU. The nurse had been right. The room was filled with patients in the waiting room and they felt pretty uncomfortable when they walked up to the information desk. What if anyone recognized them? The last thing they needed was to get the media in their hair.

An orderly with short ponytails and a pearl in her nose seemed pretty occupied with paperwork and she snapped her gum irritably when they asked for her attention.

Kevin coughed harshly, "Excuse me miss can you tell me.." he started just to get interrupted by a sneer, "God, canīt you see that Iīm busy here. You have to wait for your turn mister." She made no move to look up and this had Kevin getting irritated. If there was one thing the Kentuckian loathed it was non service minded people. Once again, this time in an more authoritive tone Kevin said, " Iīm Mr. Richardson and this.." He didnīt have a chance to end the sentence before the orderly snapped her head up and blushed.

"Oh Iīm sorry Ke..I mean Mr. Richardson."

She smiled apologetically and Kevin had to try his best to keep his temper down. "Itīs ok," he said with a tensed smile. "Our friend Mr. Carter was rushed down here from oncology and.." The orderly's face paled upon the information. "Oh Iīm sorry," she mumbled but Kevin continued like he hadnīt heard her. "We were told that Doctor Pendrell was in charge of him and we would like to get a hold of the doctor to get some more information about his condition."

Brian smiled inwardly. Kevin was talking very formally and it wasnīt for nothing that he was the designated leader in the group and he was the one that often held the press conferences. His cousin was often gentle and understanding in his approach but when it came down to business he could be very hard too. Almost businesslike.

The young orderly fidgeted nervously in the seat as she let out a smile, "Are you a relative?" She was doing her best to act like she didnīt know who was standing infront of her but she was doing a lousy job at it. Brian too tired of not knowing what went on with his little brother filled in, "No he isnīt..but Iīm his patient is Brian Li.." He didnīt have a chance to end the sentence before she filled in, "Oh I know who you are Brian. Youīre one of the members in the Backstreet Boys!" She set her hand over her mouth as she remembered what sheīd said. Upon saying those words she knew that she wasnīt acting very professional and had stepped out of her boundaries alot. This would no doubt give her a reprimand but it was all worth it since it wasnīt everyday that there was a celebrity of this high status gracing the hospital. She was also either too stupid or proud to reveal that sheīd made a mistake.

There was a loud gasp in the waiting room and both Kevin and Brian wanted to sink through the ground. The last thing they needed was people asking for them to sign autographs and even take pictures. Loud whispers were heard and the men felt like they were animals trapped in cages. This made Brian feel even more akward, "Screw them lets get out of here." He whispered.

Kevin, who was determinded to find out why Nick was taken down to ICU in such a rush and what his condition was now, shook his head mouthing silently to his cousin, "wait"

The orderly, who was now joined by several others, searched through the papers while her working mates were smiling like they were intended to get the two men to pick them up for a date. This whole situation appeared pretty akward. "Oh," she said after a while. "Iīm seeing here that Mr. Pendrell is busy right now but I will ask him to see you as soon as he's availble. I hope that is ok." Apparently the orderly was so wrapped up with the popstars standing infront of her since she kept smiling stupidly at them.

Brian was starting to loose his temper. "No thatīs not alright. We were told that Dr. Pendrell was the one in charge for Mr. Carter and we demand to see him right away."

Her smile faded. "Iīll see what I can do." With that the orderly left her seat and walked away to get the doctor. They didnīt have to wait long. "Iīm sorry but like I said Dr. Pendrell has other patients right now. But youīre very welcome to sit down in the waiting room and Iīll call you as soon as he can talk with you." She pointed with her hands towards a few empty seat in the crowded waiting room.

Brian opened his mouth to object. He was in no condition to play charades but Kevin stopped him, "Letīs go and sit down there." With a sigh the younger man agreed and they sank down on the avaible seats next to a black woman. She was breast feeding a baby at the same time as a little girl, appeared to be around two, sat on her lap. When the two men sat down she instantly made room by moving her bags away from the seat.

"Iīm sorry but the kids always crowd the room." She smiled apologetically and both Brian and Kevin returned the smile. "Itīs ok."

Just then a small boy, around six, came running into the room. The mother instantly grabbed a hold of his arm. "Joseph Graham Brandwell!" she scolded him, "What did I tell you about running around. I told you to sit still didnīt I?"

The boy looked at his mom and then at the two men with a grumpy _expression on his face before saying out loudly, "But can I do that when those.." he pointed at Brian and Kevin, "those two have taken up my seat!"

"Joseph!" His mother looked visibly embarrassed. She blushed violently, "That is no way to act." With that she told him how to act and that he was being rude and had to apologize to the men for saying such things. Brian was about to object when the little baby next to his mother's breast started to cry and the woman, now sweating from handling three children, picked the baby closer to her chest to let it burp. At the same time the little girl on her lap snuggled closer to her mother, intent on sleeping.

