The Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Newsletter

August 2005Now with 145 Stories!
Directory News

Sorry to the people who have received this twice - I've had so many new subscribers in the last few days I thought it would be worth sending it again.

Also the nominations for the First Ever BFFD Awards are now open! - Earlier than expected! Details are below and you may nominate via this link...


The guidelines and prizes are explained on those pages, and more will follow in the next newsletter - surfice to say - their are real prizes up for grabs and a prize draw for nominating too - so the more you nominate, the greater chance you have to win!

Three stories have all ready been nominated, so congratulations to the following....

  • Our Generation by Katy - nominated for Best All Four Beatles Story
  • Free As A Bird by Yvonne De Groot - nominated for Best John Story
  • If They Only Knew by Strawberry Walrus - nominated for Best George Story.

Nominations are anonymous. You may nominate as much as you like, including your own stories. Voting for the winners will take place shortly!

In the meantime, here is the original newsletter....


Welcome to the August BFFD newsletter!

Some quick directory updates - New 'By Beatles' pages are now complete and displaying properly! (And there was rejoicing throughout the land of Internet Exploror users!)

And next month will see the launch of the BFFD Awards - I know other sites have done this before, but as most of them appear to be dead now, I think I will have a go. The official launch will be in September but you may nominate now. You may also nominate your own story for an award (nominations are anonymous) and you can nominate as may as you like - but please limit it to one per story per person.

The catagories stand at the moment as..

  • Best John Story
  • Best Paul Story
  • Best George Story
  • Best Ringo Story
  • Best All Four Beatles Story
  • Readers Choice ***Now revised as Best Writer: Readers Choice!

Email me for more details. The actual awards will be revealed soon!




The new Rooftop Sessions Digest is now available for purchase! Support Beatles fan fiction and buy one today! They make excellent and original presents for any Beatles fan, or why not treat yourself?!

Featuring the finest in Beatles fan fiction, the new digest also includes stories by some BFFD writers!

Just click the image to buy the book. (There is a link on the BFFD main page too, should that link not work). Credit cards and paypal are accepted and orders can be shipped all over the world.


Beatles author, Garry Berman is writing a book on the experiences and memories of first generation American Beatle fans and is searching for people who may wish to contribute their thoughts.

Here's a note from Garry...

I am a published author, freelance writer, and lifelong Beatles fan preparing a book on how Beatlemania affected the lives of teenagers--the "original" fans--across America at that time. This book will be as much about the fans, and what it was like to get caught up in the hysteria of Beatlemania, as it will be about the Beatles themselves. If you actually attended a Beatles concert, kept a scrapbook, or watched them on "The Ed Sullivan Show," I'd like to hear your memories. If you're a bit too young to remember that period, but you know someone who lived through it, please spread the word!

If you would like to help you can contact Garry at to imortalise your Beatles memories! I believe Garry has already contacted some authors about his book. Good luck!


Have an announcement you want putting in this newsletter? Just drop me an email!

Next newsletter is due in September, but will be late due to International Beatle Week 2005!

New Stories and Updates
New Stories
Click the link above to read all the new stories. Added this month...

Our Generation by Katy
A 1998 girl stumbles upon a way to travel through time, so she and her sister take a little vacation.
Genre: Fantasy
Starring:All Four Beatles
This story is complete.

An Orange For My Love by Julia Macdonell
The Beatles and Oranges!
Genre: ?
Starring: All Four Beatles
This story is in progress.

Julia by Billie Shears *Story of the Month!*
Julia has a dark secret about her past and who she really is...and when she encounters the Beatles,it's threatened to come to light..Would her curse threaten the Beatles lives or will she reveal her secret to 4 men who will change the world?
Starring:All Four Beatles
Warnings:Violence, Language, Sexual content
This story is in progress.

Ringo's Banana by Kim Paterson
One sullen day when the lads are hanging out in their flat, Ringo loses his lucky banana, and the mayhem begins!
Genre: Comedy
Starring: All Four Beatles
This story is complete.

The Beatles in Wood Shop by Kim Paterson
Follow The Beatles as they try a new career and discover its ups and downs! Lets just hope they survive the power tools!
Genre: Comedy
Starring: All Four Beatles
This story is complete.

The Hours and The Times by Em
Jane's away and Paul considers the meaning of fidelity with his friend Jen
Genre: Romance
Starring: Paul
Warnings: Some sexual content and profanity.
This story is complete.

Norwegian Wood by Em
Sex is easy, love is hard. Especially if you're Paul McCartney and juggling more than one relationship.
Genre: Romance
Starring: Paul
Warnings: Some sexual content and profanity.
This story is complete.

Blood, Sugar, Sex and Magic: A day in the Life of Jenifer McKenzie, Girl Reporter by Em
A good reporter always gets her story... This is the prequel to The Hours And Times
Genre: Comedy
Starring: Paul
Warnings: Profanity.
This story is in progress.

Dancing Lessons by Walrus
John is taking a break from the constant company of his band-mates when he walks directly into a wrinkle in the fabric of time and is transported to the year 2000...Rebekah is recovering from jet-lag in her parents summer-home in London when an unconcious man appears in her living room...
Genre: Romance
Starring: John
This story is in progress.

The Fuzz Four by Walrus
Four little dogs make musical history...
Genre: Comedy
Starring: All Four Beatles
This story is complete.

Ten Cents by Walrus
The travels of a dime as it comes into possession of the Beatles. Where has your money been?
Genre: Actuality
Starring: All Four Beatles
This story is complete.

