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Beatles News and Magazine Article Archive

This is a mostly transcribed collection of articles on the Beatles and the people around them. They are mostly from my own personal collection of a few years, so I would especially welcome any additions anyone would like to volunteer. Anything relevent is very wanted, but I am particularily looking for non-UK media and original 1960s articles. If you have something to add please contact me. You can send them as word docs (and other word processing applications), scans (where I can read the print) or HTML pages (which would be handiest!)

The copywrite for these articles of course remain with the authors, and are intended for research and referance only. I have not been able to contact most of the authors of these pieces to ask thier permission to list them here. If you are the author of any and object to me using them please email me and I will take it down immediactly. This is a non-money making site and the archive is for educational purposes only.

Please note, these are the opinions of the writers and journalists, which I don't always share. Some articles are negative, some are sensationalist. Remember to think for yourselves and remember not all of what you read is 100% accurate all the time. I have noted inaccuracies where I've spotted them.

Articles are listed chronologically and by event, where applicable. The date format is the British version, dd/mm/yy.




