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  • Angelic Sins by Ashley and Lucy
    Catapulted into an alien time, our four young lads must survive on their musical talent alone, split up, and with nowhere to go. Their only saving grace comes in the form of two young angels, clearly new at their jobs. What begins as a free-wheeling thrill ride quickly takes a turn for the worse as the guardian angels become far too involved with the affairs of their wards. With the intervention of the supreme beings, everything is cast into a whirlwind of uncertainty...all they can hope for is that their friendship...and their love...will survive.
    Genre: Romance
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete.
  • Another Call For Help by Bitsy
    Fade in to a small eastern village settled on a plain. It is the middle of the night. The houses are stone and near the back is a small tower. Cut to inside the tower. We see the back of a woman who is looking over the jungle near the village. In the distance, there is a dark temple. Lea, a young woman in her early twenties enters, carrying a lantern. She has long, dark hair and wears a silk dress. - A sequal to Help!
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is in progress.
  • Band on the Run by Rachel D.
    What happens when the boys flee thier responsibilities and run off?
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All four Beatles.
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  • Beatle Fic 1 by Agent Honeywell
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete.
  • Beatleology by Sega
    The new school year at my high school has just begun, and the Beatles and Brian end up in my class! Unfortunately, so does someone else...
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All four
    Warnings: some language, MDC features.
    This story is in progress.
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  • Beatles For Sale by Jane Williams
    A Beatley night of fun turns bad when Brian withdraws his management of the Beatles and turns them over to...Colonel Tom Parker?!?
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
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  • The Beatles In Wood Shop by Kim Patterson
    Follow The Beatles as they try a new career and discover its ups and downs! Lets just hope they survive the power tools!
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All four
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  • The Boy's Day Out by Kim Paterson and Linda Langlois
    The Beatle-Girls take a day off and head out shopping, leaving the lads to a bit of fun. But as all stories are, this fun comes with the consequences!
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
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  • Canine Curse by Julia Cryne
    In 1965, the Beatles were on a routine tour-then a gypsy turns then into . . . dogs! Will our heroes ever become human?
    Genre: Sci-Fi
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete.
  • Carry That Weight by Sybl Angelkat
    All the Beatles and Yoko are placed in a strange world with only their wits and a supernatural power. Each must learn to work together so that they can get home again...
    Genre: Sci-Fi
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete

