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Welcome to the First Ever Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Awards!

Other sites I've come across have held awards before, and as most other fan fic sites appear to be dead these days, I thought it would be fun if we had some.

This will only work if people are willing to particpate by firstly nominating stories and then later on voting for the winners. As an incentive, there will be REAL prizes for the winners and everyone who nominates will be entered in to a draw to win a prize too! Each nomination will be one entry so the more you nominate the more chances you have to win!

And what might be this mythical prize? Well, of course there will be the obigatory banner for your site, annoucing to the world what an amazing Beatles writer you are... but also you wll be sent a custom made Beatles CD of rare, unreleased and bootleg Beatles music! For further details click on the prizes link below!

The Winners of The First ever Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Awards!

The Prizes

The Guidelines and Catagories

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