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Are you looking for a story? Email me and I will list it in our Wanted section! To stay up to date with the wanted stories, please join the newsletter mailing list.

Stories and authors we are currently searching for:

Listen to the Colour of Your Dreams by Linda
No other info at the moment

I Need You by Nikki
Requested by a reader, this story is about George and his best friend, a girl. It was quite long, starting in the fifties and going through to when George died. The girl falls in love with George but doesn't tell him.
Can anyone help? Any info please email me!

Email contacts for the following people...
JPamLennon (Only known name). Former author at Fab Fiction. Former email address jpamlennon@aol.com
Jerry Fore, author of 'In My Life', former email address jerryfore19@earthlink.net
T Naffy, author of 'Karen', former email address t_naffy@yahoo.com
Vic the Slick, author of 'Let It Down', former email address semolinapilchard67@hotmail.com and possibly was known at Fanfiction.net as Obscurus, at Snitchfiction.net as Obscurus and Livejournal: Moonpetal, another possible email was obscurusfix@yahoo.com. Also is this, http://www.geocities.com/obscurusfix Vic the Slick's website? Not been updated since 2003. Is Vic the Slick aka Jayne? Or am I on the wrong path? I feel like a detective now!
Lydia Hutchinson, author of 'Rain", former email address aislennbeya757@hotmail.com


Wanted Updates:

  • Vic the Slick last seen writing Harry Potter Fan Fiction?! See above!
  • The Witnesses - Found!
  • A Shot In The Dark - Found!
    Please contact me if you were looking for either of those.
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    email: beatlesfanfics@tiscali.co.uk