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April 2005

For Better or For Worse

by Cream Tangerine

What if the boys had stayed with their original ladies?

This month's story is a dramatic and emotional alternative history, wondering what might have become of The Beatles if they had all stayed with their first wives, or in Paul's case, married Jane Asher instead of Linda. It was chosen for its originality and bravery in terms of content and subject, and touches on some very controversial issues. It also has a very strong Paul in pain warning, so it may not be one for all readers. Personally though, I thought it was brilliant, a story that will really make you think.

Written by prolific fan fiction writer, Cream Tangerine, here's what she had to say about the story...


BEATLES FAN FICTION DIRCTORY: When did you write For Better or For Worse?

CREAM TANGERINE: I wrote that story about 2 1/2 years ago, summer 2002.

BFFD: What gave you the idea for the story?

CT: I had just finished reading a copy of a book by Cynthia Lennon called "A Twist of Lennon". It just got me thinking what may have happened had they all just stuck with their original women for good, and I thought, "Hey!! No one's written a full fic on that topic alone!!". In some cases I always believed it may have worked beautifully, but in others.... well, no.

BFFD: There is a bit of a shocking outcome to one of the parts. Did you have trouble writing that section? What made you decide on that ending?

CT: I had to take all things into consideration. The breakup of the band was hardest on Paul, we all know that. We all know that he was severely depressed around that period and would not bathe, shave, leave his room or stop drinking. Paul himself has said that, had it not been for Linda, he would have probably never gotten out of it. So the decision to give that chapter such a strong, shocking outcome came out of putting things together: guy is jobless, guy fells abandoned, guy's best friend seems to hate him, guy's wife doesn't seem to be around at all, no family to support, feeling decidedly old hat, world blaming him for the break up... and to top it off, guy's wife walks out because she can't stand seeing him suffer so much... I'd want to finish my own life's chapter pretty much the same way!! Plus, if you look closely, it also served as an angle for the other three stories. Was it hard? I had to stop every ten lines or so and sigh myself silly. More than once I though of alternate ends, but the impact of the story as well as the message would have been lost or would have not served its purpose at all. Yes, it was hard.

BFFD: Do you have anything additional you want to say about the story?

CT: Nope, except I hope readers will appreciate it and will understand the message behind it: Everything that happens in life, no matter how grim it may seem, is meant to be and happens for a good reason.


Extract from For Better or For Worse...


A sigh left the lips of the now older and no longer glamorous Patti. She had looked at herself in the mirror plenty of times as a young girl, admiring herself. Her legs went on for miles, and her face was so cute it was almost impossible to behold. She had been blessed with a beauty many envied, a career that many wanted and the man that all desired. There was only one thing she had not been blessed with…. A baby.

It had been years since the doctor had given the couple the heart wrenching news that she was barren. And George, the courteous gentleman he had always been, always told people HE was the one with a low sperm count, unable to make his wife pregnant. A big, fat lie.

Tears threatened to emerge as she looked out the car window at the playground, where children played and frolicked around the swing sets and slides. A small grin arose on her lips as she toyed with the thought of what a baby between her and George would look like. Would it have been a boy or a girl? And would it have her bubbly crispy appearance or his soulful, deep and dark glare? One could only wonder, and it seemed it was the only thing she could do: Wonder.

Read the whole story here


Don't forget to let the author know what you think of her story by leaving a comment in the Forum or by emailing Cream Tangerine at

Many thanks to Cream Tangerine for her time and giving her permission to use For Better or For Worse for Story of the Month.

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