I'm Only Sleeping by Sega
John's thoughts on December 8th 1980.
Genre: Angst or Melodram
Starring: John
Warnings: Referances to Dec 8th 1980 and the such
This story is complete.

Beatleology by Sega
The new school year at my high school has just begun, and the Beatles and Brian end up in my class! Unfortunately, so does someone else...
Genre: Comedy
Starring: All Four Beatles
Warnings:Some language, MDC features
This story is in progress.

How They Lost Cindy by Kim Patterson
George comes back with a new car. But when he tells the boys to watch it while he's gone, something goes wrong! Read and find out what happens!
Genre: Comedy
Starring: All Four Beatles
This story is in progress.

She Said, She Said by Sega
The Beatles rescue a strange girl from being hit by a train, but she seems determined to drive a wedge between Brian and the band with an odd premonition.
Genre: Angst or Melodrama
Starring: John
Warnings: Some slight language
This story is in progress.

Berg, Barrett and Lennon (and Cheney!) by Sega
John Lennon and Nick Berg are mysteriously back from beyond the grave, and they are joined by Syd Barrett when Dick Cheney calls on them to defeat a group of terrorists.
Genre: Action/Adventure
Starring: John
Crossover: Beatles/Pink Floyd
Warnings: This story is, erm, very strange. It includes Nick Berg as a main character. It also includes strong language and some rather disturbing sexual content. And when I say disturbing, I mean disturbing
This story is in progress.

Do you have a story to list? If so follow the link in the side bar right away! I accept any kind of Beatles stories - so long as they are about or have the Beatles in them - and also, poetry, essays, reviews, account... anything you can think of! Don't forget to include the link in your submission! Hosting is also available.


Find all the links for these stories on the Updates page, just click above!

Four Vacancies Left by Soft Hearted Hana
The fab four are stranded at a motel, hoping to get some rest. However, the motel owners daughters may have another idea about that!
Genre: Comedy
Starring: All Four Beatles Chapters 12 and 13 added. This story is now finished!

I've Just Seen A Face by McCartney8897
This is a story of an ordinary girl who meets the man of her dreams, Paul McCartney, but unsuspectedly falls for another right away, but is that just infatuation? Read to find out what she does to figure out her true feelings.
Genre: Romance
Starring: Paul This story is now finished!

I've Just Seen A Face: The Sequel by McCartney8897
This is the sequel to I've Just Seen A Face. Olivia continues in her relationship with Paul McCartney. Will things work for them, or are they two worlds apart?
Genre: Romance
Starring: Paul
Warnings: Some sexual content and cruel language. PG-13 Updated.

The Devil in Her Heartby Lindsey Hagston
Parts 33 and 34 added this month.

Don't forget to let me know when you update your story!

Send me your stories!

COMING SOON!! - The Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Awards!Email for details!

Story of the Month
This months story is the supernatural fantasy Julia by Billie Shears

Paul, Julia, and John walked in to this spacious home where the wonders of her imagination seemed to be laid out in front of her. The dreams that she had of walking in to his home, spending some time with the Beatles was coming true.

"By the look on your face, you think that this is so palatial or are you star struck?" Paul said as her smile widened across her face.

"I bet you sheâ??s shocked that she with the famous Beatles than anything else!" John laughed as they walked.

"To tell you the truth, Iâ??m more in awe both for it being so palatial and the antiques..."

She stopped at mid sentence when she noticed a mirror that hung on a wall near the room where the other Beatles were at.

She set down her book on a table near the mirror and stared at it, noticing the details of the frame and the mirror.

"I thought I would never see this again...." Julia whispered as her fingers delicately touched a dent.

Both Paul and John exchanged weird looks at Juliaâ??s amazement with a mirror. They walked over and caught what Julia whispered which made them wonder even more why she said that.

"Uh, Julia? What did you mean by â??seeing this againâ?? ? If you want to know itâ??s from somewhere in the 1600â??s."

"1566 to be precise. It was shipped from Italy and then to Spain. It was given as a gift to a very wealthy aristocratic family to one of their two children, their daughter as a gift as a birthday gift. She was turning 24. And now I notice that itâ??s 400 years old. How time just flies doesnâ??t it?"

"How did you know all that? Especially who first owned it and everything?" Paul asked with a bit of fear in his eyes.

As usual you can read the whole of this story and an interview with the author at the Story of the Month pages at the directory.

PLEASE nominate for next month!

Welcome to new authors Sega, Em, Billie Shears and Kim Patterson!
Readers Classifieds
Hows about a new feature as we have this bit of space here? One of my favourite things about The Beatles Book Monthly, before they cancelled it was the readers notices bits - I met some of my best Beatle friends through those ads! So lets have some here, and unlike Beatles Monthly, mine are free! Yey!

Some suggestions of things you could put in might be birthday wishes, gig annoucements, wanted notices, Beatley things you have on ebay, advertise your site, find friends and penpals, ...anything you can think of!

In the meantime, here are some famous classifieds from our own John, who put these in the Mersey Beat Newspaper in 1961.

HOT LIPS, missed you Friday, RED NOSE.

RED NOSE, missed you Friday, HOT LIPS.


Whistling Jock Lennon wishes to contact HOT NOSE.


Happy XMAS - Jurgen.

Hello from Norman Lennon Vollmer.


GOOD MORNING, Jurgrow, from George.

Send yours to

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