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August 2004 Issue 1


Hello Beatle fans!


Welcome to the very first Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Newsletter! Thank you very much for joining, I was afraid when I set it up I wouldnÕt get any replies but IÕve had quite a few so IÕm over the moon! RightÉ on with the show!


In this issue:


á      New Stories

á      New Authors

á      Updates

á      Other News

á      Story of the month!

á      Other Notices





Well, seeming as this is the first newsletter and the website is only just about six weeks old, they are all new stories! And what a lot of them there are! At the moment we have 1000000000 stories, of which 1000000 are actually being hosted at the directory. This is great news for all us Beatles fan fiction readers as I hope there will be something for everybody and hopefully you wonÕt have read them all (yet!)


Next month this section of the newsletter will list the stories added to the directory in August.





Again, theyÕre all new authors! Well, to me anyway. Some of the authors featured on the directory have been writing for years! Next month IÕll list the new authors who have joined the directory here, but in the meantime, can I draw the attention of all the existing authors to your AuthorÕs Pages. You should all have one and you can find it through the directory by searching By Author.


On these pages at the moment is just a list of the stories each author has listed in the directory, but this is really an opportunity to promote yourselves, your stories, websites or whatever else!


What I would like to put up, with a little help from my friends, would be a nice little profile of each author. This is really up to the individual author, as I need you to do all the donkey work IÕm afraid. It could just be as little as a link to your homepage to a massive personnal profile!


The sort of thing I am really aiming for would be a picture or image of some sort (it doesnÕt have to be of you!) a short blurb about yourself and/or your stories and then the rest is up to you! You could put up something about your website or favourite Beatle or anything else you like. (No profit making websites, though please, with the possible exception of the flogging of Beatles Fan Fiction books!)


This, I think would be quite good for our hosted authors as you lot donÕt really get much chance to promote your stories otherwise. If youÕre interested or have any ideas please contact me at




Stories updated in July were:


á      Is There Anybody Going To Listen To My Story by Nessa.

New Chapter added.

What would you do if you could read John Lennon's diary? This is a look at what it might look like if the real thing was actually published.

Starring: John

Genre: Actuality



Other News


When IÕm 64!


As IÕm sure you all know, Ringo was 64 on the 7th of July! Happy Birthday Ringo!


All together nowÉ ŌWhen I get older, loosing my hairÉĶ


Save RingoÕs House!


Rather aptly as it was RingoÕs birthday last monthÉ IÕm running a petition to Ôsave RingoÕs houseÕ at the moment. Liverpool council is considering a rejuvenation of the place in the Dingle where Ringo was born. Unfortunatly this would mean the demolition of number 9, Madryn Street as well. The decision over the demolition will be made soon (ŌThe end of summerĶ is the only official date I can find!) and the National Trust, who own the childhood homes of John and Paul have already said they are not interested in aquiring RingoÕs too. So I set up this petition for the National Trust so that they might see how many people would be interested in preserveing and visiting Madryn Street as a building of British Heritage.


IÕve had over a thousand signatures which is fab, but a few more canÕt hurt so please sign it too if you havenÕt already! You can find it at

But hurry as IÕm posting it off in just over a week! (You can sign after that, itÕll still be there but the version posted to the National Trust wonÕt contain your signature.)


International Beatleweek 2004


IÕm sorry but I had to put this in! At the end of the month will be Beatleweek in Liverpool and IÕm going! Yey! IÕve been excited about it for about two months already so I will be knackered by the time I get there!


If thereÕs anybody going let me know and then I can say hello!



Story of the Month


This months, and the first ever, story of the month is



Other Notices



Requests for two stories this monthÉ


á      The Witnesses by Ghost Girl

A story set in New York where Ringo and John witness a murder. There is an 11 chapter version posted at and there used to be a 18 chapter version posted within a private Yahoo Group (no longer there) but we are looking for any version that isnÕt the soupfiction one, or a contact email for Ghost Girl


á      A shot in the Dark. Unknown author

A jealous boyfriend of a Beatle fan


2. Late Newsletter


I know itÕll only be the second issue, but I can tell you all now that IÕm very sorry, but the next issue of this newsletter is going to be a couple of days late. As youÕll know if you didnÕt skip the other news bit, its Beatleweek at the end of August and I am going. I wonÕt be back til the 2nd of September, so please expect the next issue around then. IÕll bring back some photos!


ÉAnd in The EndÉ


Thanks for joining and reading the first newsletter from the Beatles Fan Fiction Directory!


The email for story submissions, story of the month nominations, wanted listings and pretty much everything else is

I was also considering putting a kind of Readers Letters bit in the newsletter so let me know what you think of that, or any other suggestions you might have.


You can view the Directory at


If you want to unsubscribe from the newsletter please send an email to  with LEAVE in the subject line.


Love One Another .

Peace, Love and Beatles,



ÉThe Love you take, is equal to the Love you make.