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The Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Newsletter

December 2005Now with 250 Stories!
Directory News

Welcome to the slightly late, December newsletter! Unfortunatly, I've been so busy with other things this month, I haven't had time for many BFFD updates.

However, I have added an exclusive article sent to me by the BBC on John, by the people who knew him, to comemorate the 25th anniversary of that sad day. You can read that here. One of the conditions of the Beeb letting me use it, is that I say, 'Don't forget to buy the magazine!' (The Radio Times) but as most of the mailing list are from outside of the UK, that won't be applicable to many of you... so just enjoy it online :)

Also, there are a couple of very large links to details about the Fab4Fundraisers annual Christmas Beatles event, which takes place at the Jacaranda Club in Liverpool on the 10th of December. They have some of the finest Beatles tribute and covers bands playing this year, not least the fabulous Prellies, and its all in aid of cancer charities! If you're near liverpool, you can attend for the bargain price of £5.00, and even if you can't, the fab4fundraisers welcome donations! Email

And finally, the voting for the First Ever Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Awards closed a couple of weeks ago, and the winners are announced below! Congratualtions to all the winners! Contact me asap to claim your prize!

By coincidence, rather than design, this message is also being sent out on the 25th anniversary of John's passing, and so it is dedicated to him. God bless John.

On the BFFD Community today are some recommended stories to remember John.

Remember John Remember Love

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone!

Christmastime is here again, Christmastime is here again...

New Stories and Updates
New stories added this month. As usual the links can be found on the 'New Stories' Page at the Directory.

You Like Me Too Much by Keoki
A short story about one of George's Love Affairs
Genre: Romance
Starring: George
Warnings: Sexual content
This story is complete.

That Means A Lot by Penny McClane
Phoebe Lennon and Paul McCartney hate each other.
But when the beatles goes to Hamburg, things starts to happen. Maybe it's just a game, or does Paul starts to show his true feelings?
And Phoebe, can she handle all the pressure from the fans, and from her family? Or will they end up hating eachother even more then before?
Starring: Paul
This story is in progress.

Life Is Very Short by Penny McClane
Maybe someday she can forgive him, but not now. He said he loved her, he said he wanted a family with her. He knew all her deepest secrets. She had opened up for him, and what had he done?
He let her down. She just want him to suffer, after what he did to her.
That bastard.
Genre: Romance
Starring: Paul
This story is in progress.

Harrison by Amy Dashwood
From Rooftop Sessions. A short free verse poem, told from the perspective of a fan at a Beatles stadium show.
Genre: Poetry
Starring: George
This poem is complete.

Four Stanzas by Anna Carolina Fagundes
From Rooftop Sessions. A cycle of four poems.
Genre: Poetry
Starring: All Four Beatles
This poem is complete.

There Must Be Something About You and Haven't You Heard The News and I Once Dreamt (Holwing Wind) by Anna Carolina Fagundes
From Rooftop Sessions. Three new poems.
Genre: Poetry
Starring: All Four Beatles
These poems are complete.


Across The Universe by Dizzy Miss Lizzy
A 2005 reporter travels through time to 1965. Gets to know the boys during their second American tour.
Genre: Romance and Comedy
Starring: John
Chapters 1 - 3 updated, new chapter 4 and new BFFD hosting page!

Our Generation by Katy
A 1998 girl stumbles upon a way to travel through time, so she and her sister take a little vacation.
Genre: Fantasy
Starring: All Four Beatles
Redrafted, updated and finished!

I have a feeling I may have missed someones update. If thats you, please email me!

Winners of the First Ever BFFD Awards!
Once again, thanks to everyone who nominated, voted and allowed thier stories to take part.

I am proud to annouce... Ladies and Gentlemen... the Winners!!

Best All Four Beatles Story
Our Generation by Katy!!
73% of the vote

Best John Story
Free As A Bird by Yvonne De Groot!!
77% of the vote

Best Paul Story
I've Just Seen A Face: The Sequal by McCartney8897!!
57% of the vote

Best George Story
If Only They Knew by Strawberry Walrus!!
30% of the vote

Best Ringo Story
Ringo's Banana by Kim Paterson!!
64% of the vote

Best Writer Catagory
Anna Carolina Fagundes!!
52% of the vote

And the Winner of the Nomination prize draw - also winning a CD is...
21st_Centuary Hippie Chick Amy!!

Congatulatuions! You have all won a custom made CD of rare and unusual Beatles tunes! Please contact me to claim your prize!

All of these stories can be read via the Directory, and with the authors permission, they will all be featured as Stories Of The Month.

I'm Waiting In The Queue...
The new sister site to the BFFD... The Cosmic Empire, with live radio 24/7!

This month The Cosmic Empire is featuring Christmas Beatle Music and the Christmas Fan Club Recordings... so give us a listen!!

Radio Station

A message from Faolan: Check out for rare and fab Beatles books!Some quite unusual ones, like one comprised of fan letters to the guys. Anyway, I wanted to mention that around here, to let everyone know that if there's an odd or out-of-print Beatle book anyone's looking for, let me know, and maybe let me know how much you'd be willing to pay for it, and I'll swing over there.

It looks like they do international shipping, too, which of course is good news!

And I know they have a mailing list, because I just signed up for it the other night when I was in there. ^^

You can contact Faolan at

Email me to include your notices! The Newsletter has over 70 subscriptions, so get the word out!