The Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Newsletter

July 2005Now with 128 Stories!
Directory News

Apologies for the lateness of this update. I have been so busy this month I haven't had time to think, let lone update the directory much, so apologies to those waiting to be listed too. Your stories will be up soon!

We have new Ringo and John pages, which are also carrying a number of John/Ringo stories count. Ringo's is worryingly low! Gimme more Ringo stories guys! I know they're out there! George is the only page still to be revamped - coming soon!

Leave me some feedback on the poll for the new look here!

Next newsletter is due in August!

New Stories and Updates
New Stories
Added this month...

Familiar Faces by Walrus
George's afterlife experiences...
Genre: Supernatural
This story is complete.

In My Heart, I Wanted More by 21st Hippie Chick_Amy
The Beatles go on their first big American tour and only see it fitting that Rose comes along for the ride. But has something changed since the last time?
Genre: Romance
Starring: George
Warnings:R for some sexual content
This story is complete.

Dream Away by Katy
Janice Miller graduated from high school in 1970, and her parents thought up the perfect graduation gift... a trip to England! Of course, they didn't predict that she might want to stay, and they'd never believe what the summer might bring!
This story is in progress.

Do you have a story to list? If so follow the link in the side bar right away! I accept any kind of Beatles stories - so long as they are about or have the Beatles in them - and also, poetry, essays, reviews, account... anything you can think of! Don't forget to include the link in your submission! Hosting is also available.


The Devil in Her Heartby Lindsey Hagston
Parts 29 - 32 added this month.

Don't forget to let me know when you update your story!

A George corniopia of stories this month! Come on Paul/John/Ringo fans! Send me your stories!

Story of the Month
No story this month. Sorry.

PLEASE nominate for next month!

Welcome to new author Katy!

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