The two backstreet boys watched the scenario in silence and Kevin said after a while, "Here you can take my seat." Standing up he made room for the small boy to sit but the mother shook her head, "No..No itīs ok. He can sit on the floor if his tired."

"No take it. I wanna stand anyway." Kevin smiled and was about to say that it was no problem when he noticed that the woman was once again engrossed in trying to calm the young boy down as well as getting the baby to sleep. "Where are your brother and sister when I need them?" she muttered to herself. Then she looked up again and told Kevin, "Iīm sorry that my kids are bothering you."

Once again Kevin tried to tell her that it was really ok but she wasnīt listening. Brian witnessed the scenario in silence and he was more than happy that he didnīt have to deal with raising three small children like that. It would be hard picturing Leighanne in a situation like this.

As if it wasnīt enough two more children, a girl and a boy, came into the room. The moment the woman set her eyes on the children she burst out, "There you are! Iīve been looking for you to take care of Taisha and Joseph since I have to get the baby to sleep. I also have to go and see if we can get a hold of that doctor to know how your daddy is doing." She was talking hushed and the two older children listened before the older boy, around nine, took charge of it all, "You go..Iīll look after them." On that cue the mother nodded and stood up, putting the baby in the carrier she said, "You all better behave while Iīm gone." With that she walked out of the room, "Iīll be right back."

As soon as her mother was out of view the younger of the two girls started to cry, "Mommy..Mommy," she sobbed. "I want my mooomyyyy."

Instantly her older sister, a cute girl around seven with curly braids, was by her side. "Hush," she mumbled, putting her arm around her little sibling. "Donīt you cry..mommy just going to see daddy and she will soon be back." The little girl looked up at her sister and with tear-filled eyes and cracked voice asked, "Are you sure?" The older sister nodded again and for the moment the girl who listened to the name Taisha seemed comforted.

People in the room were still aggravated and there was more than once voice who whispered angrily that people like that shouldnīt be allowed to have kids at all. This had Brian irritated but he said nothing.

"Make that kid shut up!" One person barked. "Iīm trying to get some eyeshut here!"

This made Brian even more annoyed since on cue the girl started to cry again, no doubt scared over the way the man was yelling. Couldnīt they see that there was a child in need here? Kevin who always liked children, but never knew how to act around them felt it fit to start a conversation. "Your sister is right," he said with a forced smile, "Your mommy is coming back soon. Donīt be scared."

The little girl instantly stopped crying and instead looked intensely at the dark tall man. Kevin, proud that he managed to get the girl quiet, was about to say something about that he knew how to handle kids to Brian who watched smugly from behind when her lips started to quiver once again and she let out an even louder and more desperate cry.

This had the other people getting more irritated than before and Brian started to laugh, "Way to go cousin!"

Kevin, intent to show what a great baby-sitter he was, shrugged his cousin away and then asked, "Whatīs your name little girl!"

This did it! Tears spilled even more widely and her older brother who was taking on the responsibility for his siblings said, "Youīre scaring her mister!"

"Iīm not dangerou.." Kevin stopped himself when he noticed how frightened the little girl looked.

"I think youīre scaring her with those big eyebrows of yours," Brian said with a smile. The older cousin looked at him irritated, "Oh yeah? And youīll do much better then?"

"As a matter of fact..yes I will." Brian smiled triumphantly just to be met with "show me then." If there was one thing that the younger man never missed it was taking up a challenge. It could be just about everything but everytime someone asked him for a challenge his addrenaline would rush and he couldnīt say no. Just like Nick.

Turning towards the children he said with his best Donald Duck impression, "Howdy kids!" He talked like a duck and then he went on with his Jim Carrey impression and the other characters that he had in his battery. Soon the children started to relax and he made them laugh in the same way that heīd made Nick roll with laughter about the first time they met each other. And connected.

Kevin watched, at first looking a bit jealous but then his _expression changed when he noticed how Brian was winning the battle with the children's heart. 'Brian would make one hell of a dad,' he concluded, hearing the children giggle.

"Youīre funny," Joseph said, sitting down on Brian's lap like heīd known Brian forever. His older brother looked displeased, "Mom has told us not to talk to strangers," he repeated again when Joseph put his arms around Brian's neck, "Heīs no stranger. He is nice." This had the Kentuckian smiling, "Thanks..but you know that guy," he pointed at Kevin, "he can turn his eyelids inside and out..just like a monster."

"Nooo way!!!"

"Yup, he can." Turning to Kevin he asked, "Show them them what you can do."

The older man blushed, "Nah I donīt think so..Not now."