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  • Celebrity Jeopardy with The Beatles by Kim Paterson and Linda Langlois
    Ever wonder what it would be like if The Beatles went on Celebrity Jeopardy with Alex Trebeck? Wonder no longer, here they are!
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
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  • Christmastime Is Here Again by Jennifer Abraham
    It was 1970, and nerves were worn down completely. The Beatles were at each other’s throats whenever they got a chance, and this was shortly before the breakup. Well, Christmastime WAS here again, and they had to make they’re annual Christmas record for the Beatles fan club. Here is what was on it…
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    Warnings:Pg-13 for language and adult situations
    This story is complete.
  • The Continuing Story Of Brittney And Tara by Brittney and Tara
    Hello All! This has been great to think and create! Now, it is my pleasure to give to you the adventures Brittney and I encounter in our lovely little series. The first *episode* being a sort of introduction! NOTE: To read parts of this you will need to highlight or 'select all' the text. It is there, honest!
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete.
  • Cordially Invited by Starlitska
    The beatles come to America for the first time to find their one and only Beatles Fan Fiction club staying in the same hotel. Will their love for the Beatles have any romance connections?
    Genre: Comedy and Romance
    Starring: All four Beatles
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  • The Dating Game by Lucy
    Second part of The Gameshow Series. Who will win the young ladies heart?
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
  • A Day In The Life by Lennon_McCartney_Fan
    Lola finds herself transported from 1980 back to 1964... Is it just a dream or is she there for a reason?
    Genre: Alternative History
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is in progress.
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  • Diabolical Cucumbers by Ashley
    Everyone knows that the world is being taken over by boybands and pop princesses. Well, this needs to stop. And just for a while, it will stop, when our favorite superheroes, The Fab Four, come to the future to try and stop Boybands from taking over the world! What a strange reality it is...but you can experience the ride by reading this story!
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete
  • A Doll's Tale by Lisa N. Collins
    From Rooftop Sessions. A child's beloved plaything owes her second chance to a Beatle haircut.
    Genre: Actuality
    Starring: All four Beatles
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  • Edgeways To Fame by Sue
    Takes place on the second US tour and written in each Beatle's and then Brian's point of view, showing how they handled their fame.
    Genre: Actuality
    Starring: All four Beatles
    Warnings: Rated R or 18 for sex and language.
    This story is complete.
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  • The Eggman And The Walrus by Benna
    he Eggman and the Walrus. I wrote this story in sixth grade when I was twelve years old. I have been praised on it by many of the people I have read it to, and I hope you enjoy it, too.
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete.
  • Evening Flowers by Luke
    Everyone knows how confused was the visit of the Beatles to the Phillipines, in 1965. Incidents with the goverment, troubles with the despaired fans, a Brian Epstein at the verge of a escleroptousis attack ( this illiness doesn't exist, I just created it ), and 4 beatles trying to rest, have fun and work, in this order.
    What nobody knows is that in this famous case were involved big world organizations, such as the CIA, the KGB, the British Secret Service and the OAI, a radical terrorist organization that has as aim destroy the world and laugh about it later...
    His name was Powers, Austin Powers. And now the Beatles were in trouble...big trouble!
    Starring:All Four Beatles
    Crossover:Beatles/Austin Powers
    This story is in progress.
  • Good Day Sunshine by Sweetpea Girl
    The author says "Its about a girl who climbs up a "mountain" to where the Beatles are staying to meet them. This actually happened and I'm just using it as a storyline for a short cute read about what would of happened to that fan."
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
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  • For Better or For Worse... by Cream Tangerine
    What if the boys had stayed with their original ladies?
    Genre: Angst and Alternative History
    Starring: All four
    Warnings: Some foul Language and WARNING: This story has some pretty strong content... Suffice to say a Beatle dies.
    This story is complete
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  • Four Stanzas by Anna Carolina Fagundes
    From Rooftop Sessions. A cycle of four poems.
    Genre: Poetry
    Starring: All four Beatles
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  • Four Vacancies Left by Soft Hearted Hana
    The fab four are stranded at a motel, hoping to get some rest. However, the motel owners daughters may have another idea about that!
    Genre: Comedy and Romance
    Starring: All four Beatles.
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  • Help! I need a ticket to ride! by Cate O'Hara
    It's a trip, man! From London to Omaha and back again! Cate and the Fab Four create mayhem where ever they go!
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All four Beatles
    Warnings: Some language
    This story is in progress
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  • The Fuzz Four by Walrus
    Four little dogs make musical history...
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
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  • Here, There And Everywhere by Lennon_McCartney_Fan
    Andrea Shepard finds out that her real father is Ringo's stepdad... She is thrust into the chaos that is Beatlemania- but does she really want her life to change that much?
    Genre: Romance
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    Warnings: Mild sexual innuendo, mild language
    This story is in progress.
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  • Hey! You fellas need a lift? by Mae
    Genre: ?
    Starring: All four Beatles
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  • Hour Of Darkness by Lucy
    What do you think would happen if our four boys were catapaulted to a parallel world, left to survive and thrive with only their wits, cunning, and a certain hand-picked ability?
    Genre: Sci-fi
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete
  • Hour Of Darkness II: Devil In Her Heart by Lucy
    The boys (not to mention their guide...and a certain someone else) must return to the magical Valeth to rid the parallel universe of the Dark Apprentice's corrupt presence and save Ringo's soul. Can they work fast enough before she tears the peaceful world in two?
    Genre: Sci-fi
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is in progress.
  • How They Lost Cindy by Kim Patterson
    George comes back with a new car. But when he tells the boys to watch it while he's gone, something goes wrong! Read and find out what happens!
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
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  • I'll Be On My Way by Judy Johnson
    A story based on fact but takes an alternative histpry turn as five young wide-eyed aspiring musicians from Liverpool find themselves faced with all the darkness and decadence that postwar Hamburg, Germany has to offer. When a venture that starts off sounding too good to be true turns out to be just that, a naive Paul finds himself in over his head and needing the help of his mates to get him (and George!) out of a very nasty arrangement with a very bad man. This story also includes the authors take on John and Stu's final farewell in Hamburg.
    Genre: Alternative History
    Starring: all four Beatles
    Warnings: The author advises "Violence, hurt and comfort (Paul in Pain), some sexual content, some gay sex implications, some strong language and profanity and even a little humor!"
    This story is complete.
    Tell the author what you think of her story at The author requests that you only send posative feedback and constructive criticism. Please do not send negative feedback or flaming. The author also wishes it to be clear that her story is copywrited to her and that they may not be reprinted or altered in anyway without her conscent.
  • I'm Only Sleeping by Cassandra K. Blake
    We begin this tale of horror three days before the Beatles would be on the Ed Sullivan Show. To them the Ed Sullivan show was the beginning of a new life, money, and everything. So how were these three days so horrible if this would be the Beatles big break? How can you ask such a question! Don’t you know that something awful always happens three days before anyone’s big break? Why it’s known as the ground breaking three day curse! Oh the horror of this curse.
    Genre: Horror
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete
  • I'm The Man by Kate Hagston
    A mysterious messenger is sent to deliver a very important message for a new rock and roll band.
    Genre: Fantasy
    Starring: All four Beatles.
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  • It Takes Time By Schmoo
    When Jess is catapulted back 40 odd years, she is desperate to meet one man and one man only, will their paths cross or will something or someone get in their way...
    Genre: Romance
    Starring: All four Beatles
    Warnings: Sexual referances
    This story is in progress.
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  • I Vant To Hold Your Hand by JennLenn
    Vampires are attacking the Beatles! Ahh! Sounds like a bad Monkees episode!
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All four Beatles
    This story is in progress.
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  • Jelly Babies And Mighty Mouse Boxers By CoMander Amanda
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete

  • Julia By Billie Shears
    Julia has a dark secret about her past and who she really is...and when she encounters the Beatles,it's threatened to come to light..Would her curse threaten the Beatles lives or will she reveal her secret to 4 men who will change the world?
    Genre: Supernatural
    Starring: All four Beatles
    Warnings: Violence,language,sexual content
    This story is in progress
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  • Just Fun And Games At School... Or Is It? by JPam Lennon
    The Baby Beatles are having a blast at school, playing jokes on the teacher, ignoring their assignments, and having a great time until their fooling around goes a little too far...
    Genre: Comedy
    Starring: All Four Beatles
    This story is complete.

  • Kaleidoscope Eyes By Dace
    Levi is a Beatles fan in 2046, a time where her favorite band is just about forgotten. When her father invents a time machine, she goes back to the 1960s, maybe for good.
    Genre: Fantasy or Sci-Fi
    Starring: All four Beatles
    This story is complete.

  • Karen By Tomi
    Its 1964; NYC, Feb. and Beatlemania is high! Six-teen year old, Karen Allen loves the Beatles more than anything! She dreams of seeing them... but her greaser boyfriend, Jack, (who seems to be a decade behind when it comes to idols) hates the Beatles and idolizes James Dean...or at least he's a wannabe! Anyway, despite hating them, he gives her tickets to the Feb 12th Carnagie Hall performance and when she sneaks out of the line there to have a look around, a truly exciting thing happens!
    Genre: Romance
    Starring: All four Beatles
    This story is incomplete.
    All efforts were made to contact the author without sucess but I thought I would list the story anyway. If you are the author or know how I can contact Tomi, please let me know!
    • Last Two To Dance by Tara Corkery
      Highlight or select all the text to read the story.
      Genre: ?
      Starring: All Four Beatles
      This story is complete

    • Lend Me Your Ears by Lisa N. Collins
      From Rooftop Sessions.A painfully shy college student is forced to reveal herself when taking a course about the Beatles.
      Genre: Actuality
      Starring: All Four Beatles
      This story is complete.
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    • May Your Song Always Be Sung by Anna Carolina Fagundes
      Eleanor torn the newspaper apart. All of a sudden the waves were crashing down over her head. After a quick stop into the troubles, they were coming after her again. But there wasn't no more James or Winston Harrison to back her up. To lean on to. She held her hands together and started to pray.
      Genre: Supernatural(?)
      Starring: All Four Beatles
      Tell the author what you think of her story at

    • Meet The Beatles by Mike Andersen
      "I'm stuck with a valuable friend" - from David Bowie's Lodger Album. Also, "We're learning to live with somebody's depression". These quotes remind me of my Beatles story.
      Genre: Actuality or Essay (Non Fiction)
      Starring: All Four Beatles
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    • Midnight Hour by Polythene Pam
      The boys rent a house over the weekend, and strange things happens...
      Genre: Comedy
      Starring:All Four Beatles
      This story is complete.

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    • The Monkey by Kim Paterson and Linda Langlois
      Everyone is tired of Yoko and John's crazy ideas for peace, so when Ringo shows up with his new pet Fredric, things get a little interesting.
      Genre: Comedy
      Starring: All Four Beatles
      This story is complete.
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    • Moonbeat by Katy
      The year is... well, that changes as things progress. Back and forth. You know how anime is.
      And when anime is dropped into the real world? What happens then?
      Ask Mister Owl; what follows is mere supposition on my part.
      That is to say, if the cast from the anime "Bishoujo Senshi Sailormoon" were to show up in a London overrun by mods and hippies... would anyone even notice?
      Genre: ?
      Starring: All Four Beatles
      Crossover: Sailormoon/Beatles
      This story is in progress.
      Tell the author what you think of her story at

    • The Morning After The Night Before by Jennifer Darling
      From Rooftop Sessions. Exactly what DID happen at that party last night?
      Genre: Comedy
      Starring: All Four Beatles
      This story is complete
      Tell the author what you think of her story at


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