What About the Night We Cried? by Judy Johnson
Based on a line from Paul's tribute to John, "Here Today." The author says, "One of the biggest tragedies of the Beatles breaking up, in my opinion, was that there was so much hurt and anger and things left undone between John and Paul and I have no doubt that each of them thought that they would always have the time to someday make things right between them. So this is my fictional take on those last days. Except this time they are more or less forced to air their grievances and talk things out. It's the things they should have said to each other but never did. So I gave them another chance."
Genre: Alternative History
Starring; John and Paul
Warnings: The author advised "Some violence and foul language", but as this story is hosted at Indica's Attic, which is a Paul in Pain website, extra caution may be wise.
This story is complete.
Tell the author what you think of her story at
jbugnut@aol.com The author requests that you only send posative feedback and constructive criticism. Please do not send negative feedback or flaming. The author also wishes it to be clear that her story is copywrited to her and that they may not be reprinted or altered in anyway without her conscent.