The Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Newsletter

September 2005Now with 155 Stories!
Directory News
Welcome to the September Edition of the BFFD Newletter!

I'm a bit behind... with everything... due to being away at the Liverpool International Beatles Week!! ... and general laziness. So, this might be a bit of a patchy newsletter, but anyway...

The First Ever Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Awards has been launched!! Please keep your nominations rolling in. More details are below.

Apart from that, there hasn't been much more directory news. All the dead links have been removed from the Genre and Author pages, finally, and thats it. So heres whats in the pipeline...

* Pics from Beatleweek 2005!!

* A new 'In Your Own Write' section to the directory, dealing with the art of fan fiction writing, and including the Beatles Mary Sue Litmus Test!

* A new 'Beatle Gossip' (Working title!) section, dealing with Beatle news not related directly to Fan Fiction.

Next newsletter is due in October!!

New Stories and Updates
Be sure to check the directory within the next few days for more new stories! In the meantime, here are the stories added in August. As usual, you can find the links to all of these on the main site.

Good Morning, Good Morning by Sega
John awakes on the morning of Dec 9th and goes walking around NYC, but discovers only one person can see him.
Genre: Supernatural
Starring: John
This story is complete.

John Deacon REVEALED by Sega
A little newspaper article in which the identity of John Deacon (bassist for Queen) is revealed.
Genre: Comedy
Starring: John
Crossover: Beatles/Queen
This story is complete.

The Kidnapping of Brian Epstein by Sega
Brian is kidnapped by groupies and the boys have to come to his rescue!
Genre: Comedy
Starring: All four Beatles
Warnings: Language, minor violence
This story is complete.

Sara's Radio Show by Sega
Sara hosts a radio show with the boys and insanity ensues on air!
Genre: Comedy
Starring: All four Beatles
Warnings: Language
This story is complete.

Sara's Radio Show Volume 2: The Election by Sega
The return or Sara's Radio Show! This time, Sara and the boys cover the 2004 Presidential election.
Genre: Comedy
Starring: All four Beatles
Warnings: Language
This story is complete.

How Do You Sleep by Lucy In The Sk
Paul finds himself rapidly gaining strange new feelings for one of his closest friends.
Genre: Slash
Starring: John/Paul
Warnings: Slash
This story is complete.

Sometime In New York City... Specifically, August 30th by Sega
John drops in on the Republican National Convention and insanity ensues!
Genre: Comedy
Starring: John
Warnings: Language
This story is complete.

Free As A Bird by Yvonne De Groot
A girl from Liverpool gets to play a role in A Hard Day's Night and gets to know The Beatles, especially John. This brings her back to certain memories of her youth...
Genre: Romance
Starring: John
Warnings: Language, minor violence
This story is in progress.

Yesterday And Today by Sega
Brian decides that he can't take it any more, and that he is going to resign as The Beatle's manager. When he goes to look for John, he finds an unlikely ally.
Genre: Angst or Melodrama
Starring: Brian Epstein
Warnings: Implied Slash and language
This story is complete.

Send you stories to me!

The First Ever Beatles Fan Fiction Directory Awards!!
The Awards have now been officially launched! You can check out the progress in detailat the directory but here it is briefly.

The nominations will run for at least another month. To nominate a story you need to fill in the form. You may nominate any story that involves the Beatles, including any you have written yourself. Nominations are anonymous, but any comments you make may be posted.

For each nomination you make you will be entered into a prize draw! The prize being a custom made CD of rare, unreleased and bootleg Beatles music!

This is also the prize for the winning authors and you will, of course, receive the obigatory banner for your site, announcing the brillence of your story to the whole world, but also, unusually for awards of this type you will actually receive a unique and REAL prize too!!

Made by my own fair hand, it will be a personalised CD of rare, bootleg and lesser heard Beatles music! Not and never available in the shops! There will be 5 CDs made - individual ones for John, Paul, George and Ringo winners, and a general Beatles one - for the best all four, Best writer and the nomination draw prize. They will also be personalised to your story (where possible) - ie. if a story called Help wins, there will be a rare verison of Help on the CD, etc.

The nominated stories so far are....

Best All Four Beatles Story

Our Generation by Katy
A 1998 girl stumbles upon a way to travel through time, so she and her sister take a little vacation.

Sara's Radio Show by Sega
Sara hosts a radio show with the boys and insanity ensues on air.

The Beatles in Wood Shop by Kim Paterson
Follow The Beatles as they try a new career and discover its ups and downs! Lets just hope they survive the power tools!

Best John Story

Free As A Bird by Yvonne De Groot
A girl from Liverpool gets the chance to play a role in A Hard Day's Night and gets to know The Beatles, especially John. This brings her back to certain memories of her youth...

Sometime in New York City ... Specifically, August 30th by Sega
John drops in on the Republican National Convention, and insanity ensues!

Best Paul Story

Into My Life by Diane
A book length fan fiction so realistic you'll feel it really is 1965 and you are Tess Martin, in love with Paul (or are those feelings just infatuation?) and a close friend of John (or are those feelings what love is all about?)

Best George Story

If Only They Knew by Strawberry Walrus
A friend since childhood, Gabby watches the Beatles rise to fame and finds herself caught up in the world of sex, drugs and rock and roll.

Four Vacancies Left by Soft Hearted Hana
The fab four are stranded at a motel, hoping to get some rest. However, the motel owners daughters may have another idea about that!

Best Ringo Story

A Hard Midsummer's Night by Sandra Ulbrich
When the Beatles stumble into a world where John, Paul, and George "belong," what will Ringo do when his friends get into trouble?

In addition, there is a catagory for best Writer, where you do not have to nominate any single story, as you are nominating someone for thier ouvre of stories.

To nominate, and please do! - Click here

More details on the awards are here

Voting will take place soon!! Check the site for updates!!

Readers Classifieds

Hows about a new feature as we have this bit of space here? One of my favourite things about The Beatles Book Monthly, before they cancelled it was the readers notices bits - I met some of my best Beatle friends through those ads! So lets have some here, and unlike Beatles Monthly, mine are free! Yey!

Some suggestions of things you could put in might be birthday wishes, gig annoucements, wanted notices, Beatley things you have on ebay, advertise your site, find friends and penpals, ...anything you can think of!

In the meantime, here are some famous classifieds from our own John, who put these in the Mersey Beat Newspaper in 1961.

HOT LIPS, missed you Friday, RED NOSE.

RED NOSE, missed you Friday, HOT LIPS.


Whistling Jock Lennon wishes to contact HOT NOSE.


Happy XMAS - Jurgen.

Hello from Norman Lennon Vollmer.


GOOD MORNING, Jurgrow, from George.

Send yours to

Welcome to new authors Lucy In The Sky and Yvonne De Groot!

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