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The Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Newsletter

April 2005To respond to this newsletter or contact me please email:
Directory News

Hello Beatle People!

Look! Two newsletters, two months running! Sorry if you've already received this one once, I'm sending it twice as some people didn't get it. As you can see, its a lovely, new, Bravenet one! If there are lots of annoying punctuation things (upside down question marks, etc) sorry about that too. Its a copy and paste problem, I've tried to redo as many as I've spotted.

On with the show then...


The new email is now the only email for the directory. As you can see, itâ??s There are some old links left on a lot of the directory pages, but Iâ??m weeding them out slowly. Please don't email to there, as I wonâ??t get it.


Soupfiction authors! Last call! Anyone who hasn't contacted me about their story will have their listing removed very soon, if you donâ??t email me at once!

New Features

Iâ??ve added a couple of new features this month. Firstly, The Newspaper and Magazine Archive. I am slowly transcribing my large collection of articles on and about the Beatles for writer's research and educational purposes. Makes pretty interesting reading, even if youâ??re not a fan fic writer! Donations for this section would be greatly appreciated! Be sure to check regularly for updates to the archive.

Secondly, a (limited) quiz page! Just for a lark â?? only a couple of quizzes at the moment â?? Which Beatles Fan Fiction Character Are You? And The Beatlemania Survival Test â?? but I plan to add more when I've thought them up! They end with a banner for your site or livejournal/blog, for your efforts!


You're all naughty fan fiction readers! Only a handful of you joined our nice, new, shiny directory forum last month! Now, donâ??t make me come and get you myself! It's a lovely place, specially to talk about lovely Beatles Fan Fiction in whatever way you like. I shall expect to see you all there soon!
New Stories and Updates

New Stories

Quite a few new ones for the directory this month, although not all new to the internet!

Oh My Love by L. M. Ward
A young man deals with the loss of his beloved wife to cancer.

I Must Have Been Dreaming... by Cream Tangerine
After a couple of tough days, Paul has a really bad dream...or is it reality?

Song and Dance by Cream Tangerine
Marnie Drew is a dancer with a dreary past, a strange present and an uncertain future. It seems she may have found stability in the love of her life... But is he stable enough to hold on to the love of a woman who is as fleeting and unpredictable as the moves she makes in the dancing cages?

Into My Life by Diane
A book length fan fiction so realistic you'll feel it really is 1965 and you are Tess Martin, in love with Paul (or are those feelings just infatuation?), and a close friend of John (or are those feelings what love really is all about?)

The Walrus Was Paul by Cream Tangerine
Brandy discovers the truth behind the Paul is dead rumor.

Until Our Lives Are Through by Cream Tangerine
An epic poem about true friendship.

For Better or For Worse... by Cream Tangerine
Story of the Month!
What if the boys had stayed with their original ladies?

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Cream Tangerine
When Rita McCormick followed her sister Jesse to The Ed Sullivan Show, she ended up with more than what she had bargained for: A Beatle. But just when her life seemed to get better, a shadow of the past threatens to destroy it all. Will she choose to stay, or will she give it all up to save the lives of her husband and their precious daughter Michelle?

Necessary Changes by Cream Tangerine
When mankind controls the capacity to travel in time, two agents will be sent to save Stu Sutcliffe and John Lennon from untimely deaths. Had it Not Been Him by Cream Tangerine
Five shots rang in the night of December 8, 1980, and a former Beatle fell to the ground.... But it wasn't John

John Lennon Airport By Andy C
They named an airport for John... what would he have thought? (Poem)

Real Love by Mar Macca (2 authors)
Imagine that the Beatles are not the Beatles... only John and Paul exist, as average (albeit talented and remarkably beatle-esque) boys in high school. A story about friendship and true love

Do you have a story to submit? Check the site for the form! There is a strict queuing system and stories are added in the order they are sent to me. I add when I have time, so please be patient if yours isn't added immediately. I wonâ??t forget! Also, please remember to include links to your sites/stories; I canâ??t list them without a link! I can host complete stories, or link to sites like for stories in progress.


One updated story this month...

The Lonely People Series by Amanda
Three parts added!
7: The Other
8: The Last Kiss
9: The Goodbye
Which, I believe, end the series. Thanks Amanda!

Remember to notify me when you update your fan fic, so I can include a notice in the next newsletter.

Story of the Month
Last, but definitely not least, this month's story, I'm delighted to say, is...

For Better or For Worse

By Cream Tangerine

A sigh left the lips of the now older and no longer glamorous Patti. She had looked at herself in the mirror plenty of times as a young girl, admiring herself. Her legs went on for miles, and her face was so cute it was almost impossible to behold. She had been blessed with a beauty many envied, a career that many wanted and the man that all desired. There was only one thing she had not been blessed withâ?¦. A baby.

This brave and original story asks the question what might have happened if the Beatles had stayed with their first loves. It is an uncompromising story, and could be described as being in the hurt/comfort genre, so perhaps not one for everyone!

Please check the pages at the site for a longer extract from Creamâ??s story, a mini interview with her and the links for the full story.

Also, I have added a past story of the month archive (which is very small due to me foolishly deleting the old pages!) and a better way for you to nominate your favorite story for next month â?? so make sure you do! (You are still welcome to nominate by email).

Please leave your reviews and comments about the story of the month in my forum

We have a new story to search for this month...

I Need You by?

Requested by a reader, this story is about George and his best friend, a girl. It was quite long, starting in the fifties and going through to when George died. The girl falls in love with George but doesn't tell him. Can anyone help?

Someone contacted me about this on the old AOL email, and said she had part of this story. Please email me again if that was you!

Any info please let me know at


Welcome to the new authors joining the directory this month; Cream Tangerine, Mar Macca, Andy C and Diane. A couple of very experienced and talented writers in there that I am very honoured to add to the directory!

Also, I have designed a new set of authorâ??s banners! You can replace your old ones or just add more! Check the directory for the link to download or like them to your site or livejournal


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