But the prospect about seeing someone turning their eyelids inside and out sounded too tempting and the kids started to cheer him on for doing such a task. Finally Kevin couldnīt resisted and he said with a sigh, "Ok..but donīt say that I didn't warn you." With that he turned his eyelids inside and out just like heīd done on Jay Leno show a couple of years back. There were a big gasp as he did so and the children seemed genuinely impressed. Especially the two boys who looked upon Kevin like he was some kind of hero.

"Wow I wanna do that too," the little boy said with a longing sigh.

"What else can you do?"

"Nothing much...we can..we can burp!" Brian blurted out, getting an annoyed _expression from his cousin. "Or more likely our little brother can burp really loud. He can burp the alphabet!"

"Oh WOOOOW!!!" The boys were genuinely impressed as Brian revealed what Nick could do.

It wasnīt just the children that were impressed with what the two men could do but also there was mixed feelings in the room from the other people. Some were amused while others were just disgusted and thought that they had nothing to do there in the first place.

It was dragging out on time and no Doctor Pendrell was showing up, either was the kid's mother.

Brian felt good. It was so nice for a change to be able to get someone to laugh by cheering them up when the situation had been so intense for a longer period of time. This was his way of dealing with rough situations and with jokes Brian managed to deal with problems such as these. He like Nick, had never a long way to a smile.

Suddenly the older girl with the braids looked at them and said the exact words that they hoped wouldnīt be spilled that night, "You two look exactly like those two boys that my cousin Janelle has on a poster on her wall." Both Brian and Kevin tensed. For a brief moment they had thought that they could go along unrecognized but apparently it was as futile as always.

"Oh really," Kevin said calmly, "And which group is that?"

"I donīt know their name but my cousin says that the blonde guy in that group is sooo cute."

"Really?" The older man had to hide a smile. "And how old is your cousin?"

"Thirteen," the oldest boy filled in. "I know what the name of the group is. Itīs Backstreet Boys!" It was Joseph that said those words that had a woman asking them, "Is this true? Are you really Kevin and Brian? In that case where are the rest of the group."

For a brief moment the two men judged their options and then decided to tell the truth, "Eh..yeah..we are." They waited for the rest of the patients to start asking questions but none said anything, but the little boy asked. "Why are you here?" "Joe thatīs none of your business." The oldest boy's tone was harsh, turning to Kevin he said, "Iīm sorry but he can be such a pain in the as..uh I mean butt!" His little brother widely objected, "I`M NOT!" and he responded with holding the kid down with his head in a neckhold. Not hard, just to tell his brother who was the boss and who run the place. This ended with the two boys involved in a loud discussion who was right and who was not. Kevin was the one to break it up after a while.

The men had smiled at the scenario since it reminded them both about the relation they had with Nick, especially in his younger years, but also about Nick and Aaron's relationship. Since Aaron had toured with them back in the early days they all had their fair share of the Carter brothers. All of the guys loved Nick and Aaron but there was just so much that one could take before going totally insane since one Carter was hard but dealing with two was almost impossible.

"Itīs really ok to ask something like that. We donīt mind at all. Actually weīre here since our close friend is very sick." Kevin explained.

"Sick in what way? Sick like in the flu?" There was a frown on the small boys face.

"No its a more serious kind of sick," Brian explained.

"Oh does he have aids?"

The men had to hold back a gasp. How did the kid know that disease? As it wasnīt enough that they were rocked off the roof several people had turned to look at them when this question had been asked. As usual Kevin was the one to answer it with a question. Calm and stable. "No why do you think so?"

"Because my dad thinks heīs a fag and fags gets aids," the little boy explained. Both Brian and Kevin felt their temper raise when their big brother said, "Donīt mind him..he doesnīt know what he's talking see our uncle was gay and he got aids and now he thinks that everyone that is gay gets that kind of disease." The boy laughed nervously.

"Oh..Ok..and no Nick doesnīt have aids and he sure isnīt gay either. He has cancer...Hodgkins disease itīs called."

"Our granddad died of caner," the little boy piped up.

"Oh Iīm sorry about that." The words hit the two men harder than they wanted to admit.

"Eh..uh..will your friend die too..just like Grandpa Huxon?"

The older siblings looked terrified over what had been said, "Joseph!" They scolded him, "That is no way of saying.." There was a loud speech about what to say and do and this was not something that they could respect. If mom heard you now she would be so mad!"

The small boy that looked like heīd met Santa at Christmas dropped his comment,"If youīre really a rockstar..then you must have traveled and seen all these places that we see on the TV. Havenīt you?" There was so much admiration in his tone. His older siblings attempt to hush him down failed and the little boy stood tall instead, "Did you ever go to Europe?" His eyes were big.

"Yes, and Australia and Asia and South America," Brian said with a smile. For some strange reason he really liked this boy. Maybe it wasnīt so strange after all since it reminded him of Nick when he was young. There was so much innocence yet so much curiosity. This little boy was just as filled with life as Nick had been, especially before the business ran him down.

"Youīre really my hero and when I grow older Iīm going to be a popstar..just like you two."

The older sister, whoīd managed to get the little girl to go to sleep wasnīt late in filling in, crushing his dreams, "That would never work. Mom and dad canīt afford you taking any lessons." She was very down to earth in her approach and both Kevin and Brian noticed the sparkle that had lit in the small boys eyes was seeping away, leaving an emptiness.

"Yes, how can we afford something like that? We canīt even go to Disney World and we live here in Tampa." The older boy felt it fit to tell his siblings to stay on the carpet. To come down to reality and stop dreaming.

Kevin felt a pang of guilt inside his heart. Here they were, meeting in a waiting room, yet their lives were so totally different from each other. "Youīve never been there?" Brian pricked up his attention too, waiting for an answer. His cousin shot him a look.

"No and now when our dad got shot we will probably never go there." The little boy looked sad but was instantly hushed down by his older siblings.

"He was?" This sounded so unreal.

"Yes, he was shot in his chest when he worked at the gas station. This was just a few hours ago and mom got a call to come down here to the hospital. And here weīve been waiting for almost five hours for any result." The older boy was taking charge.

"And we donīt know if he will die." It was the little boy that filled in the gaps.

Kevin and Brian felt so bad. So rotten that there was no limit to it. Upon hearing these words their stomach clenched from despair. It would be a disaster if something happened to the father in the family, just like it would be if Nick died.

God forbid!

Their conversation was suddenly cut short when a young nervous doctor came into the waiting room. He walked straight to the men and reached out his hand, "Mr. Richardson and Mr. Littrell I presume"

"Yes?" They looked surprised at the dishelved doctor that looked like his deepest wishes was to get out of his shift and get a good night's sleep. "And you are?"

"Doctor Pendrell. I was told that you wanted to talk with me."

"Oh..yes." Both men stood up instantly, taking the doctors hand.

"Well lets go to a more private room, follow me," The doctor showed his way out and they were about to follow his stpes when a small voice piped up, "Are you going to leave us here?"

Instantly there was a pang of guilt that washed over them. The kids were in no state to be left like this yet they desperately wanted to know what the doctor had to say about Nick's condition. Judging from his dark bags under his eyes the young doctor had been in for a hard time. "Eh..uh..yes but..but Iīm sure your mommy will come soon for you." Kevin looked at the small children that looked even more lost than before. There were tears pricking their eyes and even the small boy that had been so talkative avoided their glance.

Feeling lots of remorse over not being there for these kids that had come to share so much from their life he stuck his hand down his pocket and fished up his wallet. Quickly he withdraw a hundred dollar bill and handed it to the oldest boy, "Here you go..take this and tell your mom that you wanna go to Disney world." The boy as well as his siblings looked big eyed at the money and was about to accept it when he changed his mind and stuck his hands down his pocket instead.


Both Kevin and Brian looked in surprise. "No?"

" say that we are not allowed to accept charity." Turning to Kevin he then said in a much more mature way than any other kid in his age, "Thank you that was kind off you but like I charity."

Dr. Pendrell seemed a bit irritated over the sudden delay, "Iīm sorry to have to interrupt you but we have to get going.." He started to tell the men that there were many patients that needed to be attended to when Brian stopped him with his hand, "Iīm sorry doctor but can you just wait for a second." Turning to the kids he then said casually, "How much would it be for that one?" as he pointed to a one of the drawings the children had made.

"Huh?" There were confusion in the room.

"I said how much would you like for that painting?"

" wanna buy THAT?" The older boy stared at Brian who nodded back with a smile, "Yes, Iīll give you one hundred for it."

The children's faces lit suddenly up and the boy was following the picture. "Well, Iīll guess if you really like it..itīs ok then." With a large grin he took Brian's hand, "Itīs a done deal."

Amazed over his cousin ability to get people to trust him Kevin handed over the dollar bill and then shook hand with the boy. There were another loud gasp in the waiting room as the scenario was taking place and one patient whispered to another that them Backstreet Boys maybe wasnīt so bad after all. Just when they were about to leave the room they could hear the children calling back, "Thank you so very much and we hope that your little brother Nick will get well again." Smiling back at the children the only thought that crossed the men's mind was, 'Yes! And so do we!' Walking with the young doctor to his office there were a creepy feeling that something had happened. Something bad that the good doctor avoided talking about.

While inside his office Dr. Pendrell coughed nervously, "Iīm sorry to say that Mr. Carters condition has worsened through out the night and weīre suspecting that he has puntured a lung and..."Neither of the men were really listening to what the doctor had to say. The word surgery and critical condition hit them like a brick wall when they were suddenly thrown back into reality again. This had happened in such a cruel and forceful way that when it dawned on them that once again their little brother was in for another strong battle for his life they didnīt know what to say or do. No words were enough!